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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by thehauntingsoul

  1. This is what happens when you don't release the tracks right away I guess.
  2. I would only bother with vinyl for the hipster points and/or the large album artwork. I'm not terribly bothered either way.
  3. Because it makes you feel like you're in the loop by being able to remember the random hacker esque strings of gibberish.
  4. I'm not going to conclude anything but I'll assume pixellives is the real deal. If not, I'm sure the album will be amazing anyways so I'm happy to let this build up my expectations. I've never been anything short of totally blown away in the past, regardless of my expectations, so I doubt this will be any different. Plus what he describes does indeed feel like the natural progression from this point. Obviously this will retroactively be either debunked or vindicated, so time will tell. I suppose Osc's point about wanting proof is valid enough but I think the vast majority of us are willing to overlook that in the absence of any other information, and the quantity of information he's provided is enough to suggest it is legit. If he's trolling he has earned the satisfaction as far as I'm concerned.
  5. So Oscillik hates everyone and everything and is being a negative whiner. In other news water is wet.
  6. Steels is brilliant. Don't talk to me about bnc castl though. IMO that is the dud of the album.
  7. Jarring dissonance and awful sounds? Stuff like the wails in D-Sho Qub and/or the fear sound in Pce Freeze 2.8i? That stuff is always awesome.
  8. I suppose that would make sense except that how fucking long does it take to write an album review? Presumably these gentlemen get the opportunity to listen to the album on their commute to and from work, as well as in the evening time. I've written reviews for Ae Albums before and whilst I may not be doing it professionally it still only takes me like absolute max 2 hours to write a full comprehensive track-by-track review but most of these reviews will likely be shorter than this paragraph. Also pitchfork will be super lame.
  9. Autechre are way past that I'm hoping. They are probably dabbling with things on this album that we could only begin to imagine before hearing.
  10. I'm getting the impression that Etchogon-S is a good representation of this? Also does TS1A sound anything like any tracks on this album? I fucking loved that track and sincerely hope for more in a similar vein.
  11. Tell more about bladelores. Write some hipster-esque description of the sounds so we can salivate about it.
  12. This is probably my favorite news. Not that Aembience isn't great and all but every other track on oversteps was ambient and then the last half hour of the album was all ambience. I'm glad we have it now but I'm way more excited with the prospect of beat fuckery.
  13. Here's an idea: Don't announce an album 2 months before its release date and that potential leak problem? Tada! Seriously I don't want to wait another month and a bit. I hope they just send out the mp3's within the next week or so.
  14. Dammit when I saw how many pages cropped up over night I was sure it had leaked and I missed my bus transfer so class started ten minutes ago and I'll be at least 45 mins late. And still no leak.
  15. I have a theory that since X = 10 and 10*10 = 100 + I (1) = 101 so they will leak when we reach page 101.
  16. This. I have to take a 2.5 hour round trip bus ride today, and would really appreciate the album to leak some time in the next 45 minutes.
  17. I still don't see the point of there being promos though. I mean, reviews will be done with or without promos, and if they are trying to acquire new listeners would it not be better that those prospective new Ae fans could hear snippets of the album through bleep immediately after reading the review as opposed to forgetting about it a month later when it finally releases? I dunno it just doesn't really make sense to me for someone like Autechre.
  18. Yeah I seriously wonder how much of an impact this has on their sales. I also don't get why you can't just release the album in line with radio promotion. I get the impression that 75% of their sales will be fans who would pre order anyways.
  19. What a fantastmical album. The run from Surripere to VL AL 5 is majestic and amazingly paced. All around fantastic album although Tapr frightens me a bit. I still see some sort of war of the worlds esque walker thing when I look at the cover of the album:
  20. As much as I love Untilted, Draft 7.30 is the superior album in my books. Surripere being the greatest Autechre track ever.
  21. So am I the only one who noticed that spl9 got taken down from Youtube? I don't even recall where else I had it for listening to.
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