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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I'm curious what those religious reasons were. Though if that's too personal, no need to get into it. I have a friend who was only permitted to listen to "secular music" once he turned 15. His first purchase was David Bowie and something else I don't recall.
  2. Yeah, absolutely. It's really interesting catching up on older music I'm unfamiliar with, and hearing aspects that clearly had a major influence on bands I was into early on.
  3. That rat just handed rodents a whole new set of parameters.
  4. I just listened to an album recorded at the most high end studio in this city, by a band I know. The studio has got to have over $100,000 worth of cool analogue gear, a fantastic room for drums. They charge about $100/hour and get tons of business. Yet the recording itself sounds completely lifeless... like no aspect about it pops out in an exciting way. Everything just sounds really soft and sanitized. The parts that should rock out just float around. No character. They somehow managed to make these extremely dynamic songs sound completely flat, and that's without even venturing into loudness war territory - it all sounds quiet. I just don't get it... Like... how is this even possible? And how do they get away with it? They've got all the gear and none of the artistry. I feel bad for my talented friend, who's extremely gifted as a vocalist, and a pretty decent songwriter to boot. But he keeps getting matched up with professional people who are just the wrong fit for what he's doing. It should be so much greater than it is. Gaaah. Also, this douche-bro cop pulls over, interrupts my album listening and starts interrogating me about what I'm doing walking around past midnight. I was so fucking furious that they had the audacity to interrupt me when I'm just out trying to relax with some music, and I don't think I did a good job of hiding my irritation. "Where are you going?" "I'm going for a walk - with my music." *holds up headphones* "There aren't many people out at this hour." "That's why I like it. It's peaceful." "Do you live around here?" "Yes, on ____." "This side or that side of _____." "That side." "Do you work?" -wtf- "Yes, I work." "Don't you think you'll be tired in the morning?" -WTF- "Well I don't work tomorrow, and when I do work it's in the afternoon." "Oh. Well I just gotta make sure you're not up to no good, hur-hur-hur. That's all then, you can go, hur-hur-hur..." Other cop in driver's seat: "dhur-hur-hur-hur..." Then they drive off as I grimace and wave awkwardly. They reminded me of every idiot jock I went to high school with.
  5. Not sure, but I'd consider amputating my arm and then putting a tattoo of an arm where my arm used to be. And then maybe a rolex tattoo on that.
  6. I heard that word both spoken and sung long before I ever saw it written, so it's etched in my brain as "arang-uh-tang" since that is the most common pronunctiation I've heard. Thanks for the recommendation - just checked out the song "echo beach," and I like it very much. The foxy keyboardist doesn't hurt either.
  7. I think I might like every New Wave hit single from the 80's... maybe this was my favorite genre all along and I just never knew. The number of discographies I need to go through just increased by several years worth of music listening. Fuck.
  8. Fuck yeah. Great tune. That whole album is so good. Bummed that my ex got most of our records + player. But rightfully so.
  9. I heard the golden arches were meant to resemble tits, which was meant to make people subconsciously associate McD's with nurturing mothers. Like, "nurse your babies on our golden fast food teats." Marketing innit.
  10. Any specific artists you're thinking of? I do love me some guitar innovation.
  11. Thanks for the suggestion. I think I probably deleted it the install at some point. Anyway, I got it again, and actually installed it this time. Getting it to do all the things I wanted to do with it opened up a whole new can of FWP. But I now have a very rudimentary knowledge of how to use photoshop.
  12. FWP: trying to find a version of photoshop I pirated a long time ago but never installed due to not having enough space. Naturally I search "photoshop" in the search bar... which brings up every fucking jpeg on my hard drive, but not a single file containing the word "photoshop". I'm new to mac and this sort of non-logic kills me. It occured to me while writing this that search features tend to like quotation marks when something specific is wanted. But no. That doesn't make it do the logical thing either.
  13. Frozen Corpse Stuffed With Dope is arguably their best. The Poacher Diaries (a split with converge) is fun too. I just realized the band that was too harsh for me to handle was Aanal Nathrakh. Agoraphobic Nosebleed was the band with hilariously short songs (like nothing over 20 seconds) if I remember correctly. May have just been a novelty album they were doing though. That would be a crazy thing to keep up. Rehearsals would be absolute madness.
  14. I really like the delay reverb effect on the sax solo. I'm gonna emulate that for something one of these days.
  15. I actually like it. But I like other peoples' gross aversion to it more than the song itself.
  16. I'm hanging out with someone right this very moment who broke up with her first boyfriend because he sent her a mix tape with Hotel California on it, and preceding it was his voice saying "this is my favorite song."
  17. I was just going to say - "not making music stresses me out." Pretty much any time I start feeling really shitty, I realize I'm not actively working on a project I care about. Life quickly spirals into absurdity when I'm not doing something creative.
  18. I do love me some Converge. Saw them open for Mastodon and Metalocalyse. The vocalist just screamed "FUCK" over and over again for every single song. It was literally the only word he sang for the whole set. Converge and Mastodon did both got screwed for sound, while Metalocalypse sounded crystal clear. I got the impression they were the only act that had a sound tech. Kind of surprising, considering Mastodon had quite a bit of commercial success at the time. They had released Crack the Skye several months earlier.
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