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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I could listen to him all day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxLV0bVysnk
  2. If someone were to make a thread for replies you wrote, but then decided not to post... would people post those unposted replies? Would it be a self-negating thread? Anyway, I almost posted "Do Anroids Think of Electric Dicks?" in an attempt to fit in with the current convo here, but then I decided against it because it's just too stupid. Imagine an entire thread of that shit. Oh man.
  3. Haha no worries, wasn't just you. Thought I try to nip that one in the bud before it got out of hand, and I figure there's a lot of overlap between posters in that thread and this one. You know who you are!
  4. Too many people are posting FWPs in the "pointless thoughts and observations" thread. This is a problem I'm dealing with, so I'm writing about it here in the thread designated to that sort of thing.
  5. The key is to realize the music everyone else makes is utter shite and the only music worth making is your own. That's how RDJ stays so productive. FWP I seem to be extremely busy not making money. *reads a lot more like third world problem in retrospect...
  6. I'll post the bandcamp link tomorrow when it's up. Downloads will be free/pay-what-you-want.
  7. Oh balls. I didn't realize you needed facebook to view. I guess since I mostly spam that stuff on my facebook page it makes sense no one's ever mentioned that. It's a different song, same project. This one's more watmm friendly imo. The other one really does sound like a song that would play on a rock radio station heheh. It's guitar-lickin' good. The DJs are spoogin' all over it from what I've heard, which is cool. I think if we had submitted any other song it would not have made it on air. I still feel some weird guilt for having deliberately written a radio friendly song. Seems kind of dirty... but I wasn't cynical about it or anything. It was an experiment to see if I could make a song like that that I would still listen to, and it was a lot of fun to make. Pretty fun to play too.
  8. My band Hush Hush Noise got awarded an "honourable mention" for this Indabamusic.com Featured Artist contest. Kind of a half success since only the grand prize winner gets a feature on the site. But hey, it's some recognition anyway. The song is from our debut album which I hope to upload to bandcamp tomorrow. Here's the song in question, for anyone curious: https://www.indabamusic.com/opportunities/indaba-sync-featured-artist-series-january-2018/my-submissions/77b4be52-02d1-11e8-9b1a-0ee95250b769 The album version is slightly different, and won't have the weird mp3 compression their site adds to the streams (the higher frequencies sound a bit ugly).
  9. That first Neil Degrasse Tyson quote damn near made me spit out the coffee I'm not even drinking.
  10. Their should either be a hipster indie band or Vaporwave artist named Corey Heart Attack.
  11. Got a craving to eat at that specific sushi restaurant on the one day they're closed. AGAIN. I swear my brain is programmed to do this.
  12. Wait, so he dies at the end and they carry him away in that box?
  13. Ever since I started reading the Dank Memes thread it's been interfering with not reading the Dank Memes thread.
  14. You're on a roll with those. I actually feel rather pleased with myself anytime I manage to score myself a page break. Own it like a badge of honour.
  15. omg so glad I saved this thread until last week. This is all fresh dankness for me. Also, I was listening to Wings when I saw that Paul McCartney meme and it blew my mind.
  16. I was searching for the sad songs thread and accidently uncovered the Lily Allen thread. Damn/lol. The Gen Ban climate sure has changed a lot over the years.
  17. I want a T-shirt that says "T-shirts have just been handed a whole new set of parameters," and then it has, like, a sleeve missing or something.
  18. Just finished mastering the debut Hush Hush Noise album, two years in the making (very little of which time was actually spent working on it). Pending bandmate approval, it should be up on bandcamp by the end of the day.
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