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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Oh nooooooo! This is either a ripoff of that NIN song that has lines like "he took the money and he... she took the money and they..." from Year Zero, or that's a ripoff of this song, which I could totally see being the case. lol to that. (in response to that first horrid song)
  2. Yeeeee. What are those two known for? Do I want to know? Got tired early tonight, so I went to bed early. Now I'm wide awake and it's only 6AM. This would be a good thing if I could stay awake until a reasonable hour tonight, then crash. But it is far more likely that I will crash at 11am and fuck up my sleeping schedule even more.
  3. I appreciate the little-fire-getting-extinguished empathy on the previous page. I'll try the Jesus feather metaphor or whatever it was if I can get it straight next time. I do have two other albums in other projects to work on, so I think I'll be okay... just got to get excited about those ones again first --therein lies the rub. FWP: still missing that goddamn sunlight immensely. Also, watched that movie about the fucked up Australian serial killer gang which was both incredibly disturbing and confusing, then proceeded to research the case further which was much more disturbing and confusing. Maybe less confusing due to more in depth explanations, but still bewildering that something like that happened involving so many guilty parties in such a closely knit community. I guess over the course of a century there's got to be at least one case like that somewhere in the world. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
  4. lol and also "n the 1970s, Nastassja Kinski made headlines for her affair with "Tess" director Roman Polanski. She was 15 at the time, while he was 42." Holy fucked up coincidence. Were Klaus and Polanski friends? Rumors abound... Amazing. Part of me thinks Klaus Kinski would revel in all this horrible publicity. fwp: I'm finishing up an album which always bums me out a little. It's like there's a little flame getting extinguished inside me. But there's also the promise of starting fresh with something new, so that's cool.
  5. The vagina artist is actually "Ghost Taco", uploader got the name wrong. Here's a better one, wish I was there to see it:
  6. Cool doc, thanks for sharing. There are some sweet Lesllie Keffer performances on youtube. Good stuff. I've seen quite a few female noise performers at noise fest here in Victoria. Notably, Froghat & Sofaqueen, who sometimes collab together: And Anju Singh AKA The Nausea: And here's a short excerpt from that infamous set I saw where the girl shoved a mic up her vagina (it's not actually graphic, so sfw in that regard):
  7. I am surprised too! I remember a couple others as well now, but I've exhausted my mundane dream descriptions for the day. And you are right about the tired thing.
  8. Man, I have the most comically mundane, scattered dreams. Last night I dreamt that my girlfriend got a call/text from her friend asking if she wanted to cowrite a book on the triathalon. She said to me "you know what? I'm gonna do it. Why not?" My response was "but do you really have any interest in the triathalon?" The end. There was another mini-dream where I woke up to her talking in her sleep and saying gibberish, which culminated in her grinning insanely. My cat was also observing this and mimicked her grin with remarkable accuracy. I woke her up to tell her about it (in the dream). The end. In another stupid dream (also last night) I was on a beach amidst a big group of people who were sitting around facing the ocean. I was not a part of the group, I was just there. They were listening to someone who I figured out was a yoga instructor, and this was some giant yoga convention. They seemed like very nice people (that was my major dream epiphany). I thought about trying to fly, but then didn't bother. Instead I walked further down the beach where it transformed into a convention centre. Apparently there was going to be some yoga related film playing there. The end. Shit dream from last night #4: I was in the back of a jeep with my old choir conductor and some other singers. He was talking about the trip we were going to take the following day to some place, for which we'd need a specific piece of music. I realized I didn't have that piece of music with me and mentioned as much. He proceeded to flip out at me for never having my music and couldn't believe how frequently I lost my music. Oh god why am I writing out this dream why are you still reading... anyway, I explained that I just lost things in general and had done so since I was a child, it was nothing against his music. After being dropped off it occurred to me that I probably did have my music at home and wasn't sure why I told him I'd lost it. Maybe I was convinced we were already on the way to the place where we would need it. But I reasoned I probably shouldn't mention it to him because than I'd seem like an even bigger asshole/idiot. The end. Aaaand in the 5th dream I was hanging out with my mom in her kitchen. She had a giant fucking spider web in her back yard that took up the whole yard. I asked her where it came from. She said she'd had it for 20 years. Then we were in the back yard and the web was folded up in something like a badminton net. It was actually part of the net, hard to explain and not worth it. There was a second net, and also my dad. Then we were in her room and apparently she had given away the spider web. I accused her of lying about the whole thing. Then she admitted someone gave it to her as a sympathy gift the day before. I asked who sent it. She gave me some random name that was possibly made up. The end. But wait, there's more. I also dreamt me and my gf lived in a log cabin/condo. We found a neglected kitten in our unit. It belonged to our cunty neighbor who never fed it. I kept throwing little balls down a long dead-end hall for it to run after. My gf gave it some tuna. The end. There was probably more idiot dream vignettes that I can't remember. Someone let Jim Jarmusch know I have his next movie ready for him.
  9. I think most people who know of Klaus Kinski were already aware he was brutally unpleasant, this just puts it on another level. (And I think that movie's titled My Best Fiend... seen a few people referencing it as "friend" now so felt I should point that out.) Woke up at 3pm for a drum session, and I'm feeling especially sluggish for having to wake up "so early". I'm glad they couldn't do it earlier in the day as I originally requested, not sure I would have made it...
  10. I'm usually pretty good at separating the actors as people from the characters they play, so I don't think this will affect how I see his films too much. But I'm perhaps less inclined to seek out films specifically for his role now. My cat's last crap was held together by a blue elastic band, like little shit nunchucks.
  11. Well fuck. That's horrible. I'm not as shocked as I would be if I heard this news about another actor though... Klaus Kinski was a messed up individual without a doubt. This just makes his crazy antics a lot less endearing. I wonder how Herzog's taking the news.
  12. lol, nice. I dreamt I was messing around with my microkorg, found a setting on one of the bass sounds that created this static like hiss. From out of the hiss a man's voice started talking about something I can't remember, then started talking about his first time doing acid. I looked at my gf and was like "dude, this is a bass setting wtf." Then I either hit record or at least thought about it before waking up.
  13. I slept in until 7pm today. I think that may be a personal record. Now I'm kind of mad at my girlfriend for not waking me up earlier, which is silly (and I'm practically never mad at her except when she's mad at me... so it's weird and confusing). This new sleep pattern is fucking me up psychologically.
  14. I use an electric razor with this handy vacuum feature that sucks the hair up as I shave, albeit not very effectively. I keep it on the two-millimeters-worth-of-stubble setting. The most annoying thing about it is that it will not reach the hairs directly under my nose (just the bit underlining my nostrils) so I have to trim those dozen or so hairs with scissors. That's probably one for the FWP thread --if anyone would care to complain on my behalf please feel free.
  15. (*in response to flurobox...) Thanks, what a fantastic interview! It's interesting to hear how different his record approach is to his live performance. I've resolved to treat my own live performances as a separate entity from my recordings, since my recording methods are extremely dependent on editing, layering and sculpting the sound... and I think trying to reproduce that live would be lame. So it's good to hear more established noise artists have taken a similar approach and made it work. I often get the sense that studio perfectionism is frowned upon by a lot of people within the scene, but I don't think I could ever let that go... or rather I wouldn't want to. Studio manipulation is just far too much fun and leads to more interesting end results. I just watched that Boyd Rice Iconoclaust documentary, which was fascinating. He's a much warmer person than I expected. I loved hearing about the various pranks he's pulled over the years. Interesting life that man has lead.
  16. Oh man, just finished listening to the second half of Masonna's Inner Mind Mystique... possibly the harshest noise release I've ever heard, quite the headphones experience! It's maybe a bit fucked up that I actually enjoy listening to this: I was not expecting it to be nearly that brutal sounding, as I had heard a later release of his that sounded really thin and wimpy. Go figure.
  17. 9:30am and I'm still awake. The closest thing to a meal I ate today was half a loaf of bread with some cheese. My life is a mess.
  18. I just gave Realites Servo Mecaniques a listen --thoroughly enjoyed the mechanical loops, the sound esthetic and overall vibe, though I did get a little bored halfway through due to the repetition... but I'm sure that's part of the point. I'll be sure to check out some more of their stuff. I wonder if tam quam tabula rasa was at all influenced by them.
  19. Not too much more to tell. I think she put the mic in a latex glove and lubed it up quite thoroughly. Then she crammed it up there and started screaming (and laughing because it was hilarious). Since it was picking up through her body, the sound was quite muffled but still clearly audible. Imagine putting your ear up to the belly of a pregnant woman carrying a freak baby that was able to scream from within the womb. That's the gist of it.
  20. Woke up at 5:30PM to total darkness. I wake my girlfriend up who fell asleep on the couch, she gets up, goes to bed and goes back to sleep. Fucking grave yard shifts.
  21. I dreamt I was about to play my first noise show, which for some stupid reason was scheduled for one in the afternoon. I was concerned I would sleep through it, or not have enough time to get batteries/adapter for my delay pedal. I awoke from the dream, checked my facebook, and got a message asking if I could play a noise show on Feb 16. First noise show dream, first noise show gig offer. Weird coincidence.
  22. I saw the literal equivilant of a chick shoving a mic up her vagina and screaming so that the mic picked up the sound from inside her body at a noise show. It was a visual highlight of the event, musically not so much.
  23. My cat usually smells like honey and I haven't found an adequate explanation of why that might be. When he was a kitten he alternated between smelling like honey and smelling like pungent cheese. The sweet smelling cat thing is common, so I thought for sure there would be a know-it-all veterinarian on ask.com tellin' it like it is. But no. The best I got was an explanation of why they don't stink as bad as dogs. The internet has failed me.
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