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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I would get that royalty percentage down in writing mate. Yeah, I should. I mean, she strikes me as a very sincere, well meaning person, so I don't think she'd ever deliberately screw me over. But yeah, you're right.
  2. I easily spent at least twice the amount of time I agreed to charge for on this pop mix for a client. Cursed perectionism. On the upside, it sounds like it could be a commercial hit... and she did agree to giving me a royalty percentage for songwriting and arrangement input. Of course, the chances of it getting to the ears of the right people who determine this sort of thing are negligible as always. But there's always that fraction of a fraction of a percent of a chance it could happen.
  3. Oh man. I used to stare at the DVD moving logo for such moments. Their satisfaction is not exaggerated.
  4. This is correct. I think the answer might be to playing something other than guitar on it. Either that or find the right sexy effect that makes the guitar magic. Maybe it's time to bring out the Zvex Fuzzfactory... that thing's an untameable beast, but maybe that's what the song needs.
  5. Oh shit! Hmmmm... awkward... lol @ that picture though...
  6. I just auditioned 11 different potential guitar parts for the chorus of a song I wrote, and I'm not 100% sold on any of them.
  7. Glad to hear someone agree! His voice sounded like a groaning old man to me, but that's probably because everything else about it was horrible. Groaning old men can be excellent too in the right context. This album was unfortunately the worst context. I like everything else he's done aside from The Boatman's Call.
  8. I successfully posted this in the wrong thread.
  9. The new Nick Cave album sounds like really cringey musical theatre. ...and the lyrics are even worse.
  10. If I took a drink every time Trump says "tremendous" I would die of alcohol poisoning.
  11. I don't really think that recording is controversial at all. It's just Trump talking to his homies exactly the way you'd expect him to. Anyone who likes his personality at this point is going to think it's fine. If anything, it'll serve to make more idiots realize "he's just like me!"
  12. Met a friend for happy hour, drank a bunch, now I'm tired and it's only 7:25. This always happens when I drink in the day. Turns the night into bullshit.
  13. As far as I can tell his whole schtick is not being able to keep a straight face during comediy sketches he's involved in. Somehow that got him his own late night talk show.
  14. Yes! Finally someone agrees with me! I've yet to meet the person who disagrees. No one likes Fallon. At least, not anyone you meet in real life. Obviously he has his own show... so someone likes him. But I've never met that someone. Fallon is the ultimate tofu celebrity. No offense to tofu....
  15. I thought I had lost my cell at a festival a couple nights ago, but it turns out I just wrapped it up with all my cables and guitar pedals while high. Sweeeeeeeeeet.
  16. Arachnophobia does seem to be a thing with almost every girl I know for whatever reason. I don't get it. I haven't really noticed any of my male friends freaking out about spiders though. I wonder why it would be more of a thing among females and not males. Obviously some guys have that fear too, but it seems way less common. i find bugs that resemble long sticks far creepier. not sure why that is though. If a stick-like insect hops on me I will shriek.
  17. Lost my cell phone at a festival I was playing at. Now I'm without a portable music listening system. I guess I could just walk around everywhere holding my Macbook.
  18. Or someone replaced the coffee grinds with metal shavings. *edit: FWP delet posted before me and now my post makes no sense.
  19. I want there to be taco trucks on every corner but there isn't.
  20. lol gross but i would find that immensely satisfying as well.
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