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Silent Member

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Silent Member

  1. everything sounds more impressive on a loud PA rig.
  2. After two weeks on strike it looks like I have to go back to work tomorrow. FML
  3. Good point on the smoking inside a space helmet. There is no 20 foot guy tossing people about. There is no good sci-fi dialogue. There is a lot of nonsense inspired by ancient aliens.
  4. yeah it's a film where things just happen because they've got to keep the script moving, it's just a collection of random shit sci-fi nerds wank to, littered with facepalms and unintentional hilarity.
  5. We have cartoon network over here as well, not the night swim/adult stuff, but most of the other stuff.
  6. lol, I never knew.... I guess this is pretty rare then? *insert smug grin*
  7. I am procrostonating to the level where I have become unable to do even the most enjoyable of things. Watching a film? Playing a game? Going out for a beer? Sitting back and listening to some good tunes? Nope, hit refresh button, google something.
  8. Unable to come up with a stupid first world problem to post in thread, still feel like posting. Problem solved.
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