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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by thehauntingsoul

  1. are we 100% sure its legit? Just making sure here but it could be a bunch of fakes with the two from the radio show
  2. love how all the new members have and are discussing the leak before most of the long time members have even had a chance to listen. Not really sure which category I would fall in but the download just finished so I'm about to have my first listen!!
  3. I see tons of benefits and absolutely no negatives in this plan, let's do it.
  4. P.S. I'm gettin this now. I heard ilanders and see on see, both of them are awesome and totally not what I was expecting for this album. Downloading the complete supposed leak now because really, who are we kidding? There's no way I can hold out until the release, none whatsoever. :emotawesomepm9: :emotawesomepm9: :emotawesomepm9: :emotawesomepm9:
  5. Last thing I remember was browsing this thread and then I woke up lying on the ground in a pile of my own shit and semen. What happened?
  6. I'm in the intermediate planning stages as we speak. Just in case, you know, you never know when you might need to pull off a mass suicide so gotta plan ahead for these things
  7. You're just pissed off because you have no patience. I'm much more happy to anticipate an album 3 months before it's release and then to finally hear it. Makes you appreciate it more if you have to wait for it. It's sort of like christmas. You know it's coming but you wouldn't wanna bump it forward a couple of months. Autechre have generally been pretty secretive about things all-around, and the fact that they have yet to release a sampler kind of adds to the mysteriousness. Just relax and wait for it, it really isn't going to be that much longer.
  8. I refuse to listen to the leaks I can't let that anomalous stuff inside of me, it's too unpredictable.
  9. You're missing the point. Some people can tell the difference after having listened to both several times, as the upper frequencies that are beyond the human hearing range alter the lower frequencies that we can here, so while we don't hear the higher frequencies, what we can still hear is going to sound better.
  10. yes it has more dynamic CD Quality: The format is a two-channel 16-bit PCM encoding at a 44.1 kHz sampling rate per channel. they attached this link at bleep: http://www.tweakheadz.com/16_vs_24_bit_audio.htm Nice, thanks for the link! Very informative
  11. Alright this might be a stupid question but my Mom always tells me that I should ask questions in class even if they are stupid questions and everyone points and me and calls me stupid and starts laughing at how stupid I am for having to ask such a stupid, stupid question and I can't stop thinking about how stupid I am for having to ask the question and I am so focused on how stupid everybody knows I am that I don't pay attention to the teacher's answer so I think about how stupid I am for not listening to her answer and then I have to ask another stupid question later in class and get laughed at again and all I can think about is how stupid I am for making the same mistake twice in a row, and I just sit thinking about how stupid I am and not listening to the teacher. Anyways is the 24 bit wav going to be better sound quality than the actual CD? I don't really get the bit thing, as it appears as though it's separate from kbps quality.
  12. Ok that makes a bit more sense, thanks for gettin down and dirty with the translator engines, bro!
  13. lol I saw that too. I can only assume they mean 'Dial the Journal' is the bonus track, although that seems like an odd choice of a name for an Ae track, so maybe it's just the translator fudging things up.
  14. Well I know March is coming, but it's not here yet so what the fuck?
  15. I'm pretty sure Ae is pretentious and smart enough to avoid this idea completely.
  16. Autechre would never do an album with a hip hop guest vocalist or something. Just wouldn't, doesn't fit their sound at all and I'm sure they know that. Most of their new stuff is cluttered enough as it is without words overtop.
  17. Did I miss something? When did BoC announce a new album? http://bocpages.org/wiki/Statements_from_Hexagon_Sun holy shit good call! Thanks for the info man
  18. Yes, fol4 is a masterpiece for sure. Did you not even like the chunk from Perlence Range 7 where the snares dance around your head like little tiki men with tiki masks and little hawaiin tutus that are short enough that you can see their junk dangling to the beat?
  19. nah, of course not. but you cannot deny, that there is a difference these two groups of tracks. i´d just like to know if there are "sean" and "rob" tracks, or if the production process was different (composed and more arranged vs. jam-session songs). I'll have to seriously disagree with your assertion, mainly because Perlence is my absolute favourite off Quaristice. The others you listed, well I guess I can see those being substandard to some but come on, Perlence??? Seriously????
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