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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Dank & 'phile Danktop Fishdank Dankin' Donuts
  2. I pre-ordered the book. I wonder if the government will use my iPhone camera to watch me poop.
  3. Can't we just admit that it's the Republican Party that has destroyed society?
  4. Let's push a religious agenda on a generation that just ain't buying that shit. This is why I'm a liberal that loves guns.
  5. Murkey Teatballs Unstable, Tofurkey Mersched Peterderz Asshole Casserole
  6. Weird. This is right down the street from my apartment.
  7. Phallic Baldwin Silly Baldwin Chasey Chev Heavily D'Angelo Dan 'roid
  8. Raúl Spewman Stumphrey Blowghart Snob Marley
  9. I love drinking and smoking weed. Ride the rollercoaster of euphoria.
  10. Diet Musk Gluten Gang Free Range Tallywackers Fair Trade Molly Organic Afterbirth
  11. That sounds very tasty. Just add some ham to the middle and dip it in tomato soup. Oh baby.
  12. When people on the internet use abbreviations for band names or albums and you have no idea what they mean.
  13. I liked them a lot more when they didn't align themselves with anything politically. That really changes the tone.
  14. Or Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. But this whole thing is getting more terrifying to me every day.
  15. Gourds of Canada Rhubarbarians Bruegger's Rutabagels Squash Mouth
  16. If Trump was playing Oregon Trail like he was playing America, it'd be like: Jebediah was bitten by a rattlesnake. What do you do? A. Lay Jebediah flat to decrease circulation and extract the poison with a turkey baster buried somewhere in the bottom of the wagon. B. Amputate the limb which was bitten. C. Make him run around in circles until he drops dead. The tremendous answer is C.
  17. Using America as your own personal ATM at the moment.
  18. I was standing outside during a Napalm Death show and this girl walks by and says "look at all these white people". Well, it is a metal show in Boston. Towards the end of the show, a couple of obvious Trump supporters were trying to heckle the band. Both sides of the extreme are stupid. Trump made half of America hate the other half. Truly presidential.
  19. It's hard to know what Sam Hyde actually thinks. Is he just pissed he picked a super expensive school to go to and ended up doing what he got his degree for all on his own? Is he the suburban New England version of an underemployed coal miner? Hardly. He still got a tv show after years of living with his mom while sporting a bowl cut and pubeface. There's a lot I've liked about MDE but some things don't really jive.
  20. This morning I got dragged into a political discussion and this older dude just started ranting about how shit Hillary was. I mean, I pretty much agree, but I asked "you voted for Trump eh?" He said yes, and another guy says "I'm sorry, but I gotta say the only thing I have for Trump is a bullet." The other guy agrees. I'm kind of hoping the next president is a ridiculously gay Mexican with a peg leg. Let's get to work.
  21. I wonder if his conversation with Obama made him woke. He seemed like a shy kid on the first day of school or something. I bet they sparked a blunt.
  22. I'll see if I can get a work visa. In a couple of months I'm going to be let go from my job with a lot of freedom and spicy possibilities.
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