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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by thehauntingsoul

  1. They were referring to incunabula and amber I believe. They're right about incunabula but I still think amber sounds good.
  2. I'm annoyed about the lack of soundboard recordings because the implication is that I can just go out and see them live any old Saturday evening. Not only do they take years in between tours, but they don't always come to North America, and even then I'm lucky to see them once in a year. I get that they want people to hear it live but if they can't release soundboards they should tour more often. Otherwise I almost see it as holding the music hostage, and if I had access to a helicopter and a million dollars I'd pay.
  3. Definitely reminds me of Minecraft. Expecially the bottom left one in this picture, it has that exact creeper green hue. Either way it's pretty good artwork if spl9 is any indication what this album will sound like. EDIT: The top right one shares the exact same color scheme as bleep.com
  4. I'm so freaking excited for this. The last two minutes of spl9 are exactly what I need. So good. I can imagine that blasting deafeningly loud at a pitch black venue and I'd be going fucking nuts!
  5. Am in love with this. Wow. This album is going to be excellent and challenging.
  6. Oooo this ought to be great. World of goo was fantastic. I keep seeing this mentioned everywhere, and my complete inability to fathom how this is a game has gotten me too curious. I'm torrenting now. If it's awesome I will buy. I hope they port to Android like they did with World of Goo.
  7. Borderlands 2, which I can gladly say takes everything good from the first game and makes almost all of it better. Primarily the environmental variety is the most noticeable difference. Anyways add me on steam @ TheHauntingSoul if you're wanting to game
  8. Be prepared for a wonderful journey. What I would give to listen to autechre with virgin ears This. Oh wait, we will when the new LP drops. FUCK I want it so badly now!
  9. Are you going to bike there so you can get a good view of the trees on the way?
  10. Autechre fanboy mode online; . . . . . . . Updating to latest drivers; . . . . . . . . . Annoying pre-album banter - Engage
  11. It's pretty hilarious to read these reviews because almost 100% of the time when they cite some aspect of the music that 'proves' it's not good, they're usually citing the fundamental aspects that make Autechre good.
  12. My wireless adapter died a few months ago and I haven't been bothered to go pick up a new one yet because the reviews for all of them are shite. I can't run a cable as it is right now, so I've been turning wi-fi on on my phone and tethering it to my computer to use it as a wireless adapter. My buddy told me it was first-world ghetto.
  13. Just listened to Ilanders and Known(1) and I'm remembering when those tracks leaked and nobody thought it was Ae
  14. I like a good deal of his stuff. His quality control isn't the best but surely you can't think he's terrible. Also recently discovered the track Iso on Scatterheart. My god if that isn't the subtlest awesome IDM track I've heard in a while. Skip to 2:00 if you're ADD because that's when it becomes awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_63YTa9xX0 Soooo much bass. Edit: The bass comes through kinda distorted because it's so low and this is 360p. Need 320kbps minimum to fully enjoy.
  15. How is he overrated? I barely hear mention of him.
  16. I haven't had the time or patience to delve into his ambient works yet but I imagine they are very tasty
  17. 0007 is really really good. Alongside this I'll list other dope tracks: Tahoe, Reptile Prog, Coup de Lune, Flood Me, Doraccle, H7 (I've already covered most of Bad Karma earlier in the thread), 0002, 0003, 0012, 0014, 0004 reanimated (last minute is fucking bliss), Ghosts, Steeltongued. Avenger has some good stuff. Bete Noir, and Suture make me cream my pants, closely followed by Bane, Nihilum and "With Angels. Wow this guy is good at what he does, but yeah I really hope he goes back to IDM for his next album.
  18. i agree. Absolutely. It bothers me actually, because as an artist you have some creative potential to express yourself and your style a little bit in your moniker, but those who opt out are taking the lazy way out I think. I feel the same way about artists that call tracks 'untitled'. Just give it a name, dammit. Especially if you're going to release multiple untitled tracks over time.
  19. Just to add to this, one of the main reasons I like Hecq over some of the other B IDM artists is that a lot of them tend to try to be all sweet and happy and sometimes melancholy. Hecq tends to be a hell of a lot more dark. I like dark IDM. That's what I need and Hecq is giving it to me harder than I've gotten it in a long time.
  20. So who here listens to Hecq? Recently discovered him thanks to a post in a thread about dubstep, although I was delighted to discover that the majority of his back-catalog is pure IDM goodness. The new album 'Avenger' is pretty good, and as far as dubstep goes it has the advantage of not reminding me of kandi kids and glowsticks and shit, but I feel like it might get slightly stale as time goes on. I'm referring more to his earlier works. So far I've really settled on the album Bad Karma, as well as a handful of the tracks off of 0000 and Scatterheart. Unfortunately I can't find much of his stuff from Bad Karma on youtube, but that whole album is pretty fucking ace. Particularly a fan of The Fiend, Into the Unseen, Lightning Slots and Scrumdrum but there's lots of other good stuff on that album. What's the general attitude towards Hecq around here? I've heard him referenced but really not that often. On that note, what other genius IDM may I not have heard about at this point?
  21. Also my UniWar Id is Buttfuch. Someone add me who is willing to play more than a turn a day ffs. Some of these online opponents are negligent as fuck.
  22. Fav's so far: - Swype (not really an app but there you go) - UniWar (Awesome!) - Ethereal Dreampad (Will probably get boring soon though) - Fruit Ninja (just because) - Tapatalk - Words with Friends - Alchemy - Snes9x (The classic snes emulator on Android. Best with rpg's and games that don't require reflexes) - Bistro Cook - Google Sky Map - Jewellust - Death Worm - Winamp In no particular order.
  23. Nice well I got tapatalk and I'm posting from my phone now. This is an extremely solid app. Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
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