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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Our Chinatown is small but mighty. Vancouver's Chinatown is like a mini-metropolis. Goddamn I really want Chinese food now but nothing is open. Fffffffffffuuuuuu ...except for 7-11. 7-11 is open. That somehow only makes things worse. how did this turn out? ginger beef taquito or some other 7-11 abomination? lol I opted to go to bed hungry. The other day I attempted to get a buffalo chicken taquito, but said: "I'll have one of those buffalo chicken things." "How many?" "Just one." Guy gives me a single buffalo wing. "Thanks..." I didn't realize there were actual buffalo wings back there too, so I thought I'd give it a shot. It was surprisingly satisfying! And I was quite happy with just one - breakfast of champions.
  2. One track of this koto sample arranged into arpeggios, and one track for each drum sample, all of which were grouped together. I cut each sample so it precisely filled a 16th note triplet, or slightly shorter. Had the koto sidechained to the kick/snare so that it cut out any time either of those occured. Had the reverb also side chained to the drums but also automated the volume for it to cut out when the sidechain didn't cut it. Thanks! It's all one BPM with a couple different feels.
  3. Thanks mang! I've definitely used this technique a fair bit in my beat making, but I've never made an entire track that stuck to it as an unbreakable rule. I think I'll do more of it in the future!
  4. I'm very pleased with how this turned out. The one rule was that no piece of audio may overlap with another at any point, so there is only ever one sound playing at a time. It's quite fast paced though, which creates the illusion of there being a lot happening at once. https://www.indabamusic.com/opportunities/breakmaster-cylinders-beatmaster-challenge/submissions/58ed26a8-0993-11e8-ac4d-0ee9d79f649d
  5. I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that's probably because men are physically stronger by nature, so men doing the brunt of the physical labour is logical. Ditto for the lumberjack/coal miner thing, in addition to sexism when it came to hiring for those jobs. So because men as a gender are physically stronger it's more acceptable to exploit them for cheap physical labor as a society and not expect women to do the same? Well yeah, if I needed someone to lift 100 lbs I would ask someone who is physically capable of doing so without hurting themselves. Simple logic there. Resembles a naturalistic fallacy though. I could say "if I wanted someone to take care of a baby I would ask someone who has bodily organs specifically made for nurturing babies" yet you'd likely deny this is reasonable and I'd agree that it's not entirely reasonable to make this societal expectation. Yeah I mean, get someone best equipped for the task in all cases. There are a lot of physical labour jobs that would be unreasonable to expect the majority of women to do (or to expect it of some little guy like myself). I think since there's usually more strong men around, they get put to task when it comes to physical labour. Then there's of course some women who are stronger than most men, but they're a minority. The taking care of a baby thing is a false equivalence... though if a new born baby needs breast milk, then clearly someone physically equipped to give it is necessary. But in any other aspect clearly either gender is capable. With the physical labour jobs, this is not always the case.
  6. I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that's probably because men are physically stronger by nature, so men doing the brunt of the physical labour is logical. Ditto for the lumberjack/coal miner thing, in addition to sexism when it came to hiring for those jobs. So because men as a gender are physically stronger it's more acceptable to exploit them for cheap physical labor as a society and not expect women to do the same? Well yeah, if I needed someone to lift 100 lbs I would ask someone who is physically capable of doing so without hurting themselves. Simple logic there.
  7. Our Chinatown is small but mighty. Vancouver's Chinatown is like a mini-metropolis. Goddamn I really want Chinese food now but nothing is open. Fffffffffffuuuuuu ...except for 7-11. 7-11 is open. That somehow only makes things worse.
  8. I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that's probably because men are physically stronger by nature, so men doing the brunt of the physical labour is logical. Ditto for the lumberjack/coal miner thing, in addition to sexism when it came to hiring for those jobs.
  9. I finally reclaimed my 1st place spot in facebook Scrabble (for my friends list). My brother ousted me a few months back and then stopped playing. it's very hard to get your rating up when there's no higher ranks to challenge, so after he stopped playing I'd only ever move up a point or two if I won, and dropped 20+ if I lost. Life is hard.
  10. Dang, Ignatius. Well said. Keep working that red wine magic.
  11. Just had an A+ pointless thought and observation - there are few pleasures in life greater than eating a microwaved Chinese style honey bun.
  12. I've seen a lot of Gluten free beer around here, and the couple I've tried were actually quite nice! Both very mild.......... but I just did a search for gluten free beer and among my results was an article warning that it may still not be safe for people with celiac. There's an ad at the bottom for Bard's beer, and an implication that it's safe... I think. Pretty sure that is one of the ones i've seen in stores too.
  13. Oh god. Ugandan Knuckles - this is like what Quake and ICQ was to me, for the current generation of high school kids. I'm feeling the generational gap. Big time. FWP: I prefer dark beer, but I bought a 6 pack of IPA for the sake of my band mate since she was coming in to finish vox on our album. She only ended up drinking one, so I've gone through almost an entire 6 pack of beer I don't care for. Shoulda got the Winter Ale 6 pack for me + one big IPA for her. C'est la vie.
  14. My friend's dad is still sending me random vids on facebook, even though I respond to less than half of them. Tonight he sent me a deer attacking a hunter, followed up with a Creedence Clearwater Revival song.
  15. Sounds very intriguing! I do like me some brain chemistry experimentation.
  16. get this man some Dexedrine! no for real, does it affect your daily life? i was labelled as add at some point, hence the dexedrine thing.... :/ Yeah, it effects the really mundane day to day stuff constantly. Like for instance I was in the middle of writing a very important and very simple email, then I got up to get my SIN # as requested... but after getting up I did something else entirely and forgot about the email until I opened my browser over an hour later. This sort of thing happens with maybe 75% of every little task I do. I start, get distracted, completely forget about the thing I was doing originally and focus on the next thing. A little bit of that I think is normal, but it'll happen several times every day. When I'm working on music I get into deep focus mode, and there's no attention wasted. But for almost every other aspect of my life I can't keep on task for more than a minute or less. I help my friend make teas from time to time, and she's noticed that if she gives me more than one task, I do the last thing she requested and forget the first thing. Now as a rule she never asks for more than one thing of me at a time. It's like my short term memory only has room for one thing at any given moment. Another weird thing, which seems anti-ADD but I think is more like a symptom of it, is if someone is talking within earshot I automatically listen to everything they say, even if I don't want to. it's not an eavesdropping thing, it's more like someone's voice is invading my space and I can't shut it out. So ironically it makes me a good listener, but that's actually because I have difficulty tuning people out since I find their voices distracting.
  17. Oh man, I forgot that this happened: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4KqUxfCnXY
  18. I've never visited facebook on my smart phone. i just use it for the camera, mp3 player, time checking, recording ideas away from the studio, and texting... and also for the rush, the adaptation and the backwardness of the act.
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