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Everything posted by Stock

  1. I just did and I have to say I'm kind of disappointed by Nintendo's strategy although it was highly previsible. I knew the NX would come out pretty quickly but I thought Nintendo would try to support the Wii U a bit longer, especially with the load of stuff they did to keep it alive recently.
  2. Woopsie. Hopefully Diana Ross' legal service still doesn't know about Vaporwave
  3. Great post Lane. You put words on what vaporwave (especially mallsoft) sounded to me, pretty sure it will be way easier to explain it to my friends now!
  4. Just played Dr Langeskov, a free to play game by the designer of Stanley Parable. Really fun imo, lasts for about 15mn but really well done. Of course you can compare it to Stanley Parable but it's totally not the same thing narration-wise. Kind of a british sense of humor in every bit of the game I guess some people here could enjoy it !
  5. The difficulty level is decided by the game itself based on your level's stats isn't it ?
  6. I'm sure one of you music wizards will be able to trim that silence out of the track with Audacious or whatever the name of that music software y'all use lol!
  7. Yeah I've heard of that before... They've been amazingly quiet, marketing wise, they could have done a lot of money with such a limited release !
  8. Yeah, never heard of the silver edition either...Is it US exclusive ? I'm sure Warp would have marketed the hell of a collector's edition for that album ! Mutant Standard > Ezra btw EDIT : i'd love the Four Tet remix to be part of a Sticky Drama EP !!!
  9. Can someone please sum the next album speculation for me please ? I quit the hype train when people stopped posting in the Imminent Shit thread, did we have some new clues I missed ?
  10. All that discussion about Antichamber really makes me wanna play it...Never had any kind of appeal for puzzle games but might give this one a go, especially since it's for sale on Steam right now for a little less than 4€. Worth it WATMM ?
  11. I refuse to believe in that Doom artwork :( especially since the game is meant to be FUN
  12. So I finally finished my first "level" - tried to do some kind of arcade level, something really simple but, hey, that's my first finished level ! If somebody wanna try it I'd love to have some returns or advices : 2A97-0000-01B2-96CE ! (yeah there are other levels on my account but these were made by my little brother who is probably a better level designer than I am...)
  13. Don't understand how that guy knows if people are coming from WATMM or elsewhere but that page is some dank unlimited stream of dank, dank you very much !
  14. Was totally overexcited when I bought it - the shop owner told me last week he would have "old school" Squarepusher releases in store soonish, when I went there two days ago he was just cleaning the records up and about to put them on the shelves. Managed to snatch the Venus no.17 immediately, did not have moneyz for the other vinyls he had (Selection Sixteen, Budakhan Mindphone, Ultravisitor, Go Plastic...). Hopefully he won't sell them very fast and I'll be able to grab one more !
  15. Speaking of Hyrule Warriors, is the Wii U game worth 50€ ? My brother badly wants it, I'd like to try it but don't know if I should buy it now or wait a little bit Also, I did not forget the WATMM Splatoon tournament (was away from the wii because of my exams but I'll be back this weekend!)
  16. Undertale is an amazing game. It blew my mind when I first played it, but my second playthrough has been even more amazing (for those who played the game as well, I did the True Pacifist Route and almost cried). 10/10 will play again to try the different endings. That's a real must have if you're into RPG (or even if you're not !). Such a funny and wonderfully crafted game !
  17. ^ never heard of that game before but it does look fun. I bought Kerbal Space Program last year because it looked fun too but never played it that much, found it too difficult for me to handle and gave up pretty quick. Not sure if I should buy another engineering game !
  18. Your track is amazing, the production is neat, the drums are amazing. Congratulations sir, I don't know how you managed to produce that just in a week, I'm really impressed !!! I totally forgot to upload my track for week 2. It was not really finished, but yeah, I just forgot it. Dumb me.
  19. Definitely sounds like a cool place to blast some Drexciyan tunes
  20. I just noticed that you can throw "private" games with your Wii U Friends. Since many WATMMers seem to have the game, wouldn't it be nice to play a little Splatoon all together one of these days :) ? The hardest thing will be finding an appropriate moment to play both in EU/US but I'm sure we could organize it ! "Most IDM Inkling Tournament" incoming !
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