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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. "Siamese twins joined at the anus" popped into my head again, so I did a google search to discover my own post as one of the top recommendations. Totally forgot I had already investigated this and come up empty handed. This time I found this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sooolong/64177967/ The FWP is that for some reason siamese twins joined at the anus has become deeply engrained in my psyche.
  2. I guess I don't find any words offensive in and of themselves. It's all about context for me. If delet made a post about two guys holding hands and referred to them as "fucking faggots" I'd think he was a cunt. FWP I'm continuing this conversation...
  3. Well like I said, I understand why people get offended. But I think it's good to stop ascribing so much power to certain words so that they cease to carry so much impact.
  4. Made me think of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fcja4WFFzDw I personally don't care what words people use unless they are deliberately being hateful. I get why some people get offended, but it's the user's intention that matters most. Pretty sure delet doesn't hate gay people, he just likes the sound of that word.
  5. That's a huge understatement! The new DEP is crazy good, at least after one listen... hopefully it will hold up on successive listens, but man did it ever hit the spot the first time through. I felt elated while listening. The compression of the mastering does hurt it in spots, but otherwise they nailed it. No duds so far as I could tell.
  6. Holy fucking shit Baph. Holy shit. Well it sounds like you earned it after recent events. Congrats on the awesome time! SC3 are maybe the very top of my list for acts to catch live. And I would way rather have Sasha Grey beside me for that than Ron Jeremy in front of me for the ferry walk-on lineup. That's the best I've got for porn star encounter stories.
  7. I got a surprise $550 sympathy check from the government today for making fuck all last year (I saved a reasonable amount of money in prior years so I made it through 2012 and most of this year being a bum and working on my music). I was just about ready to panic too, but this week marks the beginning of two big new projects, plus a couple smaller ones that just fell in my lap. This always seems to happen right in the nick of time for me.
  8. My girlfriend's parents gave us a home made lasagna. The problem is it takes goddamn 40 minutes to cook, which is insane, and I'm starving.
  9. I worked 12 goddamn hours today/yesterday. And I'm going to wake up to at least another 8. But my most FWP is that facebook Scrabble will never finish loading.
  10. hah, a pun that i didn't see coming. (i didn't, and i was delighted, but then without realising it my reply came with it's own in built pun) Two in built puns as it so turns out. Today I succeeded in hearing the new David Bowie and being quite impressed.
  11. My cat's been bullying me lately. I think he may be a sociopath.
  12. yeah, i use taco mince that i've made from the night before and bulk it out with tomatoes and more onion and some italian herbage and tomoatoe paste and celery etc. Makes nice pasta sauce for some reason, despite all the cumin in the taco sauce it really all just acts like a flavour enhancer, heh maybe they put msg in those packets. Cumin is awesome in pasta sauce! Coriander too! Good show of solidarity guys. I feel fucking with pasta has really brought us closer. I haven't tried cum in my pasta yet, messiaen. Will give it a shot tonight.
  13. I mixed Mexican and Italian cuisines (and Thai if sriracha is enough) together last night and it was awesome. Mexican ground round + pasta and tomato sauce/sriracha FTW.
  14. Highschool's ridiculous -hang in there, vlet. FWP: the last 18 emails I've received are not important enough for me to even bother reading (AKA my laziness in dealing with mailing lists and notifications that I don't want is really catching up with me, but I'll deal with it later [in theory]).
  15. But I'm not doing this for heath reasons. Bread's my next favorite thing after meat, and sugar's in most things I like, with the exception of exceptionally salty things like Pretzels (though it's probably in there too in trace amounts... I don't really pay much attention to what's in my junk food as I assume it's all crap anyway).
  16. Fuck, me neither! That's really hilariously disturbing.
  17. Hmm, that's a tough one. Maybe pour water/prep food for both yourself and her, then casually offer her share. That way it just seems like you're being considerate instead of giving advice. She might find a way to take offense to that too, but it's worth a try. Hope things get better over time.
  18. I did that for a while.. but pulled pork brought me back. I should do it again though, since there are a lot of great vegetarian food options near where I work. I never cook with meat anymore, though. Yeah, I really do miss meat. A lot. The thing I said about restaurant meals still stands. Usually if i get a vegetarian dish at a restaurant I think "why would I pay money for someone else to make this?" Veggie burgers taste like deep fried bread inside more bread. My home meals are still pretty decent though. I make a lot of tacos with this "veggie ground" which is pretty much ground beef made with tofu and so many spices that it tastes like meat. I've been thinking about using the luke viia method. Eat like a vegetarian most of the time, but don't needlessly make myself suffer too much if I reeeeeally want a proper burger at a restaurant instead of something I'll almost certainly regret and hate myself for ordering. My regret in that case would outweigh my desire to be ethical.
  19. I vacuumed and now my girlfriend's pleased with me.
  20. It's almost 4AM and I need to get up at 10:30am to follow up on what I told my friend I'd do, and my bed is another 40 minutes away, minimum. That particular combination is totally not in sync with my lifestyle. And I need to eat something substantial ASAP. Damn damn DAMN.
  21. I think one of my front lower teeth is loose and wants to come out, but it's being held in place by a metal wire/cement that's connected to it's equivalent tooth on the other side. It hurts like a bitch if I'm chewing something tough on it. I dreamt last night that it fell out, along with the one beside it shortly after, and became convinced that wire was the only thing holding my bottom teeth in place. Woke up relieved that it was only a dream, but then remembered I still had a potentially major tooth problem in reality. Any time I hear about someone visiting the dentist to any procedure done it usually costs them over a grand. Fuck that. But the above FWPs sound worse, and I really hope ingrown toenails wins most IDM 2014. It'll probably just be something nerdy instead.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWr4EjCtdNg
  23. I hope so. I was mistaken about the arms, which makes it far less horrifying. Damn that Metallica One video. Listen, did you eat the poo or not? I ate it like ice cream. FWP: worried some people won't get my dated reference. I guess they all got weirded out. FWP: worried my joke isn't funny enough. All that aside, sweet track. Love the wack brass section.
  24. I spilled coffee all over my sleeve/carpet when I took it out of the microwave today + more cat turds on the bathroom floor + couldn't find what I wanted to pirate a moment ago. Also keep thinking about that guy that got his legs and arms blown off, and how I would prefer death to living without any limbs... but maybe he just got both legs blown off and still has his arms. I could live with that. God what a terrible thing...
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