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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. My noise set's over. On the bright side it was recorded and is quite entertaining to reexperience from the audience's perspective. That was probably the most fun I've had performing, period.
  2. I downloaded some MB a while back, but it sounds like the mp3s were taken from a tape that had been worn out, on stereo with a lot of its own EQ coloration added, random panning added... So I gave up trying to appreciate it as it sounded like shit and probably wasn't supposed to. I finally heard some Pain Jerk. The collab he did with Dogliveroil is top notch. Trashware is decent, though much less impressive, sort of following the same trajectory as mid 90's Merzbow, but a much drier sound. Wasn't a big fan of John Wiese collab, surprisingly. I'm really digging Emil Beaulieu's stuff right now. Anti Performance is excellent, wish I knew what year it was. Discogs doesn't know either. But my greatest new find would have to be TEF: Fucking awesome.
  3. Well I'm getting 4-6 hours sleep at night, then 1-2 hours nap at some point during the day. So really it amounts to about the same amount of sleep, but much less convenient intervals. I managed to get my nap in at the start of my day this time though, so I should be good to go tonight. So my girlfriend put on Clark - Turning Dragon today and listened to half of it with me before having a shower. Which "begs the question" (inside watmm joke there): has she been lurking in this thread?
  4. I guess for her music is more of a personal thing. She also can't read with another person in the room. FWP: my first noise show is tomorrow and my set time will conflict with my now regular nap time. I wonder if I should pick up some caffeine pills...
  5. I can definitely empathize with the whole partner-not-wanting-to-listen-to-music-with-you thing. That's like my favorite thing to do, period, but she, like Squee, hates listening to music with other people. I mean, listening alone is great, maybe even preferable, but it's nice to have that option of appreciating it with someone else. The thing is, she likes Autechre, Aphex etc., she doesn't doesn't want to listen to them with other people. I still have yet to hear Exai. When's the CD due out? I'd check the Exai thread but I'm afraid to open it again.
  6. 7PM, time for my fucking old man nap once again. FFS.
  7. Can't tell if this has already been posted as all vids show up as black squares for me, but this is great: Best part's around 1:20.
  8. Yeah. Turns out I did alright anyway. As I was doing the interview, there were a few times where I thought, "hey! I'm fucking doing it! and I'm not sounding awkward!" .. and that was the moment where I became self-conscious and started stumbling. I think I just need to eliminate the self-awareness part of it and I'll be fine. Or at least channel that self-awareness into control of babbling. It's hard, though. Like you said, it's just so much easier to get up onstage and have a good idea of how my set will go. That said though, the adrenaline rush I got from it was fucking intense. I feel so good right now Nice! Glad it went well. I can't think of any FWPs right now. OH! Got it. I can't find any free downloads of the music I was hoping to pirate. (For the most part it is rare limited edition cassette stuff, and I don't listen to cassettes... but that's mostly incidental as I'd probably still pirate it to check it out and then possibly buy it later if it's awesome, but possibly not.)
  9. It's one thing to perform rehearsed work in front of a lot of people, it's another to have a conversation that everyone's listening in on. I've never been nervous about performing, but I find interviews incredibly awkward. You more or less know how a set will go, but an interview can be unpredictable. It's probably something like that. My sleep schedule is a whole other fucked up this past week and a half. Instead of sleeping through the night, I'll sleep maybe 3 hours, wake up, stay up for maybe 4 hours, nap for a couple more, go about my day, go home, have another hour nap, watch a movie, repeat. It's been pretty consistently like this for more than a week now, and I don't know why. Also, if I wake up I'm awake and that's that. For 29 years I've always been able to go back to sleep if I needed it, then I turned 30 and everything changed.
  10. I was considering posting in the braggadocio thread, but then all the positivity contained within made me feel nervous and weird. (I swear I was channeling ET when I wrote that last sentence.) Also, I drank coke today and drinking coke always makes me feel horrid immediately afterwards. I gots me the jitters!!
  11. Went to get the physical copy of Exai because my brain's still lost in an era where an album release meant the release of a tangible product I could hold. It was of course a futile mission. All the other albums I would have bought were too expensive.
  12. Put some whiskey in it and drink it properly. If only you had got here 14 minutes sooner. i think i've said this before but, you could never justify microwaving it.. I can usually justify microwaving just about anything.
  13. My coffee's not warm enough, but there's not enough left for me to justify microwaving it.
  14. Hm, I do remember making that, but don't remember the working title. It was never a complete track, just like the breakcore equivalent of a verse and a chorus. I recall making it in response to a YLC thread calling for people to post their best vsnares impression. Mine wasn't intended as a mockery (there were plenty of those), but as a serious attempt to make something that sounded like a plausible vsnares track. For the record, I like a lot of his music and think he's a pretty cool guy.
  15. Haha, I have a few pics where I look almost exactly like him, more so than this one. I mean, "yes, that's me."
  16. I haven't been able to connect to facebook for almost a week, except if I use hotspot shield. But hotspot shield will only work once, after which point it mentions something about an internal error which will not resolve. Then I have to reinstall it, only to use it once and then have to repeat the whole process all over again. To top it all off, facebook tells me someone from another country is logging into my facebook account each time I do it, so I have to answer the security question before it will let me log in again. Anyone else have this problem?
  17. My cat has yet to go on the bed, but occasionally one of his stray turds will migrate from the bathroom to the carpet, or in one instance the wall by the front door. That one was especially mysterious. It was just jutting out of the wall above the door stop. In fact, when I first noticed it I was in a tired daze and thought "why is the doorstop so stubby and seemingly darker than I remember?" before crashing in bed. Wasn't until a couple days later in daylight that I noticed what it really was. I was completely awestruck, as it seemed to defy all reason. His sphincter must have failed to cut it off, so he wandered over to the entry way to rub his ass against the wall. Either that or he kicked it up there with remarkable force.
  18. My BO smells like curry (not at the moment, just in general), and it actually does make me crave Indian food when I notice it. I'm tired, not getting enough work, and kind of weary about my future money situation.
  19. I've been having trouble accessing facebook all day... and I actually care a little bit. FML. Also, I caught a whiff of some nasty green mould festering in an old can of evaporated milk and I feel as though I'm still smelling it an hour later... kind of makes me feel sick. But it's more like a powerful memory of the smell than it is an I'm-literally-smelling-it-now smell. Still pretty unpleasant.
  20. Don't come and eat the shitty cheap sushi. The difference between cheap sushi and the proper deal is phenomenal. I was quite impressed by the cheap sushi place right near Zulu Records. Maybe the sushi in my town is just not that great, but I swear the cheap sushi I had in that restaurant was at least comparable to the more expensive sushi places where I live. Then again, most sushi tastes quite similar to me, with a couple notably bad exceptions. And that south park bit is classic.
  21. They made me a root beer ice cream float for free the only time I went there! But i went there because I heard they were giving out root beer floats, so it only stands to reason. In any case, you gotta respect a brewery that gives out free ice cream floats. And yeah, their beer is pretty decent. I prefer Mill Creek though, which I think is Vancouver(ish? Obviously it's made in Mill Creek, but I recall hearing that's within Vancouver or near it). Good to know about those $5 refills. Hm, that's shitty about the antifat cuntiness you experienced. I've only ever witnessed one incident where a homey in his expensive car (presumably paid for by his parents) drove by an overweight woman and screamed out his distaste for her physical appearance... something like "eeeewwww you fucking fat bitch!!" I almost threw my coffee at him, but he drove off. And yeah, Vancouver is really excellent for Asian food. Plus, the amount you save on sushi more than makes up for the extra $100+ you pay on rent each month. I don't even like sushi that much, but it's so cheap in Vancouver that I feel like i have to eat as much of it as possible while I'm there.
  22. I believe Vancouver is maybe the only place in Canada that's more expensive than Victoria to live (that's where I be wasting all my hard (lol) earned money on rent).
  23. Not yet, but it's bound to happen sooner or later, and watmm will be the first to know.
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