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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. omg you guys have been neighbors this whole time and didn't even know it. I didn't like how my last recording sounded all that much, which would be fine since it's not finished, but the aspects I didn't like were aspects which I had hoped were finished and rad.
  2. I'm just posting here so any new replies will appear in My Content. Keep up the good work.
  3. Was it the poop one? FWP is I woke up a little bit later than I would have liked to.
  4. i'm imagining this thread as an extension of the story thread. too many words, sorry.
  5. I had a cup of coffee last night at around 10PM and wound up staying up until almost 7AM, dozed off, then woke up again at 9AM, never got back to sleep. I feel strangely normal, but I know it isn't going to last.
  6. I mean, I've felt bummed out before, but not merely from reading this thread. I feel pretty good at the moment. FWP: can't think of a new FWP other than not being able to think of a FWP ATM.
  7. Was reading the new posts on this thread as usual before posting or not posting something myself, and actually started to feel bummed out by it for the first time ever... which is weird because the newly posted FWPs aren't even depressing.
  8. facebook scrabble has not been able to load all day. i'm writing in all small caps for some reason.
  9. College textbook costs are brutal. I just ended up photocopying chapters I needed from other students, took extensive notes during classes, studied with students who had textbooks, and bought a couple books second hand when absolutely necessary. Those photocopy machines go a long way let me tell you. Also I think not having a textbook helped me in some courses because I focused exclusively on what the professor covered in class, which was usually the focus of the exams. I've had a tiny splinter in my big toe for the past three days or so that hurts like a bitch whenever something presses into it. I only investigated the matter today to find out what the cause of my distress was, because that's how I roll. I attempted to remove it for about 5 minutes before giving up. My toe's a big boy, he can purge himself.
  10. New FWP: my kitten ran up to me and scratched my eye without provocation. Also, I came home to an overwhelming aroma of fresh shit after he decided to go beside the litter instead of in it.
  11. Nabob's been around forever because a lot of people love terrible coffee. I've had worse coffee on the ferry and at the bank, but I've never made a shittier pot of coffee.
  12. I realized last night that there I was out of coffee, so I went to the only place that was open to ensure I would have it this morning. They only had one coffee. Nabob. Since I had no choice, I bought Nabob coffee, and as it so turns out... Nabob is fucking disgusting just as I expected. I think this is actually the worst coffee I've ever made myself, and possibly the most expensive too because it was purchased at a Mac's. FML, seriously. I'm going to be in a bad mood all day now.
  13. My cat figured out the litter box a couple weeks ago, but he still likes to shit on the bathroom floor when it suits him. He's just kind of a dick.
  14. I was going to post in the 'cut your own cock off' thread that I would use a mini guillotine, but the thread got locked before I had a chance.
  15. I was fucking around on the piano today and I randomly started playing that song. It makes me want to bawl my eyes out like a little girl.
  16. Spent most of today working out a drum and bass arrangement for a song, and when I listened back at the end I realized that I totally ruined the vibe that made it cool in the first place. Back to square one...
  17. wait til morning wood subsides? It is completely subsided at that point and it still happens! Just piss in the shower. Feels good man.
  18. Scrabble is the best game. I wouldn't say it's a great game, but I really enjoy Stratego. Anyone else played that?
  19. you mean you don't smoke pot until you're on the island. everyone on the island smokes pot Oh shit! I just got back from the island, where I mostly wandered around drinking whisky sour and picking blackberries. FWP: girlfriend is vacuuming and there's no sound I hate more than the sound of a vacuum.
  20. I'm going to an island where everyone including grannies and kids smokes pot, but I don't smoke pot.
  21. Thanks. He's got it 3 out of 5 times since the first one, and the other two were tub turds, so not the worst thing in the world. My FWP is that the second season of Louis CK is only at 72% and I've got nacho fixings waiting to melt on some nachos... 13 more minutes this is bullshit.
  22. I came up with a cool melody in my dream, but I can't remember it. In other news, the kitten's finally shitting in his litter box on his own. Also, girlfriend said she wouldn't have actually sent him back to the SPCA, she was just really pissed off that one time because he smeared his shitty paw prints all over the door after a particularly heinous episode. Another FWP to offset the good news: I bought this cononut-caramel-crunch "hawaiian" coffee and it's gross.
  23. I hope you're right, but I'm not so sure he will. It's a race against time at this point. I'd probably keep paper toweling/deodorizing his shit piles forever rather than give him away to be eventually euthanized, but the GF's patience is wearing thin. Poor little bastard.
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