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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Woah Think i'll just dip in and buy a couple of these at some point. Still cannot compute NTS......
  2. Collapse is still on fairly regular rotation here, I mix it up with the Field Day extended LP to form a definite Nu-Phex-Era playlist.
  3. I saw the lady Ghostbusters film recently and it was poor
  4. Well yes, pathetic is a good word for her. Also: Determined / thick skinned / deluded / etc
  5. There is no obvious alternative at present. Corbyn is really showing his true colours this week (a kind of muddy brown / grey) He is great at telling other people that their opinions are shite without actually bringing any of his own to the table. The fact that he doesn't want to meet with Maybot to discuss Brexit tells me that he has no opinions of his own that are worth discussing. Saying that "we are a democratic party and our members will decide" is horseshit and I hope the members soon decide to boot him out and find someone with a spine.
  6. Hoping Australia can one-up us pretty soon, we are ready to pass on the baton
  7. sounds like my kind of thing. thanks for sharing. already loving that opening this was really good. listening again Thank you kindly. More on the way soon!
  8. Ouch. The PLX-1000 is half that.
  9. https://www.residentadvisor.net/news/43027 Looks like a technics turntable! Interestingly, the reverse play function has been added. Whilst this is nothing new (my old Numark's could do this), I did occasionally find it useful. This technics probably has better vibration dampening, so hopefully we will see a bunch of these being reintroduced in clubs as vinyl seems to be on the rise again. I would want to compare the spec to my Pioneer PLX-1000s, which have greater pitch variation (+/- 50%), but no reverse play (diddums)
  10. My first "official" solo noise release, clocking in at just under 20 minutes. Takes in harsh noise, rhythms, synths bits and field recordings. Might be relevant to some here - didn't think it was worth its own thread.... http://thedarkthursday.bandcamp.com/track/to-my-dearest-friend
  11. I think I want one of these: https://www.rebeltech.org/product/owl-pedal/ Being able to reprogram the pedal is a big bonus
  12. Yep, sorry, I pulled it quick as it's going to be released via a netlabel pretty soon. Will link again when its live.
  13. This was an enjoyable (couldnt think of a better word) film - and the soundtrack works well imo.
  14. Happy new year, fuck I'm still awake. Made a good dent in the Cosey Autobiography and a bottle of Dalmore 12.
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