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Silent Member

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Silent Member

  1. Sweet, just ordered one a couple of days ago. Touch screen gaming just isn't for me.
  2. congrats. *posts shop* *since I don't have photoshop at work you guys will have to imagine a picture where the moustache and eyebrows have swapped places.*
  3. Wait, what? You're not getting paid at work? If so, stay the fuck away. I'll give the bed & breakfast a shot!
  4. Do it, that's supposedly some next level stuff. I've been wanting to taste their beer for ages, but I've never been able to get hold of any. Even if it isn't all that, you'll get to know what it tastes like.
  5. Flol, if I had any enthusiasm in my soul I'd go right ahead and remix that.
  6. Sorry, I was listening to Einar Örn when I posted it, I must've messed up.
  7. Recently had two of my favourites. Makes me happy every time.
  8. I'm going through pretty much the same thing jules is going through in his work related thread and it's doing my head in.
  9. They're great, the suspiria soundtrack is a personal favourite, but it's all good man.
  10. So he sits there, punching in beats on his little step sequencer and tries to keep in sync with the progress bar on his screen. It's how he used to do it before he lost his hearing, so now he just keeps doing it. Nobody knows he went deaf, his crew all think deaf people are gay, and Raed definitely isn't gay. Just this one time when he accidentally in thailand. Fight on brave soldier.
  11. I'm starting to think he may be deaf and is unable to hear the beat he's supposed to flow over.
  12. hai guys I suddenly remembered a comedy series I used to watch a couple of years back that I think might've been pretty funny, and I'd like to revisit. It's about a moustached dude going around to people he's hurt in the past trying to fix his karma... I think he has a chubby pothead brother that tags along, in fact I think everyone in the show were potheads. anyone know what I'm talking about? what's it called? I don't think it's very old, I just kind of forgot all about it after watching the first three or four episodes.
  13. He's made a couple of comic books (are they really called that), in french, I think they were sold out as well last time I checked :( Link that stuff aencre! Wattem want's to buy you.
  14. I voted 6, I like the look of 4 better, but it doesn't convey the art style of bioshock infinite at all.
  15. Nope, I'll do that. the mission start is always at some other place, it's always go here drive for ten minutes while listening to chatter, get this thing, go there, get killed. I guess I should just stop getting killed.
  16. I'm trying to get into gtaIV, since I never gave it a fair chance the first time round, but the nagging friends on my mobile and the endless driving to start a failed mission is making it very very hard to enjoy, when it just flows it's good. Why am I always on the other side of town for everything. Fuck.
  17. Cats have nine lives, so it's totally believable. Also, the alien clearly doesn't give a shit about the cat, it only wants to kill the annoying human beings
  18. I tried rewatching this at home with lowered expectations the other day, to see if it maybe was better than I gave it credit for in the cinema, but I didn't get past the 20 minute mark before my nerd rage forced me to shut it off. I think I nearly had a heart attack. It really is an abomination. Self indulgent wankery I can take, people acting stupid in sci-fi I can take, but not when it's mixed with full on new age quasi-religius bullshit like this. I actually prefer the avp movies to this, because I know they're shit, and they're easily dismissable as stupid b-movies that don't really have anything to do with the first Alien film. This film on the other hand completely destroys it by retconning everything that was great about it. Oh dear. Excuse me while I torch my HDD.
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