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Silent Member

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Silent Member

  1. Nope, I'll do that. the mission start is always at some other place, it's always go here drive for ten minutes while listening to chatter, get this thing, go there, get killed. I guess I should just stop getting killed.
  2. I'm trying to get into gtaIV, since I never gave it a fair chance the first time round, but the nagging friends on my mobile and the endless driving to start a failed mission is making it very very hard to enjoy, when it just flows it's good. Why am I always on the other side of town for everything. Fuck.
  3. Cats have nine lives, so it's totally believable. Also, the alien clearly doesn't give a shit about the cat, it only wants to kill the annoying human beings
  4. I tried rewatching this at home with lowered expectations the other day, to see if it maybe was better than I gave it credit for in the cinema, but I didn't get past the 20 minute mark before my nerd rage forced me to shut it off. I think I nearly had a heart attack. It really is an abomination. Self indulgent wankery I can take, people acting stupid in sci-fi I can take, but not when it's mixed with full on new age quasi-religius bullshit like this. I actually prefer the avp movies to this, because I know they're shit, and they're easily dismissable as stupid b-movies that don't really have anything to do with the first Alien film. This film on the other hand completely destroys it by retconning everything that was great about it. Oh dear. Excuse me while I torch my HDD.
  5. Is that shot in infrared, or is it just colour processing?
  6. Thank you everyone, it's definitely still there, and I do think it's in my middle ear. The only thing I havent tried are the ear wax drops, I'll give that a shot before drilling a hole in my eardrum.
  7. Still have water in my ear, I think it's turning into an infection. No tricks work.
  8. Went to iceland over the weekend. I still have water clogging up my ear canals, can hardly hear anything with my left ear. It's driving me nuts.
  9. Apparently Captain Murphy is flying lotus, but I can't be arsed to make a thread or post some links. I am too damn lazy.
  10. Yeh. more of this stuff please. I might post some vacation stuff later on, but for now I have performance anxiety.
  11. The kid was amazing, I thought the politics aspect was kind of half assed, I wish they'd pushed it harder if they really wanted to make a statement or kept it way more subtle. Now it's neither here nor there.
  12. I really wanted to love that film, but it never really clicked with me, it just felt too artificial, can't really put my finger on it... Maybe I wasn't in the right state of mind or something. 7 out of 10 beasts. I think this one will improve if rewatched when in a cajun mood.
  13. The same thing happened to me, but people keep bringing up shenmue whenever they talk about this game. I think maybe these people only know it from screenshots or something, certainly didn't feel like shenmue to me.
  14. Hmm... I guess you get the same little scene no matter who you ended up with and what choices you made, and that's why it's so vague. It'll work in whatever context, and it's up to the player to fill in the blanks.
  15. I did. But didn't really know what to make of it. is this topic about video games? There is a The Walking Dead adventure game... Not to be confused by the upcoming and most likely shitty The Walking Dead game based on AMC's TV show
  16. You saw the little scene that appears after the credits roll, right? That thing in your spoiler was incredible.
  17. Finally started watching Eastbound and down. I like it a lot, but feel stupid for doing so.
  18. I've seen this one in real life, it's from Dali's home in Cadaques. Fun place.
  19. this should be adressed in the most recent picture thread.
  20. Yes, episode 5 is amazon. It felt a lot shorter than the other episodes, but it's definitely worth the download. Probably the best episode in the whole game.
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