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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. It appears to be one of those albums where everyone has a different favourite - a good sign of quality
  2. 8 days until I get paid... hold tight vinyl cru
  3. I've got Cornfield and Untitled and they are really gr8
  4. Actually considering taking Friday 27th off work so I can listen to all 8 hours of this uninterrupted.
  5. I find it pretty damn impossible to get 2 hours where I can sit and absorb session#2. Not managed to listen through from start to finish yet- and there are at least 3 tracks i've not heard at all. Got 2 more hours of this coming in 3 days time!
  6. I literally can't attempt making music ever again.
  7. my thoughts exactly. +1 + 2 + 3 +444 -443 777
  8. lol what a time to be alive (or by the time 9 chr0 finishes, dead, then alive again)
  9. Too much to take in tbh, it's a bit like the aphex soundcloud dump in terms of brute scale (which ive still not fully absorbed). I know that id like to purchase the vinyl box however, when funds allow
  10. My body's saying let's go. But my heart is saying no. If you wanna be with me, baby, there's a price you pay. I'm a genie in a bottle, One track split over 6 sides of vinyl would suck
  11. Aphex tied in with Field Day last year. I guess its just a mutually beneficial thing for NTS and Warp to do.
  12. I want the most complex and mind blowing 2 hours of my pitiful life, culminating in a sonic barrage so savage that it transcends the 128kbps stereo stream and becomes all encompassing / engrossing / challenging / stimulating at once. I want to feel used, exhausted, petrified, penetrated and enlightened. I am raedy.
  13. Will the nts servers cope? Will the blerp servers cope? Will my gonk cope?
  14. this is, in all fairness, funny as fuck. Makes it worth renewing my watmm membership fees for the next year
  15. We have only heard 25% of this release. Amazing - let that sink in. I will critique it when its all out! Its the same as only hearing elseq1 and forming an opinion.
  16. I’m thinking they did a physical release for this because they saw so many people claiming elseq wasn’t a proper release, so it’s just like “ok fuckers here 12 LPs, have fun with that” Maybe those expensive .flac files didn't sell as well as they had hoped.
  17. Session 2 comprised of 800 locked groove samples. Imagine a 3LP set of ae locks #sperge
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