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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Confusing as fuck with these EP releases. Note it says "first three collectors cards" which reads likes its an ongoing thing. That t-shirt it lush though, I might splash out....
  2. Cherish my old school DVD boxed set greatly. Might have to pick up the recent "new" episodes for completeness sake. Lovely series.
  3. we really gotta put an end to music journalism
  4. Trumps "over here" next week - visiting Blenheim Palace which is just up the road from me. There will be protests no doubt, plenty of students / greenpeace / equality groups. The biggest (silliest?) protest i have seen so far planned is the Baby blimp... It has been given the all clear to fly over London! Haha, gotta love democracy.
  5. This was a numbers quiz I put in Snare/Rush zine #3 If anyone can come up with the correct answer, you win a lollypop
  6. Started playing a few board games at home, as an attempt at getting a new shared interest with the wife (IDM doesnt always cut it) We were big fans of Carcasonne for a while, got a few expansions, but its kinda lost its spark now. We got Pandemic for Christmas but only played it twice so far, its probably better with more players. Looking for our next game now actually, so this thread may prove useful.
  7. Enjoyed ep8, not very often a prime time tv show is subtitled for the full hour. Heart Shaped Box piano remix still makes me lol a bit.
  8. This, together with "Universality" by Mark Ward were the books that got me hooked on fractals and chaos theory. My masters degree project was on space/time intermittency, so turbulent flow along a hose, the onset of chaotic behaviour, percolation limits. All great stuff. I carried on my research well after graduation and kept in touch with my tutor for a while, but I feel that I have forgotten a lot of it now. Couple map lattices ftw:-
  9. a good way to pass the time is reading the 2 or 3 P vs. NP proofs that pop up twice a year then reading the inevitable follow ups where someone finds the flaw in the proof I never did finish reading Godel / Escher / Bach... I gave up about page 500 when there were more symbols than words on each page.
  10. I hope all End is split across 2 different records so I can seamlessly mix between the 2 halves with my rather expensive pioneer dj setup
  11. Anyone looked into the Millennium Problems? (pdf link) The Riemann Hypothesis The Yang-Mill Theory and Mass Gap Hypothesis The P v NP problem The Navier-Stokes Equation The Poincare Conjecture The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture The Hodge Conjecture
  12. if this thing can do clean precise sounds as well as it does all the gnarly textured distorted stuff, then i'm sold. really impressive sounding so far but the demo skewed towards the ultra crunchy beats. would love to hear more to get a sense of its range. ultra crunchy is where i'm heading. This thing looks awesome. *starts saving pennies*
  13. Thank you for recommending the Bob & Paul fishing program, it was really funny. Bob: have you ever been massaged by a Thai lady? Paul; did you say a tea lady?
  14. I loved deep hypnotic prog house. I was a bedrock regular 15 years back, still enjoy Digweeds transitions podcasts now. It all went off the boil around 10 years ago when minimal took over but I'm glad to see a lot of the melodies returning to the music. Best example of the prog I loved ever: Also Satoshi Tomiie and his Saw Recordings label, deep and dark
  15. I wonder who will be on charge for #100... probably Craig Richards I'd guess, or maybe a few discs. It's also the last in the series.
  16. Sasha just mixed Fabric 99 and Its actually pretty good apart from the vocal breaks track at the end of the mix which is apparently a new tune off his label. Favourite house tune lately, Joy Orbison in collaboration with Ben Vince on Saxaphone. 2 solid woozy experimental tunes and first vinyl I've purchased in a few months
  17. Prepare to turn into or already enforce views about Gaia and the interconnectedness of it all. Moore taps into the soil here and I'm sure became symbiotic with it at the same time. Do love me a bit of Swamp Thing and his patience. got the first 2 Alan Moore volumes, will definitely continue on when they come up in a sale at some point
  18. Holy shit awesome lineup. Worth it for Biglad (Shitwife) alone! I quite like the venue too.
  19. "the UFO" is a great tune. He's gone all out Lady Gaga vs Richard Devine on this one.
  20. Same, up to Rifts I was on board, Replica not so much so... then my interest has waned since.
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