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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by beerwolf

  1. It's an okay track, it's definately growing on me though.
  2. | havent watched it for this reason. Should I be careful? It shows 200% too much for a normal trailer and 8000% to much for a alien prequel trailer. Thanks for the warning gaarg. I'll probably watch it when I've had a few too many beers and my willpower isnt as strong lol
  3. I think the geezer who bought it was the cunt. At the time they were selling this they didn't have one copy per customer rule, I should of got more *punches self* That'd make you a cunt too. Anyone buying records with the clear intention of selling them on at a jacked up price, is a cunt. CUNTS PMSL!!! Well done chassis, good one. Lol Quote from Sexy Beast? This is turning into a Zomby thread lol
  4. I think the geezer who bought it was the cunt. At the time they were selling this they didn't have one copy per customer rule, I should of got more *punches self*
  5. Sometimes I associate you lot with your avatars. Sometimes a bit too closely For example Grandpoplock was my favorite, I kind of loved him as a brother, his avatar was all jovel and friendly. I wish I had a mate in real life like the old Grandpoplock, he would tell you stories by the fire but be a right old drunkern laugh. Mr Ivan Ooze, well mate you are now my second brother. I love you too. And you seem to be on the right side of insane, a bit naieve but fuck it mate. Gonna give you a big Oozy wrestle one day. Who will win? The Wolf or the Ooze? It don't matter we will drink like foul beasts until sunrise. PSN? Well mate you look like a strange creature from a strange forest. Some how I look upon you as a wise master, your fine beard and whiskers bristling and snout twitching for badger flesh. Lord O?............You know what I am gonna listen to music and go to sleep.I can't carry on anymore... SAVAGE!!
  6. Off to B&Q Trade Depot to get some cunting wood. Big man, big legend, big job. Walk round the aisles like a proper hardman, scratching my massive fucking cunting nuts. Got my rigger boots on, got tattoos on my knuckles. Before I go I'd like to let you know my cunting secret on how you too could be like me. A Legendary Tradesman. Wake up in same ripped, shitty clothes and chuck a bag of cement over yourself 4 bacon sarnies with lashings of Daddies sauce A copy of the Daily Star 36 cups of rosie (tea) 8 pints of Carling Beef and Onion pie 5 cans of faaahhhckkking Wife Beater (Stella) Oven chips swamped in curry sauce 4 more pints of stella 2 grams of charlie 2 packs of Benson and Hedges Big spiff before bedtime Go to bed in same clothes Repeat 7 days a week (even on day off) and make sure you say the word cunt in every sentance. There you go, now you know. Question is can you cut the cunting mustard??
  7. Dear Barnaby, Grand Wizard of The Clan of Knackered Helmets, Hail the Pagan orgy tonight!!! Don't forget your hogweed pipe and guilded leather cock strap. The unholy fuckfest starts at midnight!!!!
  8. Stone cold sober mate, anyway back to the thread...
  9. Goat Skull Clan Arise!!! Tonight we descend upon the forest lair of The Great Gunu. Beware brothers! His hollow down by the bearded oak tree may seem inviting with oily scents wafting from trinkets of ripened elixer, a warm crackle of the campfire and the sweet smelling moss that squelches underfoot. But his magical warren is guarded by Jurgen and Heinz, deadly henchman of half wolf and half man. Only once we have slain these foul beasts and hewn the heads from their necks can we safely suckle on the teats of The Great Gunu and powers bestowed upon us will alow the Goat Skull Clan too fuck every creature in the forests bigger than a hedgehog without remorse!!!!
  10. Some Kind of Monster (metallica doco) Rather pleased with that one.
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