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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-48245499 This Tory/Labour hybrid bastard offspring deal is going to be worse than May's solo deal. The deal is dead before it's even been hatched. The 2 main parties are dead. The Brexit party are going to sweep away with the European Elections and then where do we stand. Interesting / scary times.
  2. Release 3 x 12" EPs featuring some monster dance floor Autechre jamz
  3. Not yet it seems... Dark theme is nice thanks
  4. @Joyrex for some reason I didn't that time but I do. Then my phone autocompletes and I get Joyrex written twice, once with highlighted blue and once in plain text. I delete the @ version as it returns the invalid URL
  5. Anyone tried the volca drum yet? I think its worth the money, will invest when my GAS ban is lifted 1st June ?
  6. Recently been making noises with this lot. The gold pedal to the right of the mixer is the Pladaskt Fabrikat, awesome granular synthesizer that produces such a variety of sounds. Also been making Sloe Gin haha
  7. Possibly he doesn't like the fact that the podcast had a linked Patreon account and they are potentially making money from his name?
  8. Nice trollin' I like the desktop layout of new WATMM fine, but not a big fan of the mobile setup yet. Everything is still too big, and I can't quite get the hang of the unread / filters. Time of course will be the healer.
  9. Actually kinda enjoying Fear the Walking Dead. Its a bit clumsy but series 1 had a few nice moments in a "shits gonna go down very soon but nobody knows when" kinda way.
  10. Bugger, I wanted to listen to that #noisedrama
  11. Thank you for listening... I actually prefer the second half haha, I settled into it a bit more. I will keep recording the sessions and hopefully a few bits will stand out as "release" worthy... Recently bought 50 no. 3" CDs with wallets and labels...
  12. That's my home batch of Sloe Gin, probably ready to ingest by now! Yeah the kicks could be fatter in the mix, ill work on that. Thanks for listening.
  13. A 21 minute recording of live noisy techno. Made with volca kick, monotron, a whole bunch of pedals and a mixer. Image below (testing out the new forum upload options, lush) No post processing / editing / mastering - you can probably tell, presented here with warts and all ? Slowly getting to grips with my live noise/techno rig that I want to take out on the road soon. Some sections of this sound quite good to my ears, some others not so... I am constantly learning. Slowly. Thanks,
  14. Name changed, although it wouldn't allow me to insert a "space" hence the underscore. In case anyone else is interested, if you want to edit your signature it is hidden in Account Settings and not in profile.
  15. Whilst we are "settling in" Please change my username to Soloman Tump Thanks
  16. Question... How do I edit my signature? Cannot find a setting. Browsing via laptop / firefox now, looks lush. Good work JR and crew. Agreed the mobile layout is nice but it does have a LOT of wasted space.
  17. It says my profile is 0% complete but it looks as complete as I can get it
  18. Well this is all rather smart isn't it.
  19. I like pitching part 1 down by 50% and layering part 2s and 3 over the top at at various +pitches for maximum headfuck drone effect
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