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Everything posted by prdctvsm

  1. that record is a treasure. there's another pressing on R&S w. an extra 2 exclusive tracks by Quadrant : Disgravity & Reflectance, but w/o that Carl Craig mix ffs lol.
  2. ... "Behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent." Matthew 27:51
  3. verb (past and past participle rent | rɛnt | ) [with object] tear (something) into pieces: snapping teeth that would rend human flesh to shreds | figurative : the speculation and confusion which was rending the civilized world. • [with object and adverbial of direction] archaic wrench (something) violently: he rent the branch out of the tree. • literary cause great emotional pain to: you tell me this in order to make me able to betray you without rending my heart.
  4. ^ woah nelly, so govts are @ the beck & call of multinationals ? ? & democracy has become just a façade puppetry storefront for transnational corporate interests (namely big pharma & big data, the military industrial complex, & propaganda entertainment industry) ? oh the no.
  5. project aquarius mj 12 docs google drive 11pgs .pdf
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