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Silent Member

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Silent Member

  1. Perhaps it's the fact that I'm a hardened atheist and start frothing at the mouth from anything with the slightest hint of new age or spirituality attached to it, that ruins the film for me... yes. that's probably it.
  2. I'm not sure. It's very pretty, and technically impressive, though I dont like any of the creature designs. The pacing was really off for much of the film, it fails to build any real tension for me, especially in the last two thirds. There's just too much stuff going on at the same time, without any of the main characters really giving a shit and basically acting like idiots. If you like gadget pr0n I guess this movie is a 9/10.
  3. everything sounds more impressive on a loud PA rig.
  4. After two weeks on strike it looks like I have to go back to work tomorrow. FML
  5. Good point on the smoking inside a space helmet. There is no 20 foot guy tossing people about. There is no good sci-fi dialogue. There is a lot of nonsense inspired by ancient aliens.
  6. yeah it's a film where things just happen because they've got to keep the script moving, it's just a collection of random shit sci-fi nerds wank to, littered with facepalms and unintentional hilarity.
  7. We have cartoon network over here as well, not the night swim/adult stuff, but most of the other stuff.
  8. lol, I never knew.... I guess this is pretty rare then? *insert smug grin*
  9. I am procrostonating to the level where I have become unable to do even the most enjoyable of things. Watching a film? Playing a game? Going out for a beer? Sitting back and listening to some good tunes? Nope, hit refresh button, google something.
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