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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. The Campfire Headphase is the superior bubblebath sex album. BoC will try to be all cryptic and act like "no. Art. Live in the woods." But come on people, I know it, you know it. Everybody knows it.
  2. But forreal I sent that pic to one of my friends and gladly stated I'd hit with without removing said weed like a muzzle loader.
  3. A Galaxy Called Quest ToolTime (Aeeeeuuuuuhhhhhhhhnema?)
  4. Jurassic 666 A Klan Kalled Klux Granite Blimp Andy Doof Rayne and teh Oshkosh B'Gosherson
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgItnCIQv94&feature=youtu.be
  6. Political correctness -0 Our side -1 Left jab, right hook
  7. Fuckin oath AOTY for me metal wise. this is good, not sure I'm a fan of the vocal style against this specific sound though. Listen to this album and savor it like a fine Islay Scotch on a bearskin rug in front of a roaring hearth.
  8. Race-cucking for Dummies. Chicken Soup for the Race-cucker's Soul.
  9. Masturbator of Puppets Puffin on Crack Medical Iguana
  10. Be sure to be skeptical of everything except for what Trump tweets out his ass. The only way to be free of that libr'l echo chamber.
  11. Fuckin oath AOTY for me metal wise. I think it's become one of my favorite albums period.
  12. I want to see MDE succeed, so I hope this is blows over and they keep providing esoteric lols, IMO.
  13. Montage of Kek Lol Apologies Tennyroyal Pee Radio Friendly Unit Sniffer Heart-Shaped Cocks Blurvana
  14. Lol John Ehlichmann. He'd be so pumped about all of this he loooovvves Russia. But why? Why do him and his sister love Russia so much?
  15. Kanye was invited to Trump Tower to distract from Russian stuff, his conflicts of interest, liabilities, and pitfalls of his international business, and his appointment of Rex Tillerson. Trump cancelled a meeting dealing with those conflicts of interest to continue appointing his cabinet or so he says. He has time to meet with Kanye West though.
  16. Rug Munchkin Dolphin Sax Triceratop Kek Squidkicker
  17. it's what it was designed for right? protect against foreign manipulation? or something. i don't expect those people charged with voting in the electoral college to be versed in its actual meaning or have the courage to organize beyond their own self interests. Seriously. It was always stupid for the average American to vote Republican but I guess they just need to learn the hard way while everyone else pays for it too. Wouldn't it be great if Hillary's emails were the biggest problem right now?
  18. Explosions In This Guy God Pees! On You Black Emperor Eldurrrhh New Roses Mog, why? 65 Days in the Attic
  19. It's all Russia's agenda apparently. Okay electoral college. You have one job.
  20. I also found it funny that he was like "how am I gonna pay for health insurance??!!!" Ask your boy Trump.
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