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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. So does the Ltd vinyl give you anything other than a different cover? Think ill just walk into a shop and buy the normal one, seems much easier
  2. Just watched a few YT videos on this, looks pretty deep. I like complex games - but I know that with my 2 sons in the house there is no way I could leave this set up on the kitchen table and it would still be there when I got home from work. Its hard enough keeping vinyl out of harms way- I built a special side board in our lounge to keep my decks and records out of reach until they are old enough to understand / respect them :D
  3. smw wedge may 2018 L letter 100g job card stephen 01227 thomas type 61 wall flange £3.11 galvanized hex nut A useful guide 2016-2017 Inbox(6) July 2018 QUOTING FOR A PROJECT? Last auto saved 9:50:50 AM
  4. Latest experiment thus https://soundcloud.com/soloman-tump/conga-eeled Is it "noise" genre? I guess so. More rhythmic stuff with synth squelches and occasional "beats" but I guess it is noise. It is all just noise.
  5. Came here with this in my head WOOOAAAHHHHHH Exactly 2 year old comment. *spins TF out*
  6. You're right. It's not so bad. Maybe I'm just over reading/listening to AE 'reviews'. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ People fucking suck. And YouTube reviews are so ---- I'm at a loss for the correct word. Whatever... I guess it made him happy doing it. And so long as he's finding joy in something, and keeping with it. I can't really bash him. People deserve to experience happiness. However they can find it. And judging by the comments, it looks like a few people will check out the album because of his review, and that's always a good thing. Fuck it. Yeah, I agree with this. I kinda want to do less music reviews in my zine because so many people shit on music reviews. But then I figure its my opinion of some music that I like, and I am only writing about it to try and share my joy / experiences of it.
  7. Had to give up on legion s2, by episode 4 I had no idea what was going on and wasn't really enjoying the ride.
  8. Im gonna be listening to those vinylz with a keen ear, a fine whisky, and some moody lighting (when they arrive)
  9. swchwimmi? Swammy? SinistrailAB Air! See, its written on the briefcase
  10. Seen some bizarre / savage Tim Exile performances over the years. A couple of really hard gabba / rave sets for Bangface, plus LittleBig events in London and a festival show at Kings Cross where he played with Mary Anne Hobbes and Digital Mystikz (!) I get the comparisons with Beardyman but honestly I find him much more entertaining than that. I remember a while back he did a webcast where you could email him samples and he would use them on the fly - hilarious consequences of course. Not to forget the Joystick / Cockstick controller thing that he used for live shows. Also cool stuff like this:- Actually done some wicked stuff over the years when you start looking into it. His TED talk from a few years back was cool too.
  11. Hats off. I have listened a few times but not obsessively like I would have if it had been a physical release from the word go. Also awaiting vinyls for a mammoth session
  12. Brushing my teeth at a Merzbow concert

    1. auxien


      Brushing Merzbow’s teeth at my own concert

    2. Soloman Tump

      Soloman Tump

      Imagine if Merzbow turned up at your gig and your stopped performing to go and brush his teeth. Ace.

  13. I realised this thing's existence just yesterday when I saw it in a banner on rarbg advertising new rips. I lol'd. in other disaster news, I just like two seconds ago found out that an adaptation of Stephen King's Cell which I had heard was in the works years ago and was kind of curious to check out has already come and gone (2016) and was hilariously bad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfNpCzK1S7Q count the lols. 2:17 is especially good. Cusack has been peaking these last couple of years I actually want to watch the rest of the film now
  14. Tt1pd is amazing and clicked for me big time this week
  15. He flies! But not as high as I was expecting....
  16. But what's wrong with obsessing over perfecting the timbre of a snare rush, one hit at a time?
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