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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by auxien

  1. On 4 Frequency Transmitter: " anyone who guesses samples wins a prize"
  2. Just for the record, the first upload of it was tagged #Afx, the second (which became download enabled and is still up) is #Art
  3. Downloads for SubCan and Strange Rhythms are enabled now.
  4. FUCK YES 9 Wind Squidge is all over, and it's great. YES
  5. Am I the only one that sees a skull from 5:00-5:20??!?! *afraid* Sent using magic space waves
  6. did this leak yet dont wanna give my mpney to bleep bc fukk them
  7. Hey so this is the only BoC I've ever purchased. Since half of you loved it and the other half hated it, maybe a couple suggestions on what other release to try out again that might be closer in line to this one? I've heard bits of this and that over the years, but was often underwhelmed; they seemed to just put together good moods, with a couple decent ideas, and that was all. I never felt any real progression in the tracks, save for a few key pieces in TH...but perhaps I need to sit down with one of their (other) albums and listen through it as a whole?
  8. I think I'd agree with Vibert that the staircase remix (or whatever it's called) is mixed a bit odd in places. A pretty cool track though, sounds like a post-Drukqs outtake, experimenting with styles that would lead towards Syro. Reminds me slightly of the Syro bonus track, I think in its lack of refinement/polish. But it is a good track.
  9. Just curious to hear if this sounds too soundpack-y (the drums come out from a pack pretty unaltered). Any thoughts welcome! https://soundcloud.com/tsrono/konstaty-wip
  10. Is Red Calx [slo] the same as was uploaded here yesterday? Sent using magic space waves
  11. I just dumped some quick search info on Somadril over here: http://forum.watmm.com/topic/86497-possible-alt-rdj-soundclouds-and-associated-debunkery/?p=2280634 I might suggest moving such discussion there for obvious reasons.
  12. Smoke a spliff and chill, Lee Bowyer. See? Look how much more happy now. Just jam, mon.
  13. He's got a (quite good!) electronic cover of Smashing Pumpkins' "Quiet" on his page; I really doubt that's Richard.
  14. Yeah that Red Calx half speed is hella sweet. Wasn't too into the regular speed version...nice, but doesn't really go anywhere (on first listen at least!).
  15. Soundcloud fucks up almost daily guys, I wouldn't necessarily blame it on Richard. I'd be curious to hear if they saw a spike with the attention though. These last tracks, awesome shit. 5 sline was giving me an early Autechre-ish vibe. Today has had so much great stuff in it.
  16. LIstening to the Krakow set right now (needed a break from 90's AFX heaven), and I realized that I probably shouldn't listen to these recordings of their new sets much more between now and when the new album may come out. In case there's some overlap with the tracks, I don't wanna succumb to that familiarity problem. But, damn. Krakow is badass. That first track is insane. So many killer moments in the set all around. It's a nice break from Exai/L-Event, cause I've been on that all a fair amount lately. too much great AE
  17. I don't think there's going to be any kind of compilation or alternate release of these tracks. I think this is just his way of being rid of them, releasing them out to the world cheaply and easily and without any legal/label hassle. Now, that said, he may be keeping some back, perhaps for a release, but I doubt that.
  18. Yeah, not bothering to download or organize anything now. There's too many people on WATMM who are awesome about that so I'm gonna leech when it's all over. Lol at this 1 70's tune btw.
  19. Yeah, his internet connection may be shit, he lives way out in the country. I kind of like imagining that he's ripping these tracks from DAT and going 'eh, I'll post this one. hm, save this one for me mates. Maybe this one goes on SAWIII, let me hold it back.'
  20. LP around march/april. source: booth. If it's not delayed, of course. If it stays on track for then, we should get some kind of announcement pretty damned soon... Sent using magic space waves
  21. This is not Aphex. This is not Aphex. This is not Aphex. This is not Aphex. This is not Aphex.
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