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Everything posted by FLA FUR BIS FLE

  1. Don't worry everyone sucks at first, The learning curve on that game is tremendous. I'm assuming you mean Dota 2? If you care at all watch pro matches or "Purge Plays" to pick up a lot of important knowledge quickly. You really aren't going to be any good until you've played most of the heroes though. I put in about 1000 hours before I became decent. It is also really important to have convenient and appropriate key binds otherwise you won't be able to operate at a high level. http://www.purgegamers.com/purge-plays http://www.youtube.com/user/ldDOTA Maybe Read this: http://www.purgegamers.com/welcome-to-dota-you-suck Understanding the game mechanics and how stats affect your overall strength is important. Building items appropriately for the heroes you are facing and your team composition is also an important part of being a good player. Recommended items are a good basis, but they won't win matches when you get to higher queue levels. I'm probably going to fool around on some DayZ in the next week or so. If anyone wants to play then PM me. Please don't be mistaken. I've played Dota, LoL, HoN, Smite etc. I know about the mechanics and learning curve to this style of gaming. I just suck. But yes, I do mean Dota 2, and Purge is pretty good for tutorials/gameplay vids. I tend to be a bit more relaxed in my gameplay though, instead of constantly crunching numbers. This is part of the reason I am not very good. I think I enjoy the collective bizarro experience more than I do the heavy competitive nature of it. I think the best accumulation of what it is like to play a MOBA game can be found in this following video:
  2. da supa lol They can't reach Niagra Falls. Well they can't reach NYC either but they are still threatening it! PUT IT ON THE LIST.
  3. If they were smart they'd target Niagara Falls. Not only do we supply power for most of the eastern seaboard, but this place is a shithole as well.
  4. The Outsiders Haven't seen this movie in ages, so I figured I'd give it another whirl. I have to say that this movie has some of the most oddball acting I've ever seen committed to film. Some of the emotional responses are just lol (such as Dallas/Matt Dillon's death scene). The zoom in on Ralph Macchio's face towards the end fucking killed me. Also, what is with the Stevie Wonder opening and closing music? I suppose it is just a case of the 80s. Slap on a super star musician to a film and you've got a hit. I don't know...the whole experience was just really strange. There is also a slight gay undertone to everything. Maybe I am just oversexualizing it, or reaching too far. Not sure.. but the "comradery" felt like it had gay undertones. I think I am probably reading in to it too much. It didn't really bother me, I was just confused why these rough and tumble greasers were constantly putting their heads in each others laps, long hugs (group hugs too) etc. I have a brother, we are pretty close..but can't remember a time when I was cold at night and he decided to warm me up by spooning me. I guess shit was just different in the 50's/80's 5 out of 10 Gay Greasers & Soc's.
  5. San Francisco is infested with these people. They make the whole Upper Haight district smell like a used condom covered in dog shit. funny story.. i once stayed at a squat where i saw used condom covered in dog shit on the floor. that is because a dog ate the used condom out of the trash and shit it out, in the house. i had just woken up. i walked passed later and someone had opened the door to the bathroom, causing the shit condom to smear across the floor. i did not lose my appetite and ate some breakfast.
  6. Well if it was the kind of gas pistol i am thinking of, ie firing a tear gas cartridge, it could have easily killed him, or caused a serious brain injury. Maybe it was made of plastic, and that is how he managed to get it through security. This is all speculation of course.
  7. Flight eh alright whatever. Dredd Best movie I've watched in the last 5 years. Don't care, really good. Frankenweenie Oh so sad your dog dies Tim Burton your teeth are huge. Tired of Danny Elfman's music. Makes me think of Hot Topic immediately. Jack Skellington elbow high fingerless gloves and unwashed hair. Argo hmrrrrrrrrm. Hate Ben Affleck but this was ok. The drinking scene in the hotel made me lol. The Adjustment Bureau Nope can't do it. The Last Starfighter the 14 Million spent on the computer effects was worth every penny. Killing Them Softly Brad Pitt is Brad Pitt, but I didn't mind it. I like how small of a role Ray Leota had. Not that I don't like Ray Leota, it was just odd to sort of keep it minimal. Zero Dark Thirty Expected to hate it, kind of liked it. The main actress looks like a mix of Bryce Howard and Zelda from Pet Cemetery . RAAAAAAACCCHEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLL!
  8. Silver Linings Playbook was fucking awful. Why are Jennifer Lawrences eyes so little? Why was Chris Tucker in this movie? The dance sequence was the worst thing I've ever seen. Worse than the Chechnyan Beheading video. John Dies At The End. Kind of liked the idea, really boring. Pewp.
  9. Happy People - A Year on the Taiga I already saw this once before, but I rate it highly, up there with "Alone in the Wilderness" in terms of wilderness/survival documentaries. Ambient movie, super lush.
  10. Great release. "Open the Dark" is wicked.
  11. i don't really care about Crystal Castles either way, but the "borrowing" of chiptunes isn't an isolatedevent. They used piece of art by Trevor Brown, put it on tshirts/cds etc, made some cash off of it and didn't bother to toss the guy a credit. The whole fiasco is documented on his blog: http://www.pileup.com/babyart/blog/?p=81 JUST SAYIN' I think he had it resolved eventually. It involved lawyers and shit.
  12. i thought he was going to rip her wedding band out of its guts or something. maybe he just wanted to stab her remains. WHO KNOWS.
  13. toilet reading the last book in this series: I LIEK. If you are a fan of A Song of Fire & Ice, you may dig these. Also currently reading "The History of the Five Nations" by Cadwallader Colden. A bit of local history is nice.
  14. Pretty cool. I understand they were trying to reproduce the game intro, but it would have been slightly better if it wasn't completely verbatim, ie how stiff he moves. But yeah, very neat to see. They pulled off some of the design and effects really well.
  15. lol glad they finally killed off Lori. I feared that they would extend her story for a while, or at the worst, not kill her off at all.
  16. I like that instead of calling the zombies "biters" and "lurkers", they just gave them names like "scum suckin pukes", and "dumb fucks".
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