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Everything posted by thehauntingsoul

  1. (pt)Platinum2, (ph)Phosphorous8 Also can anyone find any similarities between plyPhon and krYlon?
  2. I think you're the first noob flamer to actually repent your sins though so you're still good in my books.
  3. so, how do the rules ruin playful simple melodies? All the best melodies are playful and simple, usually. I think by playful he means informally structured. To put it into context (as I understand it), a good example of a playful track is Pule. It kinda bubbles and meanders around making it sound really loose and unpredictable. When we're talking about IDM, I'd be hard pressed not to interpret 'playful' in that sense.
  4. For the record, I think known(1) is beautiful. I haven't had a track get so stuck in my head in forever. And man If you really are the Ae fan you say you are, you should try to approach this album with a more open mind. The melodies in some of the tracks are a bit uncomfortable at first but once you begin to memorize them, they start to make alot of sense and the implied notes and rhythms will creep out slowly. If I were you I would focus on qplay and Treale as both of those have been unfolding with surprising amounts of complexity for me. All in all I would say this album is about finding that middle ground between ambience, melodic stuff, and downtempo beats. Not a ton of crazy beat-fuckery here which is probably why you aren't digging the album. And yeah as far as hyperbole goes, you're equally at fault for the amount of negative hyperbole you're injecting into this thread. Just chill and let the music be what it is. You'll never get it if you listen to it constantly wishing it was something else. Then again, you might just not ever enjoy this album but that would really be a shame imo because there is alot of depth and soul to it. I'm tempted to say more depth and soul than any ae album previous to this, but I don't want to jump to conclusions in the first week or so of having it. If this album still doesn't take to you, I recommend you put it aside for a week or so and try again later, preferably when you're really stoned (if you blaze). Just to be clear, I'm not trying to be preachy with you for no reason. You seem to be a fairly hardcore Autechre fan (considering you own all their stuff), and out of respect for you as a fellow Ae follower I hope you can find enjoyment in this album. The anger and negativity you're feeling are natural responses to new Ae albums. I shamelessly lambasted Subrange 6-36 when it came out, I was harsh and angry as fuck because it wasn't what I wanted. Once I let that anger settle, and accepted the track for what it was, it's grown on me and I now regard it as a masterpiece in terms of atmosphere. One last thing as a footnote: ilanders is fucking amazing, so epic and emotional, and it has this feeling of continuous tension-building which really makes it a perfect track for #2
  5. Yeah, come march 23 they announce the subsequent release of Oversteps, and the album we just heard was Understeps. no but for real even if they did this on purpose, I still think it's a wonderful album. So good I'll probably put it under Ae in my iTunes as Oversteps Fake, even if it's not made by ae. It's that good.
  6. Certain aspects of this album are startlingly ae-like, while not sounding like ae at all which is the strongest evidence that it's really them. Nobody can beat them to where they are at musically. Maybe in a different direction but Ae has this sort of magic almost. I'm not saying this is for sure real but I'll be god damned if it isn't. To those who have it and haven't decided if it's ae i'll point to a few specific places. the squelchy synth line in known(1) is just far too complex, random-sounding but ordered and meaningful, and slightly obscured so as to require several bars to put the full picture together. Sounds too well-structured in my opinion. about 2:40-2:50 into pt2ph8 its just too rich and wonderful.... I dunno man, there's too much soul in that sound to be fake unless the person was totally soulless. The melody that in Treale that starts at about 4:43, fucking brilliant, has that real ae vibe to it. This track is kinda like a re-shelled rale, which is funny because Treale And I mean, os veix3, just the whole thing, so rich and layered. And d-sho qub is like perlence having a bad acid trip. Dunno man, would be quite surprised to have this turn out as a fake.
  7. r ess is quickly becoming one of my favs. As always it's a brilliant opener, the beat is so subtle but at the same time so present. The last little melody in Treale really gets me going as well. Sooo good. Qplay is beginning to grow on me as well but I reckon it'll take a bunch of listens to fully wrap my head around this one. I love d-sho qub too, but I can't listen when I'm really baked cus it does my head in. I'm still working into this one to an extent, this is all so excellent. I think the best thing about this album is that it's pretty easy going, but not shy on complexity. The melodies on this album are certainly their most complex and layered, and the atmosphere is so unique. Gotta say that first listen for this album was a bit meh for me but its growing on me quickly. My opinion may not matter cus I'm a big fanboy but I can honestly say that I would never lie about liking a track if I truly did not. There are some I don't particularly enjoy but everything is a nice interesting journey nonetheless. os veix3 is like the next level of VL AL5 and Uviol
  8. Fucking irl lol Wow, since you're so knowledgeable, please to be pointing me at ANY track that sounds remotely as amateur as "known1", you must intimately know their entire catalog, so please, let me know. In complete honesty and no offense but why do you bother hanging out in this thread if you hate this album so much? I'm fairly certain you're a dupe or just a random troll but either way start acting a little bit less hostile and confrontational because Watmm(especially the ae subforum) is a place of friendship. Because stupidity offends me, and this thread has it in droves Yeah and you've contributed about 60% of it single-handedly, now piss off.
  9. Wow, since you're so knowledgeable, please to be pointing me at ANY track that sounds remotely as amateur as "known1", you must intimately know their entire catalog, so please, let me know. In complete honesty and no offense but why do you bother hanging out in this thread if you hate this album so much? I'm fairly certain you're a dupe or just a random troll but either way start acting a little bit less hostile and confrontational because Watmm(especially the ae subforum) is a place of friendship.
  10. how long is your copy of ilanders? Mine is 6:57 and you can clearly tell that the 'looped' part is different than the first chunk.
  11. that is a good question. but you have to realize, that we don´t know how old the stuff is. i would think that this is an early version of the album, just look at the weird fades, double-ilanders etc. i´m pretty sure the official promo version isn´t like that. What? I got the m4u file and ilanders was only 6:58. It certainly doesn't loop in the one I got and I know its the same one everyone else got.
  12. you can have your opinion and you can of course write want you want, BUT: ignoring the fact the ilanders and see on see were played on sunday, and that these two fit perfectly into the leaked album makes you look like a retard. and besides that: who would make a fake that sounds like this anyway? Ae making an album based almost completely on FM-sounds? are you kidding me? fakers do stuff like that soulless and crappy altered carbon shit. This, although lithgow is clearly just trolling
  13. ffs none of the tracks play twice. ilanders is the one that I've seen singled out as a repeating track but it's certainly not. Listen to the beginning and then the part where you think it loops over, it's clearly just a fake-out ending and not the track looped over. Get your ears checked!
  14. After several listens I'm fairly confident this is Ae. known(1) is really working for me, which is funny because it sounds the least like Ae.
  15. For the record, to me it doesn't seem like ilanders repeats. If you pay attention to how it sounds at the beginning and also at the supposed loop, they sound quite different. I think it's just a fake-out type of false ending like Ae have been known to do.
  16. Holy fuck this thread is growing like 10 pages per day. I'll do a full review of Oversteps at some point but I want it to sink in for a while first.
  17. Take it easy on the reverb? It sounds like you haven't heard much Ae Yeah I agree, I was hoping for some brain-scrambling beat tracks like ipacial section, although I am overly satisfied by this album. Some of the melodic chunks go on a bit too long, it would have been nice if they had broken it up with a little more action, but still this is a nice change of pace for Ae. Come to think of it, they haven't really done a happy sounding album before but this one has a good amount of cheer.
  18. qplay is sort of making me think this might be a fake. The simplicity of the beats in the beat-oriented tracks also has me a bit skeptical although rale was pretty straightforward so you never know. It's good stuff, just not what I would expect from Ae. I'll let it sink in for a few days and see if I change my mind.
  19. Everyone stop asking for the link cus it's against the rules and you might end up getting threads closed. I'll say this once - DON'T PM me asking for the leak because I DEFINITELY DID NOT UPLOAD A ZIP ON DROPBOX. That is all.
  20. The swelly noises from d-sho qub are present at the beginning/throughout ilanders so unless the radio show aired fake tracks, I'm pretty sure d-sho is legit.
  21. d-sho qub is fucking crazy. Totally bonkers but awesome at the same time. also I have a feeling known(1) will be one of my favs
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