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Everything posted by usagi

  1. yeah, pretty annoying. no reason to do it when the 10am opening had been signposted well in advance. there is a posse forming around the Sydney show. maybe we should organise dinner/drinks before/after.
  2. RIP. for all the antics on the forum/chats, people are still people outside of the bubble.
  3. Smile. wasn't as dumb as I thought it'd be but still pretty dumb. the multiple fakeouts and jump scares got old quickly. it's well-executed and with a solid lead performance at least, so maybe still worth one watch. edit: some goofy CG though, I lol'd hard when
  4. pretty good. damn shame what happened to the director, hope he recovers fully.
  5. damn. this is straight up porn. *favourites*
  6. Aftersun. I loved it. I'm going to go stare at a wall or something, I've had too many feels lately.
  7. I suspect these two movies appeal to exactly the same type of people. in fact, Benigni's character is just an older male version of the same manic pissflaps dream girl from Amelie.
  8. I finally saw the highly-lauded Life is Beautiful, after years of hearing from people what a wonderful movie it is. what a fucking crock of shit, it was a complete farce. like a Holocaust remix of the worst things about Amelie (yes I know it came first). Benigni, both in character and his irl self, seems like the kind of person you couldn't be 5 minutes around without wanting to strangle violently.
  9. iirc from your posts you have a young boy? prepare for these games to fuck with your feelings hard then, especially the second. but they're worth it. I just finished my second playthrough of Requiem cos I just didn't want to let it go. I can't remember the last time I dove straight back into a game just to relive the story (rather than collecting achievements or whatever). it's a hall-of-famer for me. I'd like to know what you think of it if you get around to it.
  10. the two Plague Tale games I've been yakking about stand firmly in contrast to the miserable AAA industry trends you guys are talking about. the gameplay can be a little rough around the edges but 1. it tries (and imo mostly succeeds) at something different, and 2. the greater merits lie in the "art" of the game rather than the mechanics anyway.
  11. WATMM Will Need 100 Ethels to Sustain Itself In the Next 5 Years
  12. also, recently finished the second Plague Tale game. it's incredible. Innocence I liked already but Requiem develops on it so much more in every way. imo this game has entered the ranks of the best video game narrative experiences ever crafted. a sad, beautiful, gripping story - all the more so on the second playthrough when you know what's going to happen, when the peaceful interludes between the inescapable violence seem all the more meaningful for their impermanence. it also had some of the most vivid apocalyptic landscapes (some of them clearly paying homage to Beksinski) I've ever seen in a game, thanks in no small part to being one of the best-looking of this generation. and it presented this sort of imagery in such a unique and imaginative way too, cos the setting could not be more different from your standard post-apocalyptic shooter fare. Requiem is, at its core, a story about the bond between two siblings, I'm glad this game's excellence was recognised with a GOTY 2022 nomination at least, though it should have definitely won the music award.
  13. I just restarted it last week, roughly halfway through and it’s just so much fun lol. I’m playing on UV which seems to be just the right amount of challenge; can’t manage nightmare and I honestly am not sure I’ll be able to do the expansions on UV the difficulty just explodes in the DLCs. that's exactly how I played it as well, UV for the main campaign and HMP for The Ancient Gods. great game.
  14. usagi

    Go Sumo

    this is probably my favourite Gescom track. the sound of optimism. a very Chiastic-era beat too.
  15. I've been thinking these same thoughts the last few days, namely how insurmountable a task it seems to convey complex thoughts and feelings wholly and accurately and to have them be received and understood completely by another human being. one thing I do know: premeditating on it doesn't get you very far - once you start, it gets easier, even if it is messy along the way. I'm also approaching 40 and about to return to extended psych sessions for the nth time, which is what precipitated these thoughts.
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