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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Not yet, but it's bound to happen sooner or later, and watmm will be the first to know.
  2. I have a friend that supposedly outgrew his aspergers, though he still has to really keep himself in check during social situations and is prone to angry outbursts. He had pictures of peoples' faces on his refrigerator depicting different emotions so that he could memorize them. The only real clue I had before he told me was that I noticed he took jokes very literally. But he was very aware that he did this, so usually after a moment's confusion he'd make some comment like "oh, you're joking! Of course you don't have bodies hidden under the floorboards of your old house. Haha! Nice one." But yeah, as long as he doesn't drink too much he tends to get along pretty well. And pot helps. Apparently ever since he first got stoned he hasn't gone a day without pot... though he also tends to make a lot of shit up, so who knows. It's consistent enough with what I've observed, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's accurate.
  3. I wish there were a way to have avatars make sounds whenever someone scrolled over them. Mine would just keep shrieking until the cursor was removed. For anyone wanting an update on my kitty's shitting habits, he's still using the bathroom floor about 50% of the time.
  4. Haha I know! What makes me even shittier is that I won't appreciate it nearly as much as all the people who would kill to see it on the big screen. It's one of my least favorite Kubrick films. FWP: no longer seeing all nine of those films, as the cost is twice would we had thought. We're only going to see the two Kubricks, the two Scorseses, and maybe Oldboy. I'm sort of bummed to not be seeing Pulp Fiction in theatre... but when the time comes we'll probably just splurge and watch all the ones we intended to originally, money be damned. FWP2: that sourdough loaf I bought at a $2 discount from Thrifty's (? Fairways?) is fucking dismal and had I known how bad it was I would never have bought it. Even if it were free it would not be worth the disappointment I experienced at how sub par it is. FWP3: typos.
  5. Well, I took that 2nd aspie quiz but didn't get the pdf --needed some flash plug-in, got the firefox update, copied the url, but for some reason it didn't get retained when I tried to paste it back in. Now I am very ANGRY, but is it aspie rage or normal rage? Now I'll never know. Anyway, i took a pic just in case something like this happened, but I have no idea what the diagram means. I got 97/200 aspie, 107/200 normy. I'm a little bit of both. And apparently I'm a great hunter for a normal person?? I know that's not true... wish i had that pdf to help make sense of this. That eye recognition bit took me ages to get through, not because I found it baffling but because there are a lot of ways to interpret a person's eyes if there are no other facial cues. That took waaaay longer than it was worth...
  6. My girlfriend is twice as empathetic as I am apparently. So now whenever I do something to upset her I'm just going to blame it on my inability to empathize due to the icy cold blood that's coursing through my veins. That's what other people want to hear, right?
  7. I am watching the following movies in theatre next week: 2001: Space Odessey Clockwork Orange Goodfellas Casino American Werewolf in London Battle Royale Oldboy Reservoir Dogs Pulp Fiction Kind of the opposite of a problem, but I didn't know where else to post it and I wanted to brag. it's designed that way so people will be forced to listen harder to hear the wicked shit you're doing with it. Those clever bastards!
  8. Zephyr was just saying that he thought I may be based upon my memory and I went on to state that the two things can be mutually exclusive. More specifically, your rather precocious interest and subsequent crazy knowledge in two specific areas (plants and insects) that are unusual subjects for people to obsess over at a very early age, combined with many of your more unusual social mannerisms and speech patterns. While I've never outright thought you were autistic, you'd probably make the most convincing autist of anyone I know. Next to that weird amphibian guy form 5th street... but you totally out-autisted him on that rare beetle(?) species.
  9. I was excited to find a universal power adapter that would work with my Line6 dl4 delay pedal, but the volume drop that occurs when I use the Line6 is fucking ridiculous (like a third the volume of the original signal). Luckily since I'm using it for knob twiddling in this instance, I can just leave it switched on and adjust the mix knob accordingly. But if I were using it as a stomp box with a guitar it would be completely unusable, unless for some reason I wanted my volume to drop substantially every time I used delay. But why would anyone ever want that? Fix ur fucken pedal designs, Line6.
  10. Hm, I got 26 on that empathy quiz, which is kind of surprising. Reviewing my answers it seems to me like I was answering on the more empathic side of things. It seems like maybe it was interpreting my introverted aspects as indicating a lack of empathy (like solving my own problems), or it's assuming I have other reasons for choosing what I did --for instance I'm not too upset when I'm late to meet a friend because usually I'm on time but have noticed friends are usually late for things (many without fail), so if I'm late on an occasion it seems reasonable... and there almost always is a reason for being late. I think I get some weird results on these tests because I think about the questions a bit differently than would be ideal for it to be accurate. I like caring for people, I'm bothered by suffering, so why an abnormally low mark on the empathy quotient?
  11. I would have pegged you for at least a 30, though I think you're a good deal less socially awkward than myself. This quiz was sorely lacking in questions to do with insect/plant knowledge, in which case they would have nailed your ass for sure. *edit: @ goiter
  12. 29. I bet Goiter Sanchez would score really high on this. My girlfriend insists that I'm autistic, so she got excited that I scored as highly as i did. But for every trait i have that would fall into that category I've got a couple that would be quite uncharacteristic of an autist. I've just got a few eccentricities.
  13. Yesterday I woke up with several hours of sunlight to spare, which was pretty lush. Plus I only got 4 hours sleep, so I figured that would probably help turn my schedule around somewhat. But I still wound up staying awake until 8am and slept in until 5pm today with just a c-hair of sunlight to spare... is it okay to say "c-hair" here?
  14. The thread I made for the best B+E story I've ever heard mysteriously vanished from watmm. Apparently it was just too awesome for this forum.
  15. Just got back from eating breakfast, and it is 2:15AM. Now what?
  16. I just sent him an email asking for the physical address, will let you know when i get it. Also, when I read brainwashed demo submission policy my first thought was "fuck these guys", so I'm not surprised to hear they're dicks. Any site that deals with underground music but will only pay attention to artists on established labels is pretty lame in my books.
  17. Sweet! Well tell him I think his Spasm Death album is rad. This guy was the first to review my noise album debut. I emailed him and within 24 hours he responded with the review itself. He's really enthusiastic about the scene and appreciates a wide variety of music, though harsh noise seems to be more his preference. Definitely send to him. He also runs Red Venice Records.
  18. A local music store once rented me an external sound card with the wrong adapter. It exploded (internally) with a loud pop and smelled fantastic afterwards. Somehow I managed to get them to pay me $10 in addition to giving me the right adapter and striking the rental fee.
  19. This is earsplittingly delicious: http://fakerr.bandcamp.com/album/spasm-death Manic feedback devastation, cuts you like a thousand tiny knives. Love it. I just got John Wiese's Soft punk album in the mail, and it's fucking amazing. The sound design is top notch, and it's definitely some of the most creative noise music I've heard. Reminds me a bit of Richard Devine at points. Check it: Lasse Marhaug's Shape of Rock To Come also blew my mind today. I unfortunately can't find any excerpts of the album on youtube to share, but here he is being awesome live: He's been making noise for the last 20 years, and his work is very diverse. High, highly recommend delving into this guy's work if you haven't already. Exciting stuff.
  20. lol, A+ dream. For next year's watmm awards there really needs to be a best dream category.
  21. It takes an excruciatingly long time to upload albums to bandcamp. Furthermore, I think I mistook the 350x350 tiny album art minimum as being the specific size bandcamp required on past uploads. Also, I woke up this morning with a random "what if I never have a kid and then regret it at the age of 50" panic. Never had one of those before. It passed when I actually got my ass out of bed. I think I have an inability to worry about things for an extended period of time, which is good in the sense that I remain content for the most part, but because I never worry about the future I never prepare for it either. I think my 40+ years are going to be extremely difficult.
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