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Everything posted by autopilot

  1. Now every time I read it my inner monologue will say "Niggas With Autechre".
  2. he probably just recorded a 303 midi test video off youtube and added a beat
  3. Been watching a show called Impractical Jokers. It's pretty funny.
  4. Beat SOMA. Amazing game, one of the best horror games, and best games of any genre, I've ever played. Can't recommend enough. Avoid spoilers if you're interested in playing it! Now diving into Serious Sam 3. Already knew I was going to love this one.
  5. Both of those Rez-alikes (and so many games like them) are totally missing the point of Rez, which was a regular action game that makes songs as you play the levels. Everything I've seen since then that is inspired by Rez is more along the lines of a Guitar Hero hit-the-pattern-at-the-right-time thing and is never as good as a result. [edit] Though I haven't played Child Of Eden, I assume it's the closest to Rez conceptually since it's the same devs.
  6. I too am still to this day bummed about Silent Hills. However SOMA is currently unsettling the fuck out of me so I still recommend that heartily to anyone looking to be terrified in the first person.
  7. It's very similar to Amnesia in that there's no combat against enemies (just running and hiding in terror) and has that same focus on physics-based interaction & puzzles. The atmosphere and sense of dread though, both aesthetically & thematically, is next level. Not only is it terrifying on a visceral fight-or-flight level, but the whole idea behind the story and what happened to the place you're in is terrifying in itself. So much so that I had crazy dreams about the subject matter afterwards.
  8. Ugh SOMA is intense. Played a few hours after dark last night. Had dreams about it for the rest of the evening. Really liking it so far but it's definitely already gotten in my head & under my skin.
  9. Finished Doom 2 on the "Black Metal" setting in Brutal Doom v20. Fun to the max. Will do it again when version 21 comes out. Just downloaded Soma. Ready to get scurred.
  10. Turbo Kid -- Fuck yes. Crystal Fairy & The Magical Cactus -- Really good.
  11. I've been watching a show called Impractical Jokers after seeing one of the hosts a few times on Legion Of Skanks & the Big Jay roast. Fucking hysterical. Highly recommended.
  12. I'm glad they're doing the serialized episode thing again this season. It allows them to build great running gags and makes the episodes even funnier. <3 PC Principal
  13. omg that new south park episode was a masterpiece knocked it out of the park on so many levels
  14. i want to know how many tries it took to develop that muscle memory
  15. Are you thinking of Sweet Bro And Hella Jeff? It actually pre-dates dank memes by a few years. "Prescient" as they say.
  16. Chief of police saw that picture and was finna civil forfeiture that shit.
  17. Well personally, I think it's just really bad music music by amateur producers who've tried to attach a pretentious higher artistic meaning to it to cover up for the fact that they can't make real songs. Totally seems like a gimmick to me. But that's just me. All the power to you if that slowed down Tina Turner has giving you a new outlook on life and a deeper appreciation of capitalism or whatever.
  18. So ironically badly produced, same-sounding sampled ambient music, released on obsolete music formats, collectively ripping off one or two artists' aesthetic, is not a gimmick?
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