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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by thehauntingsoul

  1. Only Vagina Enthusiasts Really Seem To Enjoy Proper Skill
  2. This totally makes sense. Oversteps is like a nice warm bath after battling robots for 18 years, but one does feel the call of battle.
  3. irl lol, as electronic music becomes more mainstream it becomes harder to explain IDM to electronic newbies. People will say they are huge into electronic music and will still be all like WTF when you show them some Ae
  4. The beat is fat and danceable, but the sounds are really alien and fucked. It's like a strange juxtaposition of almost mainstream dance music with Confield-style weirdness. The warm warbling sounds sort of envelop you like hot water. Also the melody is very reminiscent of Perlence.
  5. Both of these interviews are excellent, thanks guys!
  6. It's very true, I have a good friend who listens mostly to oldschool rap and hip-hop and for a while I've tried to get him into Ae's more accessible albums to no avail. One day I put Confield on just to see how he reacted and he thoroughly enjoyed it. He has even asked if we can put it on from time to time when we're out in the car. Strange but true.
  7. I seriously question the honesty of this response. Does anyone actually fall out of their chair and roll on the ground laughing?
  8. There's not a single dud on this album. Absolutely fucking epic. But yeah, it's all about repetition and hypnosis if you ask me. Calbruc is a toughie but it's actually pretty nice after a few cycles of listening, waiting, listening, waiting.
  9. Lol I met Obel irl so by extension that makes me famous!
  10. February 4th (extended outro), by Ace Boogie PM if you want link sick new avatar bubba Agreed, I can't figure out where his mouth actually is.
  11. thanks. i just read it, and will translate it later this week. its an interview/overview of their history as a band. among other things, rob talks about wanting to work with the concept of "space" in the music and not have beats which mangle/damage the melodies. he talks about "r ess" a little bit too and makes some cool metaphors about spaceships docking on the moon and "reformatting the listener's brain" (as in introducing them to the sound-world of the album) duuude get on that asap!
  12. Absolutely the best quote from that interview also, this one is quite good
  13. Yeah I've thought of this as well. Either that or the round AE logo like on the Gantz Graf EP
  14. We need more offbeat time sigs from Ae. It's been a while since something really solidly structured in a sig like 5/4 or 7/4 has come out of these guys. Well I could be wrong about that, but keep in mind that most of their recent staggeringly abstract and difficult rhythms have still been in 4/4. Even IV VV IV VV VIII is 4/4. Some of the Quaristice stuff dabbled in 3/4 or something similar as far as I remember but on Oversteps the only really non 4/4 time sig is d-sho qub which is in 4/5 iirc.
  15. Yeah I agree with everything you've said here. I can play the Cichli melody in time on my midi keyboard though.
  16. Sweet! Post a pic! http://www.cafepress.com/Draft730 http://www.cafepress.com/envane http://www.cafepress.com/gantzgraf the Gantz Graf one is nice Cheers, if anyone wants these designs on a specific shirt or has a request for another design lemme know. I think we've discussed the possibility of creating an entire fleet of EP7 shirts, one for each of the separate circuit board drawings Also we need shirts for Untilted, Confield, and Chiastic Slide at the very least. In all seriousness though I would buy a shirt for each release if they were available. I want EP7 shirts the most though.
  17. Nop, its really green, totally different from the banners... Saw today in shops, they are selling the Cd with Oversteps shirt in Disk Union Tokyo... http://diskunion.net/portal/ct/detail/CM-0040403 I want that shirt! I will kill for that shirt. Not enough Ae shirts... I have one for Envane and one for Gantz Graf, but yeah I need this!
  18. fuck. Based on my experiences with salvia, that's all I can say.
  19. lol@ ppl waiting for the "official release date" who totally crack and grab the tracks when they go up for download. I mean, are you basing your decisions around warp's discretion to pre-release or are you actually basing it on your collective earlier arguments that you're going to wait until march 23rd until you have the physical copies?
  20. I'm gunna figure out how to make my farts sound like that wobbly swelling noise in d-sho qub
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