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Everything posted by thehauntingsoul

  1. Best to assume so. I can't really listen to the samples because it feels like banging a chick who has a mask on. You might enjoy it but you don't really know who it is under the mask. I can't get with that sort of thing, man.
  2. Until we get one of our experts in here I don't think we should get all excited. That being said I'm creaming my pants.
  3. Hey man, now I hate the Jonas brothers as much as anyone else and would be quick to call it a load of horseshit upon someone asking my opinion. That being said, if there are people that like it, then it's not fair to call it crap, but rather to say it's crap in your opinion. And I wanna restate that I fucking hate the Jonas brothers and in my opinion its a load of shit. There's really no reason to say "IMO this is X". We all know your opinion is not the opinion of someone else's. This is certainly true. Apparently I'm a retard.
  4. Mine snapped yesterday fuuck now I have no headphones and I gotta sit on the bus in silence for 2 hours a day.
  5. Hey man, now I hate the Jonas brothers as much as anyone else and would be quick to call it a load of horseshit upon someone asking my opinion. That being said, if there are people that like it, then it's not fair to call it crap, but rather to say it's crap in your opinion. you don't even need to tack on "imo". if it's coming out of your mouth, of course it's your opinion! You know, strangely enough this is something that I've overlooked for a long time now. I read comments at face value and when there's no specification to distinguish an opinion from an omnipotent truth, I tend to assume the latter and in retrospect it sounds really fucked up. Can't figure out how I got thinking that way but it probably had something to do with LSD
  6. I'm pretty positive I remember reading this as well. The whole reason for making Quaristice available before the date was to eliminate the leak.
  7. Don't. The guy blatantly samples huge chunks of Ae tracks with hardly any modification. As a die-hard Ae fan it infuriates me. Also the fact that he doesn't make it obvious that he's sampling by putting Ae references in the title or anything.
  8. Hey man, now I hate the Jonas brothers as much as anyone else and would be quick to call it a load of horseshit upon someone asking my opinion. That being said, if there are people that like it, then it's not fair to call it crap, but rather to say it's crap in your opinion. And I wanna restate that I fucking hate the Jonas brothers and in my opinion its a load of shit.
  9. Yikes, I am a pretty hardcore fanboy but you need to chill out. Sean and Rob are just two regular dudes who happen to make great music. Most of their work is excellent but some is just not an the same level, mediocre or even bad. Just because someone doesn't enjoy a track doesn't mean they don't understand it or it's "their fault". With such a vast body of work of course there are going to be tracks that aren't up to par, it's just amazing that they are good so consistently. I happen to like Quarisitice but I haven't LOVED an album since the Chiastic Slide - Confield era. Does this mean I don't understand or am not worthy of appreciating the new releases? No, I just prefer what they were doing with those albums. Maybe I used to be the same way at one point and it's great to see you so excited but you don't need to be a missionary to spread the word of AE. Music should be enjoyed, not forced upon people. At the end of the day it all comes down to taste, so even if people don't share your viewpoint that AE are infallible and every release is better than the last, you should respect their view. That said, I'm not going cuckoo bananas in anticipation for Oversteps, but I am looking forward to hearing what they come up with. I think the live sets have been brilliant and hope we get to hear some of that stuff or of equal quality. AE is still my favorite music by a mile but over the years the excitement has faded a bit as I have discovered each release and it seems less like magic and more like very creative and clever music making. But I will always thank them for giving me that magic at one point. Sorry, that came off a little aggressive. I will concede that music is all about taste and that nobody should be forced to listen to anything. I'm not saying that all Ae tracks are amazing, but just that in my opinion none of them are without quality or value or independence. If I can feel this way about all the tracks they have produced, does that not then entail that anybody could feel the way that I do about their tracks if they went about listening to them in the same manner as me? Even though music is all about taste, the whole thing about Autechre is that it grows on you, and although it's not right to force ae on anyone, most Ae fans will admit, I think, that you have to force yourself into some of the more difficult passages in Ae's discography. The boys are perfectionists and would not release something that was utter shite. Sure they take their music in unexpected and sometimes outrageously difficult directions but there is nothing in their works that I feel could be written off as utter crap. Although perhaps that's a philosophy better applied to the entirety of music in general, in which case it sort of renders my point moot. Obviously every time someone says an album is crap they are just stating their opinion and not making a statement of fact.
  10. We gotta stop hatin on Quaristice, guys. Although I will admit a few of the tracks were a bit of a let down in terms of lack of depth, the atmosphere is coherent throughout the album just like an Ae album should, and the sound design and overall melodic style and beat style is very consistent with Ae's previous work. So it took some steps in a direction you didn't enjoy, but that's your fault and deep down you know it so you become frustrated. Frustrated because you wish you could see it's beauty but it eludes you, and you vent this frustration by hating on this quality album. Seriously, I've said this before and I'll say this again, being the hardcore Ae fan that I am: If you ever hear an ae track you don't like, you're just not listening the right way, or you haven't tried hard enough to figure it out. If you disagree, post your logical and coherent counter argument and I am confident that my logical conception of Ae will allow me to defeat any arguments you may have to the contrary.
  11. Yeah that tiny little line of review text has me excited in ways text never should excite someone. I'd like to rant on about pointless speculation but since it is so pointless I'll just leave it at this: This album is going to blow the fucking people DOWNTOWN!
  12. i'd love having a high res pic of the confield cover, for a wallpaper When I get Confield I'll take some macros of the photos like I did for Draft. I suppose I'll follow up by posting my current desktop background for those interested 2780px × 2346px, it looks fine on stretch edit: I think I'll do one for amber soon seeing as it could be cropped into widescreen without stretching
  13. In the process of all this I've decided to actually give anything Quaristice one final chance. Perlence range 7 is fucking awesome. i was listening to this track at lunch at in n' out burger today in my car. this dude walks by and looks at me with a look on his face like "this is familiar" and started doing air drums and nodding his head at me! does the haunting soul eat at in-n-out burger? did he seem to disappear only for you to turn your head in time to see his face pressed against your windshield with burst ketchup packets screaming about wood tocks? i don't think it was haunting soul... unless he's latino with a black 59fifty L.A. Dodgers hat tilted to the side with a black hoodie and baggy jeans! Haha well obviously I'm not going to be that obvious about it. He's my assistant Mo and I send him out in my place when I'm worried someone might notice that it's me.
  14. here´s another one of mr. gl0tch´s (i´m not totally sure, but it sounds like the "os promo mix") ae quaristice fake-leaks. http://www28.zippyshare.com/v/78363999/file.html ok this track is in the sampler that gl0tch posted earlier and verifies the sampler as fake. edit: troon was wrong
  15. This sampler is really starting to fuck with my head. I wanna know who made it. Was it gl0tch? If so I will pay top dollar for the full tracks (pm me if you don't want your secret let out)
  16. the more I listen to the sampler the more legit it sounds, although I won't be fully convinced until either an official announcement of it or the release of the album
  17. If they keep it up at this rate, they'll be releasing their 11th album "Aepocalypse" in 2012
  18. I doubt the sampler is real because it sounds like generic Ae, and we all know that they always switch things up so to me it sounds too much like Quaristice to be the real thing. Either way though, I wouldn't be surprised if Ae returned to more semi-regular beats that have a bit more pizzang to them. In terms of their overall progression it would make alot of sense: Let the beast out into the madness and allow it to frolic there for a few years, and then snare and harness the beast and bring it all back down to the ground slightly so it retains its overall madness while still hammering things into a more structured and coherent mass. I'll do my best not to get any expectations set though. I'll be happy with it whatever it ends up being. If the promo is the real thing I don't think that's bad at all because with 14 tracks they will probably get back to the whole 6-7 minute long insane progression deal, with a few 1-2 minute interludes. This means that anything in that promo could end up quite a distance from where it started (think surripere)
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