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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. That Bohemian Rhapsody video delivers. The cover not so much. It's always a bummer to hear great singers autotuned to shit when it's obviously unnecessary (just do a few takes to get it on pitch FFS), and I was really looking forward to hearing him belt out those high notes, but instead of doing the main melody he opted for replacing it with a lower harmony. And THAT was the most original thing about it --too bad because the original melody is pretty much as close to being perfect as any vocal melody has ever been. I was hoping they might put a new spin on the rest of it but leave the vocals mostly intact... kind of the reverse of what happened. But yeah, video delivers. Also, Aenima is one of the top 5 rock albums of all time. I'm not even sure what the other 4 are.
  2. God this season is soooo booorrring. I'm not sure I can keep watching. Really enjoyed the first two seasons though.
  3. Oh man, my dad's going to have a fun time coping with that. My parent's are going to be in your neck of the woods for about two months, and they are woefully unprepared for the heat. Here's hoping they don't get heat stroke! It's cold and wet where I am.
  4. I got incredibly drunk last night, and forgot to clean up a sizable puddle of evaporated milk in the kitchen that my cat was lapping up as I walked back to my lap top. I actually tore off a couple paper towels, was about to get down to business but then reasoned "well it's better that I let him drink it for a bit so that it's not a complete waste of evaporated milk." Then I proceeded to watch that TED talk video about pornography addiction and fell asleep. I left the paper towel beside the puddle, and presumably my girlfriend picked up where I left off this morning before work. She must think I'm such an asshole right now... and she's not wrong! My intentions were good though... I wanted little Charly to enjoy his prize. (He was the one who swatted the can out of the fridge when I opened it to get some juice.)
  5. So does J Mascis have his own line of yoghurt now, or were you just hanging out with J Mascis and he happened to leave yoghurt in your fridge? Either way, pretty cool. FWP: having doubts about using the phrase "have his own line of" preceding yoghurt, I've just never heard it in that particular context and it sounds like it might not work. Pretty sure it does though, see no reason why it wouldn't.
  6. My cat managed to successfully open the closet a couple times by fluke. So now he always tries to open it, but since he doesn't actually know how it just makes a lot of annoying racket.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2N6l6KI5lI
  8. i went to one of his shows in brooklyn. he had his back to the audience during the entire set. people were shouting "turn around" so they could see him. he eventually walked off looking pretty pissed off. Yep, that's basically his show from what I've observed. He gets himself worked up into an anger frenzy and then has to storm off the stage by the end of it so as to avoid hurting anyone. It's impressive that he can channel that much rage every time, and I for one applaud it. I'm sure I would. I haven't heard a Justin Broderick project I haven't liked, and Prurient's sound would compliment his perfectly.
  9. Holy shit at those two collabing together. I was not aware. Cool!
  10. Everyone likes Peter Gabriel (with the exception of people who don't like themselves).
  11. I think he just meant that overpopulation is ballin' out of control and the world breathes a sigh of relief anytime the act of breeding gets averted, rather than a "you personally should never breed" diss. That would be out of character for delet. FWP: forgot I ordered a CD through amazon and bought the same CD for the double the price at a local store. Again. Anyone want a brand new unopened copy of Tame Impala's Lonerism for $10?
  12. I wouldn't say Throbbing Gristle has much metal appeal, but they're definitely worth checking out. I don't like many of their albums start to finish, but they've always got a few interesting tracks on each. I don't care much for the distorted bass noodling and spoken word rants, and there's a lot of that on most of their albums... The tracks 'Satan' and 'Christ' off Giftgas are two standouts for me, and they're placed back to back which is nice. Check out the Giftgas album.
  13. Prurient's live show is intense. That guy can get himself worked up into a fury like nobody's business.
  14. That sounds fucking awesome. I will look into both artists' work. Break a leg, Awep.
  15. I've spent most of today futilely searching for information on how to get my video and audio to sync up properly in final cut express. In the end I ignored all that vague technical information that was tenuous at best, separated the video image from the audio that was meant to go with it and nudged the audio forward by several milliseconds. I don't think it was the proper way to do it, but it seemed to work. I just hate how I wasted several hours trying to figure out something that I could fix myself simply by doing the intuitive thing. Fuck video editing software and fuck me for trying to do it right. The wrong way is usually faster.
  16. lol This Lackthrow/Ginger Cortez collab is outstanding, and cheaper than bus fare (also previewable from bandcamp): http://redvenicerecords.bandcamp.com/album/collaboration So far everything I've heard from Lackthrow has been very impressive. Very cool. I want one. I recently checked out a collab they did with T.E.F., which was excellent, and subsequently downloaded Recycled -also highly enjoyable. I played my first noise show on the 16th and have reasonably decent video/audio of the event. Will post that as soon as I can figure out how to make it sync up properly. I hate video editing software so much.
  17. I listen to mp3s on my cell phone. With headphones. I'm sure they leak a fair bit, but I'm always happy to include the people around me. It's always fun trying to identify what other people on the bus are listening to, so I encourage the use of leaky headphones.
  18. A big metal light fixture just fucking fell from my ceiling and is currently dangling from a chain about three feet from the ground. Also, there was a fucking drive by shooting outside my girlfriend's work last night while she was working. 5 or 6 shots in all. She is unscathed, but a bouncer who was outside the club next door got shot in the leg. Why? Because one of the girls who was with the drive by posse passed out earlier in the club, so they were asked to leave. Evidently they didn't appreciate that. Anyway... very close call. I don't recall there ever being another drive by shooting in my city before. Fucked up.
  19. Yeah, it didn't really turn out to be a problem at all. Which is surprising considering there was no sound check and I was pretty much flying by the seat of my pants. Yet somehow everything was sounding nicely balanced by the second song and the band was really happy with the sound in general. They're getting me to come in to their studio to check things out and give some pointers. FWP: I'm already feeling my hangover coming on and i haven't gone to bed yet. :(
  20. Gotta do sound for a show at a night club I've never been to in an hour, I'm already drunk + they're paying me in beer. It'll be fine.
  21. Hang in there StephenG! It sounds like you've got a very promising future ahead of you, so you should definitely stick around to see it out. Counseling's probably a good idea. I'm drinking decaf coffee... and it's one of the best roasts I've ever had, damn it! Still, no caffeine? WTF's the point. Also, hemorrhoid. Itchy. It's first world because I'm sitting on a microfibre couch.
  22. Awwwwwwww... Hungover. Still got up at 7:30am for no good reason.
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