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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Tomorrow I am DJing a 4 year olds birthday party.
  2. Didn't know it was on, must be a Londoner thing (as usual) We don't bother protesting out here in the sticks, other than burning at the stake or lynch mobs
  3. but instead of no babbies it's about running out of toilet paper. england will be wiping its ass w/dem beans. and Michael Caine is rocking out to gabba
  4. Getting a smart energy meter with my previous gas and elec company, but new company cannot read it so I have to send them readings like the good old days.
  5. Just had a thought; What if You were shot and went into a coma Would you prefer to wake up in a zombie apocalypse scenario Or Would you prefer to wake up as part of the Brexit committee, sitting in the house of commons
  6. Its why the last Black Mirror episodes were not that funny.
  7. Short extension being sought. Which is good for Brexit. Possibly still time for a #indyref2 in there, and mv3 / 4 and maybe a general election and a holiday plus mv5 and a couple of confidence votes. Check our democracy out Trump, we got dis
  8. The EU is it's own enemy. Needing unanimous voting for any decision puts vast pressure (as you have already pointed out) on the "smaller" economic countries who wish to try and exert their own opinions. And if they step out of line, well, austerity is still being applied and could be recalculated..... I don't think we would be "storming it" if we left with no deal. We tried to get a deal through, we tried negotiating, the EU have said they will not negotiate any further. A lot of our MPs do not like the deal that was got. I think Maybot did a good job of getting ANY deal together from the EU, even if its not perfect. The EU obviously do not want to appear weak or too flexible otherwise it could signal others wishing to leave soon. I wonder who would be next?
  9. For example, back in 2016, Credit Suisse forecast we would have 7% unemployment by now thanks to Brexit, where in fact we are below 4% by todays figures. The problem with forecasting is that its all a gamble with smoke and crystal balls. We really don't know whats going to happen. Weather forecasters cannot always accurately tell you what happened yesterday, let alone next week.
  10. yeah it really wouldn't be half as annoying as the country facing massive financial decline, huge job losses, the poorest becoming even poorer and russia having even less reason to stop breaking international law and using weapons of mass destruction in another sovereign territory. there would be no reform from brexit other than a loosening of regulations, worse employment laws and less money for 99% of the population. to believe anything else at this point is wilful ignorance. also, don't read brexiteer media perhaps? Is the BBC brexiteer media? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-47622415 If unemployment is down again, unemployment laws will remain as they are (or even be strengthened), and a return to British Standards (or an adapatation of current EU law) Sorry if I am willfully ignorant, I am a glass half full kinda guy. Our country will not descend into some Mad Max style feudal state where we are scavenging for supplies. Things will of course change, and no doubt not all for the best. I voted REMAIN in order to keep the boat from rocking, but we are leaving so lets deal with it. PS I hate discussing all this brexit batshit, especially on messageboards
  11. The EU superstate with its throat hold grab on the struggling countries within, who try to cling on to any thread of money or political leverage that they can. Reports of impending EU-wide recession keep cropping up, remain is better for the EU
  12. I took it the other way. No-deal is more likely. Ball of flames? Nah, better to get out now m8 before the EU collapses.
  13. BUT WE COULD STILL LEAVE THE E.U AT THE END OF THE MONTH! If only we didn't have a bunch of cunts running the country.
  14. "Following the votes, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn reiterated his support for a further referendum after earlier ordering his MPs not to vote for one." This is why i hate our current crop of politicians. Why can't they just do as they say. Assholes.
  15. Ah, I thought it was the beats. So like how does this one differ. Need to check it out.
  16. loads of 2nd hand on eBay, keep eyes peel
  17. The people calling for a general erection clearly havn't been looking at how Corbyn and his comrades have been handling their shadow duties. Pretty sure Milliband would have handled this better. I need some new voices / party that I can get behind.
  18. what good is a long extension if they are unwilling to negotiate further?
  19. Just started watching the Expanse as its appeared on Amazon prime. 3 episodes into s1 and I'm not totally convinced yet
  20. But who's gonna pay to rebuild the wall
  21. Yeah but the Scots who voted to leave want a second referendum so there
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