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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. I can't wait to go to school tomorrow.

    1. NorthernFusion
    2. DorkingtonPugsly


      I'm done with school lulz

    3. Npoess


      *20 seconds silence*

  2. Watched Lost Highway a few days ago. Probably the best Lynch movie imho tbh idk. Or... It was good. Nice. Thick, solid, tight.
  3. You can't actually take your time in endless mode since you're constantly losing health because of "hunger" or something. So don't get your hopes up. Well, shit. There's some stupid design ideas in this game It's just very Japanese.
  4. You can't actually take your time in endless mode since you're constantly losing health because of "hunger" or something. So don't get your hopes up.
  5. But... but isn't this "track" on Tomorrow's Harvest at the end of one of the tracks? Why buy this?
  6. Truth? I guess it's a subjective term.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. chartnok


      da ganja urb

    3. popiax




    4. gmanyo


      i can see your penis

  7. All you have to do in Dragon Age is to add that mage woman to your party. She'll heal you constantly.
  8. I would totally let my ears do the job if I had an unlimited number of hours in the day. Until that happens, having a label "recommend" (for a lack of a better word) stuff is more than good enough for me. Labels like Tri Angle and Modern Love releases amazing stuff all the time and if I had to search for this stuff myself, I'd probably never have heard 1/10th of it. Edit: I get what you're saying though. Not trying to start a foight here.
  9. Of course labels are still relevant. They're like a filter from all the crap, most of the time.
  10. I completed XCOM after three failed attempts. /proud vidjagaemer
  11. "WATMM launched their scheme on Monday, after Fact magazine reported that a British record collector is selling a test-pressing of Aphex's long-lost Caustic Window double LP."
  12. Average when you are Aphex Twin is fucking shit. But also, .5 above average is pretty shit too. I mean passing a test is usually a 7. So, a 5.5 is a complete failure. How'd you rank Smojphace then? Let's not talk about Smojphace. lol
  13. Average when you are Aphex Twin is fucking shit. But also, .5 above average is pretty shit too. I mean passing a test is usually a 7. So, a 5.5 is a complete failure. How'd you rank Smojphace then?
  14. Joyrex, could you maybe e-mail all these websites and tell them to take down their articles on this thing? I don't think it's fair that new people discover this place and take part in things like this. The Pitchfork thing alone means that the goal will be met in no time and I honestly fail to see how that would benefit anyone. Especially not the fans who wants to hear the new music.
  15. I think it'd be really cool if we made it impossible for people with under 5000 posts to donate money to this thing. I know it'd take a very long time to reach the goal but I think I'd be worth it. I mean just look at all the new people who've joined here in the last few days, it's disgusting. They ONLY joined so that they could help WATMM reach the money goal and get this unreleased AFX thing, and NOTHING MORE! It makes me sick. MAKES ME SICK! GET OUT! You're not welcome here! WATMM is a special place for special people, and if you think you can just try and be a part of it by taking part in community stuff like this, well, you can just GEEET OUT!
  16. This is my best update to date imho tbqh idk

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Npoess


      Good effort, but still not there.

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Need a little more cowbell.

    4. hoggy


      mdma vs md20/20 g2g 2 b&q nn evry1

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