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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by beerwolf

  1. this album is the only one i can't fall asleep to when i'm in bed


    Same as me Lord Ooze.


    Though I speak from past experience as I did fall asleep once to this. I drifted into sleep on the third side of the vinyl. It was middle of the day, sun was shining, nothing sinister, just a normal afternoon. Tranquil.


    Well the eyes grew heavy and I fell asleep, next thing I know I am having a very serious nightmare, and all the stereotypical screaming and shouting and bolting upright from the mattress occurs. Then it registers I have fallen asleep to this album, as the vinyl is still playing out.


    Yeah very trippy.

  2. I bought Hard Normal Daddy last week, always been slow on the uptake with Squarepusher, I think because of the jazz element (being a metalhead I'd puke at the thought of listening to jazz lol) anyway it seems I have mellowed a bit. It's a real good listen but I can't score it out of 10 just yet because its too early. I think it may sneek crafty 8.


    Good lord this album is sublime. I can't believe how much I love it, it's addictive!!


    I play this twice a day at the moment and have fallen head over heels for it, when the album just gets close to the mark of 'too much jazz', then an idm braindance mosh comes kicking in to level it out. Nice one.


    I'm not really an audiophile but the cd I bought from Bleep seems to sound seriously way ahead of the free mp3 download, the cd sounds lush and vibrant while my mp3 renders it slightly cold. This is in the highest echelons of my fav albums, not suprising as it took me completely by suprise.


    Hard Normal Daddy? It's a nine out of 10 mate.

  3. I bought Hard Normal Daddy last week, always been slow on the uptake with Squarepusher, I think because of the jazz element (being a metalhead I'd puke at the thought of listening to jazz lol) anyway it seems I have mellowed a bit. It's a real good listen but I can't score it out of 10 just yet because its too early. I think it may sneek crafty 8.

  4. Trekked all over the world. New Zealand, Australia, India, Nepal, Thailand, Tanzania, Botswana, Laos, Cornwall, Brecon Beacons (wales), Northern England, Southern England, Eastern Europe (Carpathian mountains) etc etc


    Legend in my own lunchtime me :happy:


    I laugh so much at the fucking tools dressed up with a grands worth of gear walking along the Thames path say from Windsor to Maidenhead. I am usually down the river in summer, hanging out having a beer or cycling to a pub and these fucking nerds come wandering by and I usually menace them with Oiiiii are you lost? The Himalayas are 9000 miles in that direction!!!


    Fucking muppets on a day walk dressed for the Scottish Highlands or The Southern Alps of New Zealand. Lol

  5. i dunno, just seems like really amateur writing to me. sure, thinking it's a glitch could be a totally believable scenario in a good writer's hands. but the way it was portrayed just seemed completely ridiculous. they just got to this planet a few hours ago ffs. and now two dudes are lost in an alien cave while a super alien storm rages outside but they've got just one guy monitoring them and he's getting pissed and playing music and then after he sees indication that a life form is in the cave he's just like "nah, gotta be a glitch" and then bangs charlize theron??? i mean, yeah, that's what i would do but that's why i'm not a fucking captain of intergalactic spaceship destined for alien planets.



  6. Hey Lord of the Ooooooze!!


    You ought to get the Rephlexions album (the one with mangle11 on it) as the cover isn't a million miles away from your avatar. Scary beheaded Ivan Oozes floating around in space looking menacing!!!


    It's the way forward my son

  7. I'm listening to this mofo now. Been a few months since last spin.


    I have no idea which is the first side so no clue names for tracks. I always play the 3 tracked side (with the locked groove) first.


    So the first track is pretty cool (seems to have a fucked up Digeridoo sample), then the absolute beast of a second track starts!! Rips face off but loves the lush ambient finish. These 2 tracks sound like Aphex.


    Third track after locked groove sounds most definately like Squarepusher. It's pretty obvious, it sounds like a smash up of Big Loada and Tundra from Venus 17. If you don't think it's Jenkinson we can agree to disagree.


    Okay flips over. These 2 tracks have never grabbed me but a few months rest is always good for doses of IDM.


    First track sounds like Squarepusher drums, not much happens but quite cool none the less. Nice fucked up ambient moans and groans in the background.


    Second track. Looking on the gap on the viny,l this is a bit of a journey. Once again sounds like SP drums with ambient darkness which lurked in Drukqs.


    The conclusion is this is Skrillex after being Tom and Richards gimp for several months!! Only joking :biggrin:

  8. Yes this movie suffers from DL writing the script.


    Trust me I was the biggest Lost fan in the universe, so badly was I hooked on it. If I remember correctly Season 3 was astonishing, then the whole thing started to slip, cracks started to show. Which I didn't realise at the time of course. Once I'd watched the final episode I'd realised I'd been taken the piss out of. I'd been mugged off almost.


    So this twerp rises again and makes a hatchet job of what on paper should be mindblowing. But because this tool is writing the script it once again becomes a piss-take and a bit of a joke. DL is a goofball, circus act and a prize clown and he should fuck off over the horizon somewhere. Ideally with his pen and paper. Shoved up his ass.

  9. The crew on the ship does a cheer, raising their hands in the air, feeling as if they have won... but having no idea what exactly. Continuing to believe there is some kind of trophy awaiting humanity. Something better then what has potentially been dealt.


    Thats fair enough compson, and an interesting take on it but the scene wasn't convincing enough in the actual film. In theory this sounds a brilliant idea, in practice and acted out on film this scene looked stupid. And there lies the problem.

  10. I haven't kept up with this thread but it seems to me this film was made entirely for a huge platform for sequals and spin-offs to be born from (probably the reason why charachters aren't developed that much) The potential is massive and Fox knows this and has cleverly seen a way to line their pockets for years to come. Still not sure if it's a good or bad film. I'd like to watch it again though.

  11. a nitpick to most probably in this thread, but in the original Alien movie the Space Jockey is at least 25 feet tall. They filmed children doubles walking in front of the space jockey fossil set in the original movie. In Prometheus they appear to be 12 feet tall creatures at the most. I do believe that Ridley scott 'retconned' them so that he could write a back story about them being proto humans, and probably decreased their size to make it more likely we came from them


    Yes I think Ridley Scotts 8 year old son is one of the children dressed up in a spacesuit as they climb up onto the Space Jockey chair.

  12. Agree with comments on Ministry, their early albums are insane, but I fell out with them with Filth Pig and after that wasn't too bothered.


    Big Black and Celtic Frost are excellent nominations


    I also have a soft spot for Duran Duran lol, but keep that to yourselves...

  13. Without checking my stack of albums, 2 sprung (instantly) to mind


    Sisters of Mercy - Floodland and Slayers Reign In Blood.


    I'd agree The Cure made some great records too. These answers are without doing any homework.


    edit: yeah Nebraska too. It Takes a Nation ....(PE), dunno there's quite a few

  14. On reflection this film is a massive dissapointment. I wanted so badly to like it but days later I realised it wasn't to be. Don't get me wrong I'd watch it again and it was enjoyable but I have to remind myself this is Ridley Scott explaining the story of the Space Jockeys, which on paper sounds mind-blowing but on film it fails massively.


    Without Fassbender the film would be in the low numbers out of ten.

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