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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by auxien

  1. its not braille, the dots signify what piece of equipment was used on what song! Bank Thin Room Basement Bedroom Big Room C Shape Lodge Mod Room Also, it seems a couple of listed instruments aren't actually used on any tracks? And he used the shit out of 'Sound Devices 722,' so, what the fuck is that?
  2. Naw, naw. They're gonna praise it for a hundred reasons in the review, while they mention 18 times the 3 minor reasons why they criticize it; then, they'll give the album a 7.5 at most and lust after what he's capable of in the future. Watch.
  3. I've not yet convinced myself that I want to listen to the radio show version tomorrow. I remember being underwhelmed when I first heard tuinorizn under similar circumstances. I listened to it on the radio show a few times and just wasn't getting into it and felt a bit weak about the rest of the release until I got the CD. And I've only heard the YouTube versions of Manchester/Metz like maybe once each a long time ago. . . really don't even remember them, luckily. Decisions are so tough. Existential crisis going on over here. SHALL I TEMPT FATE?
  4. It is an absolutely amazing piece of music. Just stunning, beginning to end. Possibly the best thing he's ever done. Seriously, no hyperbole. It's that good of a track.
  5. I love/hate when this happens. And it always happens for me on some tracks. These two Police tracks come to mind first. Fucking pseudo-reggae. Fucking Stewart Copeland. http://youtu.be/TXcEO_iUoLE
  6. Guys, sorry. This will leak. I give it to the end of next week, tops.
  7. i would not resist a small teaser It doesn't count if it's just a little. Slide it in (to our ears. . . oh that's kinky? you like that don't you, dirty little boy). Tease us. Come on you cunts Warp. . . maybe just the tip? . . . give us some Aphex acid.
  8. WARP RECORDS: I hereby nominate myself as an official proctor of music listening and non-leak safety status and so you can be assured that I am trustworthy and you can let me throw a party here in my town that is many hundreds of miles from all of those parties. It will be so secure in fact that I won't invite anyone, it'll just be me at the listening party. You are assured that the new Phex Twinnipicks record will remain on or in my person at all times and no one will take it. Address where you can send me a copy to follow.
  9. running data from a phone or portable player into a stereo means you're using the cheap tiny sound card in that little device, and the sound still has to be processed by the stereo after that. backing up files is a pain. cds will survive a bad solar flare. cds cost about the same as files and you can turn them into files. CDs are very high quality audio. And are relatively durable. And are relatively cheap. And are re-sellable. And have pretty art. And is a physical object with which one can make emotional attachments. And are generally accepted as the industry standard for years to come (sorry MD/Blu-Ray/SACD/etc., you're all too niche/whatever). And are DRM-free. And will still be good in 50 years (I'll be curious to see if WAV/FLAC/etc is still around that long from now). CDs rule. I don't always buy physical copies of music, but when I do, it's CDs.
  10. Just remember: if it leaks early, Bleep will likely release the DLs soon after. So, hoping for a leak even for us official pre-orderers is still kind of totally okay. Also, Plaid played in Houston? I'm not really even a Plaid fan and I might've taken that four hour trip just to support them. An Aphex tour would be great, but I ain't holding my breath.
  11. Album preview mix up on Soundcloud. Release date and pre-orders will be firmed up and available soon. All thoughts welcome! https://soundcloud.com/tsrono/i-preview
  12. WATMM has like 600+ a day now. What was it before SYRO?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Yeah it has been busy around here lately! Syrosyrosyro =)

    3. auxien


      SYROusly busy!

    4. Uniret


      afk, foods

  13. I hope RDJ pulls a Beyoncé and there's a video for every track on the album. And that there's hot booty and cheesy dances.
  14. Hey people. There's a SYRO leaks and fake leaks thread, http://forum.watmm.com/topic/84558-syro-leaks-and-fake-leaks-thread/ Some discussion isn't a big deal, especially in referencing the real Manchester/Metz/etc tracks that WILL be on the album, but the whole point of the other thread is so there's something comprehensive to refer back to that isn't on page 129 of 385 (which I'm sure this will get to). So, let's keep this shit on topic, alright? Now, how terrible is Kanye? I mean, I think he's not like violent diarrhea bad, but more like 'every day' shits. Runny and no fun, but god it could be worse, ya know? JK SYRO RULEZ
  15. U mad bro? Kanye is a very talented producer. But imo his rap career has been hand-over-fist shit sucking. I've rarely heard rappers that I was more bored with on such a consistent basis; yes, I've given multiple songs and albums multiple chances. He's just weak. Oh, and he's a fucking idiot in real life, and worse, seems to be proud of it. In other words you gots to calm down about it. Lots of people hate Kanye, cool your tits about it though.
  16. This might be a dumb answer, but it confirms that he has had sex(y) and a boner. Can we confirm that he enjoys pizza? SEXY PIZZA BONER 2014
  17. So glad that I've not heard/barely heard any of the youtube versions of these tracks. The release (leak!) is gonna be like Christmas morning. Joyrex: so, you've heard it? How chartreuse is it?
  18. Where does this exist? Torrent? I don't see it on the downloads here...
  19. Those cards look ace. There's some funny shit popping up on Instagram/Twitter.
  20. I'd bet good money that it will leak before the 22/23 release date. I'd consider betting good money that it'll leak a full week before the release date, even. There's gonna be tens of thousands of these CDs out there, not to mention non-watermarked promos eventually, and of course the watermarked promos that may already be out there. It'll happen in a few weeks, just wait.
  21. that makes me a saaaaadddd panda it going to be a long month guys Likely won't be a full month. Bleep has had a (good) habit of releasing digitals as soon as the releases leak. And it is very unlikely that it will leak at least a week, likely sooner, before the official release date (there are a LOT of CDs/vinyls/etc. being produced, distributed, etc.). So even if you don't wanna grab the leak once it happens, Bleep will probably let you download the album within a day or so of the leak happening. I'd guess that it'll leak within the next two weeks, at which point preorders would then quickly get shipped their digital vinyl preorder order side dish of digitalistic acid Phex Twinnipicks SYRO.
  22. Is Aphex ever gonna release new musix?

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