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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. 32a reflected is fucking immense, definite boc / nostalgia tones in there. Still taking Clustro Casual as my front runner favourite track http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-WD5TjDjxg6Q/US0Q8cYFlxI/AAAAAAAAWgU/PJiF1JiR9i8/s1600/Fidel-Castro-Rolex-GMT-Master-Reference-1675-from-Jake's-Rolex-World-.jpg Castro Casual
  2. because if his major label association, loads of his work is on boomkat The cassette compilation v0, v1 and v2 are well worth exploring, as is the 4 hour long NATO Uniformen that the above track is from https://boomkat.com/artists/alberich
  3. I think i have been able to consume elseq ok, but most of the live releases have almost passed me by. I paid and downloaded them all, but I've just not given them enough attention as other Autechre releases. Now i have 8 new hours of music to try and get to grips with and its going to be a hell of a task. I'm glad it was broken down into 4 chunks - can you imagine if all this had been dumped on us at once!
  4. ^ more Power Electronics than noise I guess, but pretty influential. Noise acts recently discovered and lusted over:- WINCE ALBERICH (Also borderline power electronics / techno but a masterful catalogue of works from this guy, works with Prurient at hospital productions as their in house engineer)
  5. Issue#4 now available for pre-order, should be ready to ship out w/c 7th May https://blisst.io/nBCgecw Open to trades / paypal / whatever Free copy coming your way soon if you contributed Cheers
  6. Remember when it faded out and back in 20 minutes ago? That was the sound of turning the record over. Actually, hope they stick the parts of this track on different records so I can endlessly mix between them.
  7. This will probably sound fucking lush in 24 bit wav though
  8. Hey guys, is anyone elses stream stuck? Its just been looping the same few seconds over and over for ages. Think i will email NTS tech support
  9. The thing with 6-36 is that its waaayyyyyy longer than anything they had ever released before. Alongside the short 3-4 minute cuts of the main album, it requires a totally different headspace to absorb and sits uncomfortably within the context of the rest of the album. BUT since the arrival of elseq / live / NTS we are growing accustomed to longer autechre tracks and it could be that it seems more accessible.
  10. Yep I get paid tomorrow. The vinyl should be mine.
  11. I was worried about the lack of bass then I remembered I was listening from my phone whilst cycling into the wind
  12. Session 3 is legendary. 2 hours just flew by with so many standout wtf moments. A new golden era
  13. Interesting point just to consider; I wonder if the NTS session # was arbitrarily chosen so that durations get as close to 2 hours as possible. And presumably tracks running order can be split roughly into sections of hour long chunks to fit on the CDs - yes - sadly, I just checked. Therefore it may be fruitless saying you prefer the output of session 3 to session 1, it just worked out that way due to fitting stuff in? It was all one long session, track order doesnt matter.
  14. Monstrous creaky cracky wood block snap percussive insanity whyrknowwerrwhy?
  15. LOL been super busy at work and completely forgot this was on LOL
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