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eh Speedy

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Everything posted by eh Speedy

  1. It's a warranted opinion. Something about 1991's material did grip though more so than many other peers who've been making similar music. "Open the Dark" is one of the weaker tracks (the looped chorus thing has been done a lot already - i.e. Lopatin's EccoJams tracks). The same guy appears to make hardcore techno/industrial as "MCMXCI" - so he appears to be an arguably sincere producer and not just some art student fucking around with tape recordings. Your criticism would be appropriate in the vaporwave thread too, though if 1991 is bad in your opinion you might want to avoid the artists in there even more. No I don't think it's bad. I don't want to give that impression. Just some minor issues I had. However that MCMXCI tape I do not like at all.
  2. Dave Brubeck died today. Much respect! http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-dave-brubeck-dies-20121205,0,5143972.story
  3. YES! Figured it was a good season to bump this daddy of a thread back. Love the Houblon Chouffe myself.
  4. ...and Open To The Dark - wtf, that's not even a sample. It's an entire Cure song shittily taped in room. You might as well be listening to P Diddy or whatever that motherfuckers name is, rip off a Police song. I think I'm being reasonable here.
  5. Warning: unpopular opinion. Ok so great synth lines an all that but something bugs me about this stuff. For one it's jumping on the lo-fi bandwagon just a little too hard. I've got to roll my eyes every time I hear one of these tape stop inserts on the recording. Lo-fi sounds great and we all love it but this was such an easy formula to see coming. I want to hear what this guy can do w/ out all the this bullshit texture muck he puts on it. I want him to grow some balls, get naked and see if there's some talent there that isn't covered up by tape hiss.
  6. lol. OK Goa Gabber Jaws Drum and Bass Pro Shop
  7. LOL, you forgot Cooty and the Bloodfish
  8. OMG man you were so close. I was thinking Fellatio Boneblower. So you're Juan Atkins and I'm Derrick May on this one.
  9. got a small lol out of me System of a Donk got a big LOL out of me. Hed Rot Pili Cheppers Ched Pot Hili Reppers Ped Chot Rili Heppers
  10. Just nabbed last night. Great comedown. Panabrite - The Baroque Atrium http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs4BwvfciuY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGfWCwIdzJQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkKPBs-P_UA Not sure if those are the best ones but just the track order of the album.
  11. Such a completely underrated album, Quiet Evenings - Intrepid Trips http://soundcloud.com/experimedia/quiet-evenings-intrepid-trips
  12. Red Planet 4 Global Communication - Keongaku EP (first issue) Bubbahs Tum - Dirty Great Mable (w/ Boards of Canada remix)
  13. (on encey's theme) Skrillsonex Cialis Dion Celebrex Acid Crew The Flaming Lipitors
  14. Sugar Ray Leonard Coen Brothers Grimm
  15. DJ Jazzy Jeff Buckley Meat Treat Antipasto
  16. Goa West Devil 42 The Robert Shawmen Federal Reserve Zeppelin Pink Roid Poo Unlimited Constipation Society
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