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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. You don't get why angsty Norweigen teens form extreme metal bands, burn churches down, idolize Hitler, and murder themselves/other people/each other? I dunno, seems totally reasonable to me.
  2. That's just what they want you to think.
  3. *just realized this sentence is confusing... my SFWP is lacking the brainpower right now to edit it into what I actually meant... and I'm very distracted by this King Gizzard album.
  4. I hear ya. I've done (still do) the freelance thing, but I don't really hustle a lot. Just get a lot of repeat clients, and now do delivery stuff on the side. This combined with having found a place with crazy cheap rent has kept my cost of living done, so that most of my time can be devoted to working on my own music, despite barely making any money. Bit worried about the day where I'm old and have no pension coming in... but I'm also lacking in common sense, so haven't taken any measures to prevent it happening.
  5. That is a good method - get them before they're self-conscious about it. With this song, I need to figure out the right way to sing it, and I can tell that's going to take a while (I'll probably sing it through at least 50 times, listening back each time to see what works and what doesn't. I would not even attempt a song like this if I were paying for studio time. Luckily I charge myself nothing, so I can spend all day with it). How long were doing the studio engineer thing?
  6. Software will not fix the things I'd need in this case. it's 100% the tone and conviction with which it's sung that's going to count. The notes I can hit accurately no prob, although there's one part where it goes from quite high to quite low which IS a bit more challenging than the usual in that regard. If sung right it will be powerful, and if it misses the mark even a little bit it will sound embarrassing. The tequilla shots are actually a great idea. That should relax my throat, in a way that a cold drink wouldn't. I might take that suggestion! Right now my throat tightens up when I just think of singing it... which is bizarre. Might be some psychological thing going on.
  7. I think the song I'm working on might be outside my abilities as a vocalist. If not delivered well, it will just sound extremely annoying. Not looking forward to banging my head against the wall in the days to come.
  8. Ahh, guess my city's just run by 5 year olds. Should have known. We're progressive like that.
  9. Apparently grocery/liquor stores close all over to celebrate giant bunnies laying chocolate eggs today. Didn't realize society took easter so seriously. Weird!
  10. Oh man oh man oh man. My friend who lives on the property I'm staying has the two week free Criterion streaming subscription, so hopefully it's on there.
  11. Sean n Rob are doing well I'm sure, but that's mostly because they work their asses off touring + releasing stuff constantly. If they stopped touring I'm sure they'd need to work day jobs. Same with the 'Pusher. I'm highly skeptical that BOC could be getting by off sales/spotify alone (you need to be getting millions of plays to even live modestly from that). But, great if they actually are.
  12. "socking cock" would be a good term for the process leading to sockulating. "Do you sock cock?" "Cock socker!' I'm glad this thread is finally living up to its full potential.
  13. There's NO way they've been living off their riches from making music all these years. Aphex is probably the only one in the iddems camp who could have gotten away with that for more than a couple.
  14. Horrified emoji would be really useful. I mentioned before somewhere about the dude who jumped off the cliff behind my client's house right after shit got real in the media regarding this. Immediately wondered if the threat of a world stopping pandemic may have pushed him over the edge (no pun intended...).
  15. They absolutely can. Anyone that can touch a surface can spread the disease.
  16. I thought of something controversial a while ago, but have since forgot what it is. But I have become addicted to microwaved McDonald's double cheeseburgers. Used to hate McD's, but pop those babies in the microwave and melts into a grease and cheese goldmine. Thank you Covid, for showing me the way. I find over the top stereotype accents of any sort funny. Can't help it. If I grew up across the globe and heard my current voice now I'm sure I'd bust a gut.
  17. lol yeah, you should shut the speech-to-text feature off next time.
  18. Damn man, you can't get a break! Probably paid off chainsaw guy too. Would that make it better or worse?
  19. Dreamt I was talking animatedly at a supermarket checkout with both a friend, and the clerk who clearly wasn't into it. We were crammed together unrealistically. Realized as I walked away that I'd completely disregarded all social distancing rules, and that I'd probably spat a fair bit while I talked. Next dream I had a terrible sore throat and was pissed off that I'd gotten sick despite all my ridiculous hygiene precautions, but was mostly upset that I'd have to cancel this stroll date I have scheduled for tomorrow. Huge relief when I woke up and realized no cancellation is necessary. At no point in my dream was I actually worried about catching the 'vid.
  20. lol seriously?? Wowowowow. I just thought it was the best edited overdub I'd ever seen. Crazy that he actually did that in all seriousness. Mind blown.
  21. Yep, that wold def cause my mind to unravel.
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