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Everything posted by zlemflolia

  1. Very important note: That is not me defending those news articles who were seriously posting those things That's me opposing you attacking us over what they said, when we show no indication of legitimately liking those articles, apart from not openly expending energy on opposing them as strongly as you do
  2. Why on earth would I take your advice on how to behave? Y'know, when we act cynical and sarcastic with each other, we might consider whether we're actually trying to make the people around us have a better time or a worse time If you had asked me that a few years ago I would've said "of course I'm interested in making things better" All the while looking for any excuse to be nasty and dismissive and resentful and petty and undermining (I'm still that way but I am working on it) Anyway, I've changed my tune on sincerity and insincerity And their effects I'll leave my argument on that note, I guess Cheers You know how in stereotypical movies there is imagery of creepy people smiling way too much walking towards you? As if they're crazy? This is a real thing and it applies to things like this on a lesser scale too Yeah we all know the Holocaust was bad, but if you bring it up at every moment while people are trying to have harmless fun, we'll all think you're a bit off. We get it, we know.
  3. >2016 >being offended about stuff >taking jokes seriously >sticking up for nebulous abstract victims thats not very idm of you
  4. LOL And I just bought the new poster fuck yeah. Gladly donate a bit to the robseanchre twins If I was a multibillionaire I'd buy a few mil worth of elseq digital vinyls
  5. Exactly, they cover things other people don't bother to cover or who are scared to. The baby in a stroller scene, dad crashing through the window They make it abstract without being lolrandom, the little interludes with weird electronic music are great, the music in general is great The scripts are so good that even though the acting is often laughably horrible, it's still amazing i love this show
  6. these are basically all i listen to now best ae of all time imo just can't even describe it. it has revolutionized my view of music more than anything else ever
  7. I can't wait to see this then realize it was shittier than I ever imagined it could have been, then go home disappointed in humanity and try to numb my mind to avoid committing suicide over the cinematic atrocity that I just witnessed
  8. That sounds like a better way to describe it yes
  9. I'd buy it if it was a reasonable price and if I didn't want the satire to get misunderstood and be put on the no fly list automatically or something.
  10. Subtle distortion modulated in intensity by envelope follower to detect transients and make it stateful and alive sounding. But this is probably the same thing as enveloped distortion anyway. Though it would be more automated.
  11. zlemflolia

    elseq 1-5

    chimer is nice but it feels too simple to me, like it's a couple patches playing a simple melody over and over
  12. I don't think Tri Repetae or Amber sound dated. I think when you listen to AE_LIVE and then listen to Tri Repetae it becomes apparent how it is still ahead of its time. There are so many parallels. What really blows my mind which I don't see discussed much here is the soundboard: Flex - Vienne [1996-02-16] - a Tri Repetae era one It is just so progressive (progressive as in changing, not any other connotations) that it really is like for me the closest thing to AE_LIVE that they've made before AE_LIVE. Idk what I'm saying. It's just so good. Closer to AE_LIVE than anything else they've made AFAIC
  13. So beautiful, I love ae's style of melancholy which is almost a superposition of euphoric and sad
  14. holy LOL Why was that an outtake. They shouldve put that in instead of the dumb midget skit.
  15. Maximum number of lives saved. What other option is there. Maybe we can be a bit objective-erring-on-the-side-of-becoming-immoral and apply weights to individual lives as well. Save the President over two murderers. Realistically though if every car is self driving and we outlaw non-self-driving cars we can make it so no accidents will ever happen. Every car can scan the area they're in constantly, above and below, in front and behind on each side, and share that information over the internet with every other car in the world. And literally they can avoid all accidents. Computers solve problems like this all the time with concurrent scheduling algorithms, it's stupidly easy for them I don't know if you're making a subtle joke or what, but the Utilitarianism vs Deontology debate has been around for a long-ass time... there are some serious problems with "save the most amount of lives" as a moral heuristic...if that were the Highest Good, then we would be morally obliged to (e.g.) kill ONE person and give his organs to FIVE people on a transplant waiting list In short, should we ACTUALLY be pushing one person off a bridge to save the five people down below? Or do we as individuals have a right not to be pushed off bridges for the greater good, or have our organs stolen to save the many? We only have the right to resist them pushing us without feeling bad
  16. The real issue of artificial intelligence is that it is impossible to 100% probe the range and domain of a sufficiently advanced decision making system to test its behavior. You can't see "Hey it's trained in this way so it will do this, and we can now verify it probably won't do this" and trust it, and you cannot brute force it because the domain is too large, the universe would die before we can do that. You have to add in manual overrides for output behavior which limit the decision making abilities of the system. That's my understanding, I haven't studied the topic as much as I should have.
  17. Maximum number of lives saved. What other option is there. Maybe we can be a bit objective-erring-on-the-side-of-becoming-immoral and apply weights to individual lives as well. Save the President over two murderers. Realistically though if every car is self driving and we outlaw non-self-driving cars we can make it so no accidents will ever happen. Every car can scan the area they're in constantly, above and below, in front and behind on each side, and share that information over the internet with every other car in the world. And literally they can avoid all accidents. Computers solve problems like this all the time with concurrent scheduling algorithms, it's stupidly easy for them
  18. I ve thought about self driving cars and the trolley problem ... like should those vehicles be programmed to bump the fat guy in front of a trolley to save the kids ... taking in account it could calculate the physics and probabilities much better faster and more reliably than a human .., on the other hand, when the cars automobiles were invented, suddenly it came very easy to kill people by accident, by negligence or omission and going by the old laws there would have been a lot of "nice people" doing time ... my understanding is that there wasn't any extyra demand for philosophy, it was resolved politically or by legal adjustments .... I've also thought about the life extension immortality business ... suppose it becomes reality, the treatmentm the pill would cost let's say 1000 dollars a day ... how could you protect the industry against cheap generic pirated equivalents, or Canadian imports I think it's pretty simple - they will do what we tell them to do, or what their training data suggests they should do. There isn't some objective answer that an ultimate intelligence could discover.
  19. Nick is by far the best, he always hits hardest Last episode of the season coming on tonight, it will be good I'm sure of it. I hope to God there's a season 2
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