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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Was walking outside and heard a distant rumbling that made me take my headphones off. First thought was "did Kim Jong-un finally have enough of Trump's BS? Is that what a nuke going off in LA sounds like from here?" I see no hysteria on facebook, so that probably wasn't it. But definitely a FWP that it's a thought that now enters my mind with some degree of plausibility attached.
  2. I checked bandcamp to see if this name was available for my sweet new indie band that doesn't exist, but it's already taken by an LA hip hop posse that's actually pretty cool. Second track sounds like Salt-N-Peppa.
  3. There were 999 comments when I first viewed the page. That's an upsidedown 666, which is very Christlike imo. I'd say RIP but I have a feeling he'll be coming back.
  4. I discovered an online journal I wrote in 10 years ago still exists. Spent the last hour setting entries to private, one at a time because that's the only goddamn way to do it. I was tempted to delete the whole cringey thing but don't have the heart to do it. It turns out it was over 10 years ago that I listened to the Slayer discography... which is disturbing because I would have guessed that was less than 5 years ago. I still remember which streets I walked along while I listened to Reign in Blood... and I haen't heard it since despite thinking it was excellent. I also downloaded the Van Halen discog but still have not gotten around to listening to any of it in the decade that has since transpired. WTF happened to the last 10 years??? This is seriously depressing. My subjective experience of time passing has accelerated SO MUCH since highschool. The next 20 years will probably feel more like 5.
  5. Croissants warmed up in the oven + just about any saucy curry thing is a surprisingly good combo. At least, it was surprising when I first made the discovery. Now it's expected. The aphorism I have gleaned from this just now is "yesterday's surprises are tomorrow's expectations."
  6. Might want to mute the music on this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr0T1g-KmpI
  7. Holy moly that Esso sign ad that comes up next on your playlist is quite something.
  8. My room mate's cat managed to make the entire downstairs reek of piss. This hasn't been a problem until now, surprisingly, and I'm wondering if it pissed somewhere mysterious like behind the couch, or into a heating vent, or... anyway, it's gross.
  9. I just walked by the megaparty that was supposedly cancelled. It's absolutely happening. My friends from out of town were coming specifically to go there with me. Their friend told them it was cancelled so they stayed home. So much for that friend.
  10. I'm alone on NYE for the first time since I became legal drinking age. But I'm equally if not more drunk.
  11. Unknown Mortal Orchestra - II and the new Chad Vangaalen. UMO's second album is interesting in how accurately it recreates 60's production. I haven't heard anyone else nail it quite like that. Prob my least favorite album of his though. Still a solid album from a top tier musician and songwriter. Hella bass too. I don't have much of an opinion on the new CV yet. He's one of the only artists where I feel the first album is by far the strongest, both production and songwriting. I still like everything he's done, but... it's like that thing where you've got your entire life to write your first album, and then everything to come after is done in a rush to meet the deadline. Also, his animation skills are off the hook: {media] [/media]
  12. Hmmm I haven't actually observed any of that on my own feed/fan pages. There was one dude who became obsessed with everyone else finding everything racist, and kept lampooning it with really awkward/dumb statuses. It was really strange, but I don't think it was an alt-right thing. Anyway, I blocked him which solved that problem. Another girl on my list, who seems like a generally good person, also had some weird statuses taking a similar position. In her case it was more just a lack of understanding certain social/political nuances. But I haven't seen anyone be overtly alt-right. I think it's kind of a non-issue where I am. But I get that it's fucking bizarroland in the states right now. Not sure how much that's crossed over into other countries. There was meant to be this big alt-right ralley in Vancouver and like 4 neo-nazis showed up vs. hundreds of anti-hate-speech protestors. FWP I caved and went ahead with the drinking/album listening. Walked passed an apartment where this guy murdered his two kids and tried to off himself on Christmas. There was a big memorial with candles and flowers outside it. He tried to off himself too but didn't succeed. I can't imagine what the mother's going through right now. His kids (4 and 6) went to the same montessori I attended way back when. Anyway, that's been lingering in the back of my mind all week. There was another guy that went nuts a couple years back and murdered his entire family included wife's parents and himself, same area. Anyway... some FWPs taken to the extreme right there.
  13. I'm bored and want to get drunk while listening to albums... but tomorrow's the big drinking night so i feel like I should hold off on the booze. Damn this restlessness!
  14. It's pretty fucked up, but appears to be a disturbingly common prank. Glad I got out of gaming after Quake. Here's a compilation of past SWAT pranks:
  15. It kind of bugs me when someone refers to something as "incredible" because it sounds like they're saying it has no credibility whatsoever, but really they're saying it's amazing.
  16. A belch is like a time machine that transports you to your last meal. (Which is considerably worse and more acidic than you remember.)
  17. Beyond it just being the same feel/mood/etc? Like, actually copping a melody or something from elsewhere? I mean, depending on other things sometimes that sort of thing is cool imo. I have weird opinions tho. Having a similar mood and feel would be fine, but the chord structure and implied melody is way to similar (it's a slow moving ambient-ish thing). It does bug me a bit when I notice artists I enjoy repeating themselves musically, so I try not to do it myself. The sound palette is completely different though, and preparing that is actually where the brunt of the work went, so I'm just going to make something different using those sounds as the basis. This was the track I was ripping off: https://zephyrnova.bandcamp.com/track/call-of-the-mingus I've had that album in my Bandcamp wishlist for...well, for a long time. Not sure why I never pulled the trigger on it, that's a good track. I find my buying habits for music are very hard to pin down and I've never quite nailed down why I buy X over Y any particular time when I do decide to spend some money. Unimportant rambling aside...Call of the Mingus Part 2? Or your idea, that's probably better... Haha that Unforgiven trilogy is pretty good. Although the third one felt a little forced. Also I was hoping they'd continue with the corny word play thing and be like "we're the uuuunforgiven threeeeee" on the final instalment. I've made a different track out of the sounds. And I'm not sure if this was a subconscious decision or what, but the harmonic structure doesn't repeat itself once for the entire track. Kind of funny given my original dilemma. It's honor to be anyone's wishlist. Don't feel like you need to pay money for it - free is perfectly viable option. I'm just pleased to see a download instead of a stream any day.
  18. Have any smooth talking friends that can take up the role of professional landlord if someone calls? I've had a reference like that on my resume before. Create a convincing fiction about yourself.
  19. Beyond it just being the same feel/mood/etc? Like, actually copping a melody or something from elsewhere? I mean, depending on other things sometimes that sort of thing is cool imo. I have weird opinions tho. Having a similar mood and feel would be fine, but the chord structure and implied melody is way to similar (it's a slow moving ambient-ish thing). It does bug me a bit when I notice artists I enjoy repeating themselves musically, so I try not to do it myself. The sound palette is completely different though, and preparing that is actually where the brunt of the work went, so I'm just going to make something different using those sounds as the basis. This was the track I was ripping off: https://zephyrnova.bandcamp.com/track/call-of-the-mingus
  20. Started making headway on a new track tonight, only to realize I'm totally ripping myself off 3 hours in. (3 hours into the process, not the track... if I made a 3 hour + track and didn't rip myself off until the third hour I could probably accept that.)
  21. Delightfully awkward vsnares interview with mysterious girl hanging out, clearly wanting to be elsewhere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s3ZOlQSEPM
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