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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I had a first world problem a while ago and was going to mention it here, but I forgot what it was (which is my new FWP). It was really good too, I'm sure of it. You guys woulda given me mad empathy. Oh yeah, I played Guitar Hero for the first time in a while, and I found the note selection to be illogical for one song. It bothered me. *by note selection I mean the colored bits that are meant to correspond with the buttons you press (I just have a controller), that presumably would also correspond to the guitar parts in the song, but don't.
  2. Definitely one of the best FNM songs.
  3. Aube's great. One of my favorite releases of his is an album comprised of manipulated feedback, Variable Ambit. It starts off completely earsplitting and piercing but branches off into moments of real beauty. Pretty unique album, haven't heard anything quite like it. I played a noise set last month opening for some metal bands. It was cool getting feedback from people who weren't already into noise music. They'd reference Ministry, or NIN, or the more atmospheric sections of some metal band they were into when trying to relate what I was doing with the music they're familiar with. Here's the set for anyone interested:
  4. But then you'll also have to deal with this: FWP: it's raining.
  5. The new facebook Scrabble colour scheme is so hideous I think it might actually effect how well I play the game. Also, there's blackberry pie but no ice cream! Sheeeiiiiiiit.
  6. Hmm... I wonder if cats would apply this same logic to shitting difficulties and then hold onto that logic long after the problem's been dealt with. My cat didn't shit for maybe three days after we first got him, then took up the habit of shitting anywhere in the bathroom except the litter box(es). At one point he was using the litter box independently about 50% of the time, now he's back to always shitting on the floor unless caught in the act (in which case he begrudgingly wanders over to the litter box to avoid confrontation).
  7. My cold's been hanging out in my ears for the last four days pretending like it's about to clear up. Would be fine if my work didn't rely on me hearing things accurately.
  8. Yeah, almost every beat, sound and vocal line jostles my memory to an earlier NIN song (usually multiple) so that I often have that other NIN song in my head while I listen to the new one. It sounds cool though.
  9. All Time Low actually covers new ground for NIN! That's a pretty cool track. My trip to the Mac's only got me that far, but I'm enjoying the album enough to resume listening later.
  10. Haha, I considered that for just that reason, but I don't like the ring as much. Speak in Tongues is more aesthetically pleasing to me in both print and sound. Man... there really isn't anything more subjective than band names. People love or hate them for the most random reasons.
  11. Do it! Drink lots of fluids including orange juice I read that neither vitamin C nor excessive drinking of fluids actually helps with colds, but who knows how accurate the article was. I'm drinking hot drinks anyway since it brings my throat temporary relief. That, lying around, and halls lozenges.
  12. Okay, well if A/D likes it and Goiter Sanchez thinks there's logo potential there, that's all the validation i need. Speak In Tongues.
  13. I have the most unpleasant cold ever and am supposed to go camping tomorrow. Everything aches, particularly my head, my ears are constantly popped, it hurts when I cough, and it hurts when I swallow. My body's a prison. Make that a torture chamber..
  14. You'll probably get a lot of "chelodux" and "kelodux" in that case. That's the problem with these made up word names. I think yours is cool as is though.
  15. I'm not blaming the name for anything other than me (and most other people) not liking it. I produce it and am happy in that role, though my intent is not to make it salable but rather to create music with the production I'd want to hear. I figure if I can make myself like it then there will be others out there who connect with it as well. The album I have posted on bandcamp isn't really that representative of what we're doing now (was done when this was still a solo project), which is another reason for the name change. it seems like a different entity altogether now. The most representative songs on there would probably be Twilight Horizon, Over the Falls, maybe Rise to Grace. But this new album (no samples ready yet) is more electric guitar driven than acoustic, and the drums play more of a feature role. (see Solipsis bandcamp in signature.) ...well I'll be, apparently the url in my sig has been incorrect this whole time. Here's the old album with the aforementioned songs on it: http://solipsisband.bandcamp.com/
  16. See if I had a punk or metal band this shit would be easy. PM me anyone looking for a punk/metal band name. I have thousands.
  17. I think most people are just generally bad at pronouncing words they don't use. And I actually think it's a terrible name now, plus for some inexplicable reason there's a few other artists using it.
  18. Solipsis. Came up with it... 10 years ago? Anyway, everyone mispronounces it and no one remembers it. Plus it's a brutal name for people with lisps.
  19. Then why can't i find any other band with those names? I haven't really heard another band name that reminds me of "cult films" either, but that's probably because anyone else who thought of it realized the err of their ways before it caught on. Have you ever tried coming up with a band name that's not totally ridiculous? It's fucking hard.
  20. But the idea is for the name to actually be memorable. It's astounding how much difficulty people have with our current name. Believe me, I've come up hundreds of totally ridiculous names that are way more fun but completely inappropriate.
  21. One of the new band names I though was great 5 hours ago turned out to be terrible in hindsight. On the bright side i didn't share it with anyone other than my girlfriend and the Stupid First World Success thread. I'm still okay with option number 2 though: Speak in Tongues.
  22. Yeah, I came to the conclusion that Cult Films was terrible while at the grocery store. I don't know what I was thinking. Speak in Tongues is still pretty inoffensive though, I think I can live with that one. I don't see how either of those are cliche though. Explain.
  23. Corrections officer? That would be an interesting/depressing job. I had dinner with a girl that works at a juvenile detention centre earlier this week, and she had some good stories to tell. After over a year of trying to come up with a band name I like that isn't already taken, I managed to think of two today within a span of a few minutes. I fear everyone else will think they're terrible, as that tends to be the case... but let's ignore that since this is the FWS thread. It's a toss up between: Speak in Tongues and Cult Films. My first two reasonable band name ideas were already taken, otherwise I'd go with either: Sleeping Giant ("Christian deathcore" band) and Moving Pictures (Australian pop band that was big in the 80's). It's too bad because those are both good names with shitty music representing them.
  24. That new NIN leak is totally what the Full House theme song should have been.
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