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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by thehauntingsoul

  1. Anything else similar to this ethereal dialpad thing? It's probably the most fun so far.
  2. Ok, I need to stockpile my phone with awesome apps. Practical, useless, games, whatever, but it needs to be good and it needs to be aesthetically pleasing. I'm more looking for gadgets that involve the touch screen in a cool way. Don't have a huge amount of stuff on here yet but basically any app recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks Watmm!
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqfjVSGbWlw&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYl9BSiV-P4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qItVguhA1hA
  4. This track is amazing! I wonder if this was made with Japan and the disaster in mind or if this was just something laying around on their hard drives.
  5. I want it when it comes out. I would go to this show but I'm not on the correct continent so I feel justified in getting this off of soulseek at a later date.
  6. I live in Ontario and I don't object to anything in your post.
  7. I hate enormous crowds of asian people. It just bothers me for some reason. I don't feel as though it's a racist thing, but other people tend to disagree with me. I just don't know but one time when I was at a museum it was totally full of asians, like literally at least 60 or 70 of them, who I guess were on some tour bus together and it was such a bitch because they were in front of me and I had to walk retardedly slowly behind them all while they took their sweet ass asian time. Ok that became a bit racist but honestly I'm not racist, and I have no problem with asians so long as you don't stuff me in a building with 100 middle aged ones.
  8. Seriously those look like the worst shoes ever. They look like they were made in some farmer's log cabin like 150 years ago. Dipped in rubber wtf? Yeah I like having little dangly rubber nipples on the bottom of my shoes, sure.
  9. I'll take a stab at interpreting that dream:
  10. No, it's if water is close by isn't it?
  11. I just realized I only have Cryptoburners, Kphanapic Fragments and CYOA...
  12. Who else loves these guys? I just recently really got into them. Currently I'm totally hooked on: - Chouax Bomber - Hipatropic Doyobi Drive in Freefall / Dinosaur Green Grass Revisited - Thus Jacked Zarathrusta List some of your favs.
  13. This album is incredibly sexy. Initial highlights for me include Ginasi, The Murder Cycles and Twitch of the Nerve.
  14. I'm too lazy to read this thread, are y'all talkin about niggers or spics?
  15. How old are you now? There's still potential for a 50/50 on that prediction.
  16. holy fuck where do you go to school?
  17. I was the weird guy who knew a lot about drugs. I had a bunch of friends but was more or less on good terms with most people. I would strive towards being the weirdest guy in school. I took tons of mushrooms, acid, and e and I basically didn't really take school seriously enough. I was also hugely awkward around girls. I remember asking a good amount of girls out who I barely knew they up just thinking I was creepy. In retrospect, I dunno, highschool was kinda lame. I'm glad I'm out of it now.
  18. Queers, Understand Any Real Involvement Seems Too Impossible Considering Envane (Queers Usually Also Don't Really Always Necessarily Get Everything) ((Vagina Enthusiasts Really Seem Immensely Over-Negative Sometimes)) Unusually, Nobody Tried Investigative Listens This Evening, Damn! Didn't Really Appreciate Freaking Tits at 7.30 (am) Get A New Tight Zebra. Get Really Attracted. Fuck. Cunts, Only Nice Fucks, If Everyone Likes Dick. Eat Pussy at 7 Lick Pussy at 5 Cocks In Cunts Have, Like, Involving Sex Under Indoor Tables Everyday Cocks Hate It. A Sexy Tit Is Crazy Sexy Like It Does Everywhere Everyone Needs Vagina All Night Everynight ok This Really Isn't Remotely Enjoyable Past Entry Two. AE! Although Maybe Bearickson Embalms Retards I Never Can Understand Nothin' About Being Ultra Likable Anyways
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