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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by beerwolf

  1. Agreed. As for the 6-36 track, if I have it playing in the right circumstances, I find it impossible to turn off. Weirdly sonicly addictive
  2. Thanks for the link to the untilted first ep
  3. Hoooo Yahhhh!! This is a beast!!! I think the first few times I listened to it, I wasn't in the right frame of mind, it's pretty awesome. I have seen vinyl copies available on discogs too....
  4. In the book she chops his foot off with an axe and burns the end of the stump with a kerosene lamp. The film she bumps it with a sledgehammer.
  5. beerwolf


    I think we all know what I mean
  6. I cannot wait for this movie. The downside is that I create such hyperbole in my own mind that unless thing are nothing short of incredible I feel let down.
  7. beerwolf


    I thinks so. It has it's obvious advantages. Some music needs to be heard and digested properly, on good equipment. If I had some cash to spend on Autechre I would whizz through a few tracks on each ep via youtube and make my decision and go buy the original. I guess Envane never grabbed me straight away. I proberbly had most their albums before youtube was invented lol. But their eps I have been a bit slower to pick up on.
  8. beerwolf


    How I envy you, I think I have heard everything, except for live sets Good day to you Mr Bunkum, Yes it's not a bad thing tbh. I think I have a few eps missing, that's all. I wasn't going to get the ep boxset as Autechre's artwork is too good to miss. I have heard these tracks but sometimes when you are youtubing loads of tracks it doesn't work, and I never realised how good they were.
  9. beerwolf


    Yo! you always see Mr Beerwolf yapping on about Autechre, but Mr Beerwolf has never heard Envane! (dork) Somehow it's missed his radar (Autechre do have a lot of music to get through!) Thanks to this thread I have found another 4 classic Autechre tracks that I was sleeping on. Nice one watmmers How on earth did I miss these?
  10. There always seems to be the faintest line of melody, somehow, somwhere running through most of the tracks. Even if it's just a wisp, it's there, something you can hum. Or is it just me?
  11. Yeah the Godflesh mission is still in full flow, Sunday morning. Just discovered this absolute beast!! The riff is very Sabbathy but who cares. Is this the heaviest track I have ever heard? Its a close call, but check it out. Heavy as fuck but catchy as line of mackeral feathers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S66o1WhymvA
  12. beerwolf


    Sometimes it gets a bit much. I could be wrong but that Fabric cd seemed to be one long bongo love session to me. Seemed a teeny-weeny overkill
  13. I expect even more delays. When it turns up it turns up. It has to be said I don't really understand this particular nook and cranny of IDM culture. Bit odd to me. I guess it's because I have never been late for anything, and if I say I will be somewhere I will be there. But hey-ho, that's me.
  14. Can humans make music any heavier? Those first 2 tracks are really good, the last track (peel session) is heavy as fuck lol.
  15. Thanks Herr Jan. I aint going to hesitate. I am going to sink my teeth in straight away.
  16. .....so I (and others) can have a listen. Time for some serious heavy education. Thank you.
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