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Everything posted by Atop

  1. spoilers i guess Unspeakably bad music. ruined a lot of moments for me. hard to stomach because y tu mama had great music that made me think cuaron had ok taste. both the "orchestral" score and the electronic swells and shit were pathetic. bullock as fetus baby with umbilical cord thing was forced. not the slightest attempt to build any sense of a character, save the dead daughter which caused a gigantic lol for me due to "her just falling and hit her head." Get it guys!!? G-R-A-V-I-T-Y... woah.. deep! Completely hated the drops of water on the camera lens trope this time around. In children of men is gave the war a documentary feel, but in this coupled with the first person shifts, destroys the idea of what the camera is. yeah, at this point it can do anything. cool i guess. the ISS exploding was 30 seconds of cinematic virtuosity that you don't see every day. you basically covered all the points that ruined it for me too. it was a shit ton of fun, and it was filmed gorgeously (for the most part) but thats basically it. it was a cool ride, just not a great film. wtf was up with the soundtrack, it felt like it was caught in between generic cinematic action crap and something way more fitting. they should have explored the use of electronics more. the second they would come in, some strings would wash up and fuck up the whole mood they were seeming to run with. also why the fuck was george clooney in space with them. he wasn't even a character, he just had a name that i can't even remember... 6-7/10 Well I am glad Jimmy admits to enjoying this. You people are a bunch of miserable cunts indeed. Fucking shit licking asshole adoring space wasters. Who here could attempt at dreaming up a better film???? The score stinks???? You fuckers should look at yourselves in the mirror and ask if you truly are here to do anything worth while except make the world a worse place after your are dead. This film fucked me up. I was shaking after I left. Hating on this film is like hating on your own favorite films just because you are too hipster to admit that you love anything. Fuck you Lopez, Zaphod and Lumpy. See you on the bdb board! Alfonso Cuaron is one of the great film makers of all time. The score is amazing. This film is a game changer. You will all admit this later on if you don't already love this beautiful work of art. 10/10
  2. This post made my wiener grow! Gan't vait to sea this amazon moovee! My thetans are swelling.
  3. I really enjoyed two of the films in V/H/S 2, 'Safe Haven' and 'Alien Abduction Slumber Party'. The director of 'Safe Haven' also did a short for the mostly terrible film collection 'The ABC's of Death', called 'L is for Libido'. here is an interview with him: http://collider.com/timo-tjahjanto-the-abcs-of-death-interview/ This guy fucked my world with both of these films and up until the very last shot of Safe Haven, I think it is the best short film I have ever seen. The most shocking and terrifying by a long shot but the rhythm to the story is perfect and the events that take place are so well timed and perfectly ascend in intensity. Some crummy cgi work and clunky make-up lessen the quality of the final product but the ideas, acting, and writing outweigh any failings in these areas. L is for Libido is very disturbing as well but so well shot and acted that it becomes more like a combination of Salo, Eyes Wide Shut, A Clockwork Orange mixed with A Serbian Film. If you want to be totally freaked out, watch these two films. I look forward to more work from him. He wrote the screenplay for 'Raid: Redemption' but I have yet to see it and have been told it is nothing like the two short films. This is one insane Indonesian man that we will be hearing more about in the future. A full length horror film from this guy will destroy the minds and lives of ordinary people. Bring it on! Jason Eisner, director of 'Treevenge' and 'Hobo with A Shotgun', made the short film, 'Alien Abduction Slumber Party' with a minimal budget and practical everything and knocked it out of the park. Such great use of sound, light and costumes to cause fear. The greys really freaked me out in this. I loved how everything was so surreal when they were abducting the kids. It hit a chord that will stick with me for a long time. Alien abduction shit usually freaks me out unless the film is really horrible. He also has another film in the ABC's of Death that I need to see but skipped over last time b/c that film is filled with horrible shorts, except F is for Fart which I found to be very entertaining, not scary at all and Japanese as fuck. so remember the name Timo Tjahjanto, if you can pronounce it. Wear a diaper while watching because you could shit yourself. Maybe a towel for the vomit as well. Sick shit here folks, high quality sick shit.
  4. CREAM cash ruins everything around me indeed...... Money kills! I still have yet to see Elysium.... so many bad reviews.... we need an amazing sci fi film soon...... Hopefully it is Gravity.... or Ender's Game? not so sure on that one, we shall see......
  5. saw it for the first time earlier this year and holy shit fire it is indeed incredible!!!!
  6. I am not sure either, I suck at being a Herzog fan. I enjoy his work but part of his aesthetic doesn't jive with me. I do love My Son My Son What have ye Done and Aguirre. They do not remind of A Field in England at all. @awkward, I stole it but I am going to buy it on blu-ray. Not playing anywhere in Dallas Texas.
  7. Lone Wolf and Cub - the first two films is all that I have watched thus far and having seen Shogun Assassin several times, it is strange how fleshed out the films are in comparison to the massively edited version Americans were given in the past. I love these films. In their refurbished blu-ray quality, the films look at times as if they were shot yesterday. So beautiful, almost every shot is crystal clear and striking in its composition. A lot of great acting, the over the top comedic facials expressions from extras crack me up! Cub is just too cute, playing with the nipples of Lone Wolf's enemy in order to subdue her. The violence is cheap looking but the action of the blood spray and hacking of limbs is still effective and make me wince when I am watching. In love, thus far, with the series and cannot wait to watch more. JAPAN! 9/10 Only God Forgives - compared to Drive, this film is a giant steaming turd. Some of the worst characters put on film with so much needless, laughable, overly serious facial close ups. If we were intended to hate everyone in this film, it succeeded. I loved a lot of the cinematography which is what makes me hate this film even more, potential without any foundation or the need for the audience to give a fuck about anything in the film. The main Thai staring robot dude annoyed the fuck out of me, looked like he was on the verge of laughing at times. So serious, so much needless hatred and violence just thrown onto film will no care of story. The ending was hilariously mistimed, made myself and my friend laugh out loud. I watched an interview on Vice with Refn and now I can say that I really dislike this man. Pretension is not a strong enough word for his attitude to film making, so full of himself and without the talent to validate how much he loves himself. The musical heart of his previous film is gone in this film, there are little hints of great music and then they die just as each scene crumbles into nothingness without anyu weight. Pretty pictures, shit story, shit acting, shit violence and action. Refn needs to be forgiven for making people watch this. 4/10 A Field in England - Wow! Having no idea what this was about going in always makes for either a great experience, or most of the time a boring one. This film is an experience. Depending on your outlook and experience in life, it could bore you or open your eyes to new ways of storytelling within film. Such amazing abstractions and wonderful black and white cinematography, magical edits and disjointing scenes where you are not quite sure what is happening but you can't look away even though you might should look away. Suspense from a story involving alchemists, sorcerers, serfs, and war torn ptsd survivors, and mass hallucinations. I loved the depths that we are taken to within such a minimal setting. That's the point of the film, or at least the foundation, which serves as a great platform for an exciting, frightening, trippy, and creative as fuck film to escape by. Going to watch this again very soon. 8/10
  8. Odd Nosdam told me that he actually went out to Scotland to hang out with BoC before doing the remix. I guess that didn't help his remix to be any better than it is. I didn't get any details out of him, he was told to keep quiet about the whole thing. I hope Come to Dust has extra music with it, I don't think it will, probably another vid though but I am feeling another ep coming up before the year is through. Or early next year. We shall see.
  9. I can confirm this post is 100% factual correct. I love this record so much and I am not sure what to think about statements like "TH doesn't even sound like BoC." It does and is and you all that are not enjoying it have to live with it. In 4 years you will like it more, so be patient. Or perhaps stop trying to be a BoC fan. Please. They don't want your money. They think the economy is going to the grave anyhow. Now on to important matters. and excuse me if any of this has been said to death, I don't have time to read everything written about this record, but I have read the post TH interviews.................. So the album is laid out where each track is connected, like a shoelace connecting each side of the top, themes are repeated, collapse is at the center. It is a shape. \/ From Gemini to Collapse it goes down, we go down. From Collapse to Semena Mertvykh it goes upwards. Symbolic of a change in the state of society. Money loses its value and we must rely on trading, farming and hunting to survive. TH is a warning. TH could start at the falling of the twin towers in 2001, Gemini, the twin sign, also the sign of Hermes, the messenger god. Our lives got all twisted by the falling of the WTC. A strong statement against the world economic structure. No matter what you believe happened that day, the WTC buildings being destroyed was a big fuck you to the elite that run the world's money systems. It also changed the way we interact with one another. Made us less trusting of each other, imo. The album ends with Semena Mertvykh, two words that mean Seeds of the Dead? A very dark tune but also oddly calm. To me it speaks of how it is going to be okay after the shit hits the fan. One must always attempt to survive and keep humanity around a bit longer through the toughest times. Within the remnants of society there would be a new beginning for the previously co-dependent masses of people, city slickers, who would have no clue how to survive after an economic collapse. The first half of the record is sad, mournful.How most of us would feel as societies crumble and we learn to live by the skin of our teeth. Then out of the collapse of society, something new occurs. Class structures would all but disappear. People would trade for goods and start communities again. if we don't nuke the fuck out of everything. This album has the darkest theme of any BoC record. Out of this darkness comes a truly inspired album by them. I feel the light and the dark throughout the record. It is a triumph. love, Atop P.s. Has anyone tried mixing the tracks together? Like track Gemini with Semena Mertvykh, Reach for the Dead with Come to Dust, White Cyclosa with New Seeds, etc? I will try it out but I don't think it'll work. If it does, they will have my heart for a billion years just like Scientology has Tom Cruises' soul. It definitely won't work with Collapse, unless I break the track in soundforge, reverse the last half and paste it on top of the first half? hmmmmmmm....................
  10. yeah that looks thoroughly depraved and funny....will be seeing. Hell Baby - 7.5/10 - I think the trailer for Hell Baby could be one of the most uninspired glimpses of a film I have ever witnessed. I went into this thinking I was about to watch pure garbage. This is a testament to how well-timed gags, decent writing, and more gags can make a film great. There is no impressive cinematography within this film, the lighting is awful, there was no money spent on it. The film works like Zucker Brothers' films did in the past. It uses current trends in comedies. Use a relatively new genre, horror comedy, which can be fun as fuck and hilarious i.e. Tucker and Dale vs Evil, Slither, etc. This is inspired by the minimal and gag filled approach of Airplane, but it is raunchier. It still makes fun of social stereotypes, uses great comedians to do the gags and say the funny lines. Laughs are had by many. Yay!
  11. Really enjoyed The Conjuring. Hammer films wished they had released this. Zaphod, you are usually funny but your Office Space rant was boring and without merit. Don't try so hard. Let the funny flow from your mind. The Conjuring 7.5/10 Office Space 2: The Sojourning 3/10
  12. I sure am glad they made Pa Kent have superpowers against tornadoes in Superman 7.
  13. Agree. It's actually quite interesting how polarizing both TCH and TH are. I think TCH is by far the superior album, but it has less initial "wow" factor. Will be interesting to see how TH ages with the fans. So you are or are not a fan? I guess I can gather that you are kind of a fan. TCH is nowhere near as engaging as TH, this is fact. You admit that it has more wow, but yet you still hate on it? I would say you are trolling, but I know you and you have never pulled this before, that I know of. Definitely a good chance to troll with the amount of cult-like fan worship BoC have. Hmmmmmmm. You are a mystery Lumpster. Stay mysterious and see you next semester. Atopster
  14. Fuck Walter Hill, that article was terrible. Soderbergh is lazy?????? He has made 37 films/tv shows in the span of nearly thirty years. many of them I have enjoyed, some I have not. many of Walter Hill's films are B Films (Red Heat, Last Man Standing, Johnny Handsome, Brewster's Millions), so what was that article on about? Those are all unwatchable imo
  15. transformative earth message received via fibre optic neural aural vibratory rhythms and all frequency, turning the mind set from one of submission to one of inability to abide laws set by bureaucratic zombies, opening up the gates leading to creative necessity and a life lived, not squandered. 60/10
  16. Whatever Soderbergh works on, he works on it with all of his faculties, bringing in as much valid definition and exploration that brings truth to his subject matter. Magic Mike failed because the subject matter is not interesting but the film still it looks amazing and is well executed. I felt the same way about Contagion, so realistic that it falls short of being entertaining for myself. I love Bubble for its minimal yet emotional success. The Limey, Haywire, Solaris, Che, Out of Sight, The Informant!, Gray's Anatomy, Schizopolis. Holy shit! This man is one of the directors that will go down in history as being consistently impressive and one of the only directors I know of that can successfully be the DP and director on his own work without it being anything but amazing. I love Behind the Candelabra because it is a wonderfully honest portrayal of wealthy persons and how jaded they can become because of the notoriety and press they read about themselves. And also if they have any perverse nature to them, their money will only make that nature well fed. You are wrong about him Lumpy. Your baby is so amazing though, congrats!!! Such joy in your avatar.
  17. Behind the Candelabra is the best film I have seen in a long time. And my favorite Soderbergh film. Still haven't seen Side Effects.
  18. so boring, and faces that close to cameras should be banned.
  19. the place beyond the pines - 7.5/10 - Was not enjoying the film with Ryan Gosling being the lead, great shots and crazy dramatic music, then the Bradley Cooper section starts and it clicked for me, really enjoyed the structuring of the plot and the cinematography. Eva Mendes kind of sucked. Ryan's character was annoying. Bradley was damn good. Dude from Killing Them Softly was great in this.Ray Liotta plays a great prick. The kid from Chronicle is going to become one of the great creepy looking actors. The new Brad Dourif.
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