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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. When Heidecker referred to Fall River as "Fall Creek or wherever" I wanted to punch him and show him all the amazing Portuguese food he's turning up his nose at. Sam put the bar in his own bicycle wheel spokes though.
  2. See this is what bothers me. He has a "political opinion", has no idea what the fuck he's talking about but bases his comedy off it anyways. We need more Nick and Charls. Sam needs therapy.
  3. Frog Fondle Fish Tickle Slappy Salamander Squidmarx
  4. Drive-By Cuckers Morgan Semen tommy redwood and stereocabeza Inaugural Erection
  5. I'd say so. MDE's Reddit page is like all 15 year olds talking about alt right stuff. It's like, damn, maybe parental advisory isn't such a bad idea after all. The whole "World Peace is mysoginist, im boycotting the channel" just screams "hey ladies I'm one of the good guys, look at me" and is exactly the kind of thing MDE makes fun of so well.
  6. Parts of it are just trolling for sure. It really does sound like Sam actually believes millions of illegals voted though...
  7. The Life of Pablo makes this sound like a fucking masterpiece.
  8. I like their style of comedy and I eagerly await their book this month, but Sam kind of fucked it all up. When I watched these Hydewars videos it revealed just how misguided and kind of dumb he is. He became a misinformed Trump dick-rider and it bit him in the ass. Not to mention, satire has the function of calling out hypocrites and giving the underdogs the voice to fight back. That's kind of hard to pull off when you become as gullible as the people you've gained recognition making fun of.
  9. The idea of a Trump supporter that isn't even from the US is just too retarded to even try to tackle. Not to mention, I'm from Massachusetts, so my taxes help pay for subsidies for the idiots in red states that voted themselves into the exact pickle that inspired them to vote for Trump and fuck themselves even more. And we get nothing in return except for more stupidity. We have enough of that shit in the US. Like I need some clueless dweeb on another continent telling me what my situation is. Can we please stop being a punk because my politics are different to yours. You weren't able to rebut my points, you just rely on invective rhetoric, don't ave any valid points of your own, it's quite tiring and is illustrative as to why so many working people ditched the dems and voted trump, they were sick of being shouted down for no reason by excitable children with no real clue about the world. It's why i haven't bothered with politics on watmm for years, you're all politically, with few exceptions, regressive lefti social justiice warriors. Everything is so politically correct and you lot are so angry when people trigger the safe space. Simma down boi. heh. Lets just get along. Putting Trump in office seems like a great way to hear more complaints from social justice warriors for the next four years. I have no clue about the world yet you lack the foresight to see why Trump is just bad news all around. Even as he trolls China on twitter, tries to make NYC pay millions for his unnecessary trips back and forth from DC and trump tower, calls foreign leaders on his personal cell phone to make real estate inquiries, skips intelligence briefings, starts beefs with comedians to distract from lawsuits, reveals his weak solutions for keeping jobs in America, lies about illegals giving Clinton the popular vote, and hires a bunch of fuckheads for his cabinet who otherwise would not be allowed a political career. All after being elected and before he's in office. What does your opinion change about any of this shit? Fuck your politics. Also, you're assuming I'm politically correct when I've never even remotely tried to be. It's just a thing you can be mad at. From a different continent.
  10. Anton Sugar Minor Lazer The Mohammed Reptile Jimmy Snortin' Shmeg Shiraldo Anthony Jizzyneck Gooey C.CK Cuck E. Cheeze
  11. The idea of a Trump supporter that isn't even from the US is just too retarded to even try to tackle. Not to mention, I'm from Massachusetts, so my taxes help pay for subsidies for the idiots in red states that voted themselves into the exact pickle that inspired them to vote for Trump and fuck themselves even more. And we get nothing in return except for more stupidity. We have enough of that shit in the US. Like I need some clueless dweeb on another continent telling me what my situation is.
  12. Wait until transhumanism gets going and black men can impregnate white men. Are you ready for the future?
  13. You're assuming they'd have something to immediately replace it with. Of course they don't. And Paul Ryan wants to reduce the benefits of Medicare, which everyone has been paying into their whole working life, but wont see the benefits they're paying for unless they are grandfathered in. This is so the change in policy won't affect their dwindling voter base. Old people. Great job. And if you don't believe in climate change, you can vote yourself out of jobs in renewable energy, and gerrymandering helps people do it at a state level, like they just did in Ohio with House Bill 554. Trump sold people on the idea that they're raging against the machine by voting for a guy they know is full of shit. Congrats.
  14. Yes, the retard shame of not voting for hillary clinton, makes one such a retard doesn't it candiru. When the media, every one of your friends, both sides of politics, business people, academics, the whole of the establishment was against the populist candidate and you still won. Such retard, such shame. heh. MAGA !! When a large portion of his voter base relies on Obamacare and they vote against it, then yes, it makes them retarded. Any other valuable insights from down under?
  15. Has anyone else encountered Trump supporters yelling "your side lost!", like it's a fucking football game? So if they don't like political correctness and want someone to tell it like it is, can we just give them nothing but retard shame for the next 4 years? They can dish it out, let's see if they can take it.
  16. Only a Beerocracy will save America. Have a cold one for USA.
  17. Irwin Flugelberg Chester Nipplethorpe Thaddeus "Rad Tad" Radovich
  18. Yeah I'm in the Boston area and I guess they've been up and running for a while. Yippee https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/05/02/marijuana-delivery-services-flourish-with-scant-oversight/ElDHsWX1l0otTAzPkv8nwI/story.html
  19. Chop Suey Kablooey Donut Glory Hole NASCAR Buscuits Elvis Regurgitator Mortadella Laptop Feta Jacuzzi
  20. I've been thinking about trying a marijuana delivery service. Anybody here use one before?
  21. What if Johnny Appleseed was the first meme? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Appleseed
  22. Yeah, the Democrats fucked up by not letting nature take its course to see if people really wanted Bernie... But the fucking republicans... they're okay with flushing it all down the toilet. All of their supposed values and morals were pathetically hollow before, but now I hope Trump can just fuck their shit up without hurting the reasonable people in the world that didn't vote for him.
  23. The Iron Meatcurtain Friendotoxin The Invisible Ham Sweatshop Afterparty Great Beeramids Nuns of Anarchy
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