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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I need to come up with a new band name before the end of the month, and I've been trying to do that for the past year to no avail. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
  2. I woke up at 6AM for no goddamn reason and my 30 year old brain lost its ability to fall back to sleep --worst part about being 30, easily. Hate that bullshit.
  3. My girlfriend actually pointed out the autotune to me while I was listening. Totally didn't notice at first... and then I wasn't sure if I was actually hearing it or if the copied bits just gave that impression of unnatural autotune perfection. I'm afraid to reinvestigate since apparently hearing new NIN just makes me angry now.
  4. I liked the odd meter synth bit that repeats, but was really hoping he'd go the odd meter route with the beat as well instead of the usual kick-snare-kick-snare thing. That could have been interesting. Once again the chorus did exactly what I expected it to do... but hey, at least it plays into the theme of the song this time. Pretty sure I won't be buying this album.
  5. Pfft, who doesn't know when they're creating new synapses? I see what you did there.
  6. I was in the process of putting down the word "grime" for a measly 30ish points in facebook Scrabble, when suddenly it dawned on me I could play "regimen" for 87 instead. (Which I did.) *pelvic thrust*
  7. Sorry to hear the terrible news, SG. You're a smart guy, and a good guy, so I'm sure you'll find a way to make that connection with your dad. I have yet to experience the loss of a parent, but both of mine are quite old and I often worry there's not much time. Like you I find it hard to talk to my dad, but for very different reasons. In answer to your question, my fingers do not taste like vaginas. FWP: my fingers don't taste like vaginas.
  8. Had a soft ice cream cone today just to be different. Fucking gross. Soft ice cream should be banned. Also, this handsoap my girlfriend bought makes my hands smell like vaginas. I can't stop sniffing my fingers.
  9. I keep getting facebook status updates from the Tool fan page about Adam Jones being matched up against other metal guitarists in this loudwire.com competition for "greatest metal guitarist", and he wins every time. Now I like Tool more than most of the bands the other guitarists represent, but he's without a doubt the weakest of the contenders. His rhythm's tight, but all he knows is drop D bar chords and has been doing the exact same pentatonic shit for his entire career. (Great band though, don't get me wrong, it's just not because of his inventiveness/skill as a guitarist.) Anyway, he's beating out Jeff Hanneman now and will almost certainly win "greatest metal guitarist" for this bullshit contest. Fans are idiots.
  10. True. Tom Waits is the man. But he tends to write from another character's perspective, and his lyrics are actually good. Trent sort of does the other perspective thing, but it's always angsty-teenage-deadjournal.com style, like he's really trying to portray this misunderstood suicidal fuck-up and get listeners to empathize with him. Tom Waits approaches it more like a vaudeville act.
  11. The question of how Al Bundy could afford a two story house on a shoe salesman's salary randomly popped into my head and now it's sort of bothering me. I haven't even seen that show since I was maybe 7. FML.
  12. I hope that's all it is, but I don't think male cat horniness is nearly as extreme as the female-in-heat kind... it probably wouldn't effect his appetite like that, just compel him to hump blankets or something. FWP: writing a two chord song (that's actually good) is fucking hard.
  13. My cat's appetite has shrunk, might be something wrong with the little bastard. He still chases feathers and purrs at the appropriate moments, so he's not totally fubar. (And he shits on the floor like clockwork.)
  14. It's my friend's birthday and I have a fancy beer I need to deliver to him before party time's over. But I'm abnormally tired, it's 10pm, and he's probably about to pass out from drinking all day. It's going to take a half hour to walk there. I'm going to arrive and be all awkward and weird. Also, I have no beer for myself and the liquor store is closed. Damn damn damn!
  15. It's simply the beauty that is "hogging out". And you are right about the noises.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFEQfVpD_PI
  17. Complete should tour with them as the opening act. I would pay $35 to see that.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0o2ufv_c0xI
  19. I can easily imagine it being brickwalled as fuck and the encoding making it worse. Top40 radio stations are absolute hell to my ears since the stations overclip the already overclipped music they broadcast. It was definitely brickwalled as fuck, and on one track it was clipping in a way that creates audible static, Death Magnetic style. It definitely got me thinking about what passes off as "well produced" these days. I swear in any other era people would agree that it just sounds ugly. The new JT actually sounds really nice to my ears, and I can respect Timbaland as a good producer despite him being intolerably conceited. But I still can't think of Kanye as anything but a garbage artist/producer who won the lottery and used his winnings to make the world more retarded.
  20. I thought the production sounded horrible, but maybe it was just the encoding of the rip I got? I was surprised to find myself enjoying aspects of the first two tracks, but was overcome by nausea soon after on my first listen. It actually made me feel sick. Ah well, certain drugs don't agree with me either...
  21. Holy shit! Good thinking under pressure, glad you're okay. I've never been in a situation remotely like that one. FWS: I woke up at 10am without any prompting from an alarm clock feeling totally refreshed.
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