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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. He'll be busy inciting violence after he loses, the way things are going. Maybe after all, the stupid hillbillies are the ones the NSA really wants to keep an eye on.
  2. Mgła - Exercises in Futility Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta II: Dialogue With the Stars Blut Aus Nord - 777: Sect(s) Urgehal - Goatcraft Torment Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane LVTHN - Eradication of Nescience Watain - Lawless Darkness
  3. Goys Don't Cry Island of Misfit Goys Goy Sauce The Hardy Goyz About a Goy
  4. My fellow American WATTMers, be sure to vote. Make this margin as wide as possible.
  5. It bet he'll be taken out by one of his impending lawsuits. Recently at a rally he told his supporters to vote on November 28... LOL! It turns out that's actually the court date for his Trump University lawsuit. It must be on his mind.
  6. Julian Assmassage Colon Power Sterv Jerbz
  7. This is actually a pretty major plot twist. Stay tuned, America.
  8. I cannot wait for this town hall debate. This go'n be gud
  9. Butterdick Crumblesnatch Smoke Detectors in the Throne Room Breathsmell Omega
  10. Are you willing to uphold this idea of democracy if your third party vote directly contributes to Trump actually getting into office? I went from contributing to Bernie's campaign, to saying "fuck Hillary I'm voting third party", to thinking fuck it I'll hold my nose and vote for Hillary, to happily voting for her now. In fact, I hope she keeps her election rigging toolkit in her back pocket at all times. Her baggage is almost reasonable compared to what would happen if more people voted third party.
  11. They do seem to be ramping up the advertising... I was watching the new South Park on their streaming Hulu abomination website. The commercials on the site that my adblock didn't get rid of was a suuuper dumb Jared Leto advert for Gucci where he hangs out in a bathtub with a few girls that look like bulimic aliens and sniffs them. The next commercial was from Koch basically being like "hey, we know you've heard shit about us, but we are trying to do good things" in the most patronizing and fake tone ever with some children or some shit in the commercial. Not only were these commercials very out of place for the material I was watching, but I couldn't help think of our late Fluorescent Grey and his rumblings about the South Park creators being 'alt-right apologists'... made me chuckle. They probably don't have any control over their adverts on Hulu. Plus, JE is still a fuckin hot-air bag leaking gripes about the world and changing nothing with a hot sister who questions errything in a tone that says she'd love to dominate your testicles with her foot while clad in leather - for the most part. What was his fucking deal with Russia? And his sister was like a weird pseudo news anchor for RT, what a weird fucking family.
  12. Nicolas Rage Keanu Grieves Robert Blueford Paul Oldman Gary Old/New Man
  13. A lot of opportunities require a great deal of self sacrifice though. To the point where you're like "why the fuck did I get myself into this shit?". And at the end you're like a grizzled old sea captain that gives no fucks because shit was just too real.
  14. The moderator went too easy on him actually. Anderson Cooper will probably make him squeal IMO
  15. Maybe Gary Johnson fucked up on purpose so people write him off and vote Hillary instead. ANYTHING to keep Trump out of the White House. I salute him if that's the case. It's truly a national emergency.
  16. I saw Wolves in the Throne Room the other night and the sage they light at the beginning of their set made the fire alarms go off and we all had to go outside for 10 minutes. Bit of a derp moment.
  17. I've never seen Seth Meyers before and had no idea he was that bad.
  18. Anyone else here just love the fuck out of this album? I recommend the shit out of it.
  19. You are aware that by voting for either of those candidates, you're enabling the very system that no one likes to persist, right? And that by voting for the 'person you think will win' you are actively allowing the dumb masses to usurp your vote? Nah, I'm voting for Hillary so a democratic Supreme Court justice is appointed and it'll be easier to mobilize and get everybody woke and be outspoken with her in office than the other guy nuking everyone. I'm not worried about perpetuating the corrupt system because that system is clearly falling apart since not a whole lot can be hidden from the public for long. The damage is done, we have a shitty choice to make but I think people will be watching Hillary pretty closely if she's elected.
  20. I need to sit down and take in that whole Rutgers video again. Now that was something.
  21. Dirty Clint Shrub Trumpets Schmuckisphere The Puckering Tacos
  22. If it really seems like Trump is imminent I'm actually expecting there to be a "break in case of emergency" course of action. It could come in the form of his rape trial, since they actually have a witness this time. Why, you ask? Because up until now, presidential elections have been mostly symbolic. A few minor policy changes here and there that affect us little people. America is a business and unpredictability(Trump) is bad for business. Nothing this big is ever left to chance, and this isn't my optimism speaking here.
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